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Fields at Mehara
The Suco Mehara forms the west of the administrative office of Tutuala.  The place Mehara is in the north of the Sucos.
surface 107.82 km²
population 2,262  (2015)
Chefe de Suco Zé Meigo Neto
(election 2009)
Aldeias Population  (2015)
Loiquero 809
Porlamano 851
Porous 602
Mehara (East Timor)
Coordinates: 8 ° 24 '  S , 127 ° 11'  E

Mehara is a village and a suco in the east of the East Timorese administrative office Tutuala ( Lautém municipality ). "Mehara" is the Fataluku word for "ants".

The village

A hamlet in Mehara

Mehara is located at 545  m above sea level , in the northern part of the Sucos on a poorly developed road that connects the place Tutuala on the eastern tip of Timor, with the municipal capital Lospalos and the rest of the country. Minibuses, so-called microléts , serve as public transport. Mehara is located 218 km east of the state capital Dili and 24 km northeast of Lospalos as the crow flies .

The place has a community health center, elementary school and preparatory school for secondary school. In the village there are many traditional huts in the style of the local ethnic group, the Fataluku .

Among other things, the last 100 speakers of the national language Makuva , the only native Malayo-Polynesian language in the municipality of Lautém, live here . Most of the other residents speak the Papuan language Fataluku as their mother tongue , which is also increasingly used by the younger generation of Makuva. The Makuva were relocated to Lovaia from their original home villages of Loiquero on the north coast and Porlamano in 1946 . Later they were resettled in the village of Mehara.

The Suco

places position height
Loiquero 8 ° 24 '  S , 127 ° 11'  E 545  m
Loiquero 8 ° 22 ′  S , 127 ° 9 ′  E 353  m
Mehara 8 ° 24 '  S , 127 ° 11'  E 545  m
Porlamano 8 ° 24 '  S , 127 ° 11'  E 496  m
Porous 8 ° 25 ′  S , 127 ° 7 ′  E 503  m
Dancer in Mehara (2020)
Fisherman at Mehara

2262 people live in Mehara (2015), of which 1095 are men and 1167 women. The population density is 21.0 inhabitants / km². There are 443 households in the Suco. Over 98% of the population name Fataluku as their mother tongue. Minorities speak Tetum Prasa or Makuva.

The Suco forms the western part of the Tutuala Administrative Office, on the Wetar Strait . To the east is the Suco Tutuala . In the west Mehara borders on the Lautém administrative office with its Suco Com , in the southwest and south on the Lospalos administrative office with the sucos Bauro and Muapitine . The northern tip of Mehara is Cape Ponta Aimoco Meno , further east, just a little further south, is the Ponta Tei .

South of the Tutuala - Lospalos road, Mehara extends to the Ira Lalaro (Suro-bec) , the largest lake in East Timor, whose floodplains extend deep into the Suco. Here lies the Moto sump ( 8 ° 25 '  S , 127 ° 9'  O ), with small lakes and inflows. In this flooded area, the water of the lake is up to one meter high in the Nauclea orientalis forests in February . The southern part of the Ira Lalaros is located in the Lospalos administrative office. The area of ​​the lake varies from 10 km² in the dry season to 55 km² in the rainy season. The lake is an important habitat, especially for Timor’s rich bird life, which is why it, together with large parts of the Lautém municipality, belongs to the Nino Konis Santana National Park . Several hundred saltwater crocodiles live in the lake. The seasonal flooding has so far prevented economic development in the area around the lake.

The hamlets of Loiquero ( Loikero , Loikere , Louiquero ) and Porlamano ( Polamanu ) are located near the administrative center of Mehara . The hamlet of Poros ( Ponos , Purus ) is on the road further west . Loiquero ( Loikero , Loiquere ) is located on the north coast .

In Mehara there are the three Aldeias Loiquero , Porlamano and Poros .

Before the 2015 regional reform, Mehara had an area of ​​190.67 km². Mehara used to reach as far as the Timor Sea in the south. Almost the entire Ira Lalaro belonged to the Suco and south of it the mountain Paitchau and the place Malahara . The area is now part of the Suco Muapitine. The border to Suco Tutuala has been straightened. Now Mehara has an area of ​​107.82 km².

In addition to the village of Mehara, Poros also has a primary school. Aldeias are Loiquero, Porlamano and Poros.


Ruins from the Portuguese colonial days on the north coast of Mehara

Traces of prehistoric settlement have been found in the two caves of Matja Kuru . Remains of captured animals that are 3500 to 4000 years old have been found, including for the first time the remains of the Coryphomys musseri , an extinct species of rat. Another find from Matja Kuru 2 is part of a 35,000 year old harpoon. Rock paintings were discovered in Vérulu .

In 1976 Mehara was a retreat of the FALINTIL , who fought against the Indonesian invaders. Here they founded a base de apoio , a resistance base that offered refuge for refugees from what was then the Lautém district . The base was later destroyed by the Indonesians.

