Maximilian von Kesseler

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Maximilian Josef Hubert Rudolf Goswin von Kesseler (born December 2, 1864 in Bonn - Poppelsdorf , † September 1, 1935 in Münster ) was a Prussian district administrator .

Life and origin

The Catholic Kesseler was a son of the Premier Lieutenant a. D. and manor owner Franz von Kesseler (born January 21, 1830) and his wife Klara von Kesseler, b. Simons (born February 8, 1827). After taking home lessons and attending high schools in Cologne , Ahrweiler and Düren , he passed his school leaving examination at Easter 1885 . He then studied in Freiburg , Leipzig , Strasbourg and Bonn law , as well as of 1891/92 economics and history at the University of Berlin . In the period from October 1, 1886 to October 1, 1887, he was obliged to serve with the Uhlan Regiment No. 15 in Strasbourg. On April 27, 1889 he became a trainee lawyer at the Cologne Higher Regional Court , from March 14, 1892 he was a government trainee with the Koblenz government , which was followed on July 26, 1894 by the appointment of a government assessor. Then from March to August 1895 he was an unskilled laborer at the Osnabrück District Office , then until April 1, 1897 at the Essen District Office and until March 31, 1899 at the Moers District Office . On May 7, 1899, he moved to the Düsseldorf government , where he was appointed provisional district administrator of the Bitburg district on August 5, 1900 (by decree of March 25, 1901). The final appointment by the highest cabinet order followed on April 1, 1901. In Bitburg he was a. a. Secretary of the Association for the Industrial Development of the South Eifel . Because of, as it was said, " unbridgeable tensions with the Catholic clergy ", he was appointed provisional district administrator of the district of Geldern on January 2, 1913 , and took up office on January 29, 1913. In 1918 he was appointed to the secret government councilor In January 1923 he was expelled by the Interallied Rhineland Commission (IRKO), which did not allow him again. In December 1924 he finally became government director at the Münster government , where he was retired on April 1, 1930.


Kesseler was in Morenhoven since August 31, 1898 with Paula von Jordans (born August 31, 1878 in Morenhoven), daughter of the manor owner ( Burg Morenhoven ) Friedrich von Jordan and his wife Antonie, née. von Sandt, married. A younger brother of his was Friedrich von Kesseler , who was also district administrator.


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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Horst Romeyk : The leading state and municipal administrative officials of the Rhine Province 1816–1945 (=  publications of the Society for Rhenish History . Volume 69 ). Droste, Düsseldorf 1994, ISBN 3-7700-7585-4 , p. 566 f .
  2. Handbook of the Prussian Nobility, Volume 1, 1892, p. 259