In the 1980s, freedom fighter and later President and Prime Minister of East Timor, Xanana Gusmão , hid in Mehara.

Between August 5 and 8, 1983, hundreds of members of armed militias ( Wanra , Hansip ) from Mehara, Lore , Leuro and Serelau deserted and joined FALINTIL. The Indonesians carried out punitive actions in their hometowns. Hundreds of women and others who were left behind were rounded up on trucks and interned for several months. Torture and rape occurred. Several hundred families were later forcibly relocated to the island of Atauro , where they had to stay for years.


In the 2004/2005 elections , Alvaro da Assunção was elected Chefe de Suco. In the 2009 elections , Zé Meigo Neto won .


Twice a year the Mechi of the Fataluku takes place on the coast , the gathering of the Meci worms ( Eunice viridis ). The smaller Mechi kiik takes place in the last quarter of the moon in February and the large Mechi boat at the new moon in March .

Web links

Commons : Mehara  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Direcção-Geral de Estatística : Results of the 2015 census , accessed on November 23, 2016.
  2. Geoffrey Hull : The placenames of East Timor , in: Placenames Australia (ANPS): Newsletter of the Australian National Placenames Survey, June 2006, pp. 6 & 7, ( Memento of February 14, 2017 in the Internet Archive ). September 2014.
  3. a b c d UNMIT: Timor-Leste District Atlas version 02, August 2008 ( Memento from December 3, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 389 kB)
  4. a b The unofficial guide to East Timor
  5. ^ Geoffrey Hull: The Languages ​​of East Timor: Some Basic Facts ( January 19, 2008 memento in the Internet Archive )
  6. Directory of Cities, Towns, and Regions in East Timor
  7. Results of the 2010 census for the Suco Mehara ( tetum ; PDF; 8.6 MB)
  8. Eisemberg, CC Costa, BG Guterres, EC Reynolds, SJ & Christian, K .: Notes on Chelodina mccorditimorensis Biology, Harvest, Current Threats, andCommunity Perceptions in the Lake Iralalaro Region, Timor-Leste , Chelonioan Conservation and Biology, 2016, 15 (1): 69-78.
  9. Hinrich Kaiser et al., PhD, Department of Biology, Victor Valley College: The herpetofauna of Timor-Leste: a first report
  10. Jornal da Républica with the Diploma Ministerial n. 199/09 ( Memento of February 3, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) (Portuguese; PDF; 323 kB)
  11. Direcção Nacional de Estatística: Population Distribution by Administrative Areas Volume 2 English ( Memento from January 5, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) (Census 2010; PDF; 22.6 MB)
  12. Jornal da Républica with the Diploma Ministerial n. 199/09 ( Memento of February 3, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) (Portuguese; PDF; 323 kB)
  13. Miksic, John Norman; Goh, Geok Yian; O'Connor, Sue: Press Rethinking Cultural Resource Management in Southeast Asia: Preservation, Development, and Neglect ISBN 978-0-85728-389-4
  14. KP Aplin, KM Helgen: Quaternary Murid Rodents of Timor. Part I: New Material of Coryphomys buehleri Schaub, 1937, and Description of a Second Species of the Genus. In: Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 341, 2010, pp. 1-80, doi : 10.1206 / 692.1
  15. ^ S. O'Connor, G. Robertson, KP Aplin: Are osseous artefacts a window to perishable material culture? Implications of an unusually complex bone tool from the Late Pleistocene of East Timor in Journal of Human Evolution, January 15, 2014, accessed January 23, 2014
  16. Süddeutsche Zeitung: Knowledge: 35000 DIE ZAHL , 23. January 2014 ( memento of February 2, 2014 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on January 23, 2014
  17. ^ Sue O'Connor: Nine New Painted Rock Art Sites from East Timor in the Context of the Western Pacific Region , pp. 19 ff., Asia Perspectives, Vol. 42, No.1, 2003 , accessed April 6, 2020.
  18. a b "Chapter 7.3 Forced Displacement and Famine" (PDF; 1.3 MB) from the "Chega!" Report of the CAVR (English)
  19. Secretariado Técnico de Administração Eleitoral STAE: Eleições para Liderança Comunitária 2004/2005 - Resultados ( Memento of August 4, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
  20. Secretariado Técnico de Administração Eleitoral STAE: Eleições para Liderança Comunitária 2009 - Resultados ( Memento of August 4, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
  21. Brochure of the National Park Nino Konis Santana (English; PDF; 3.8 MB), accessed on December 25, 2012
  22. ^ The Timor-Leste Coastal / Marine Habitat Mapping for Tourism and Fisheries Development Project, Project No 2, Coastal and Marine Ecotourism Values, Issues and Opportunities on the North Coast of Timor Leste, Final Report, October 2009 ( Memento from March 29, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 15.2 MB), accessed on December 28, 2012
  23. ^ The Timor-Leste Coastal / Marine Habitat Mapping for Tourism and Fisheries Development Project, Project No 4, Conservation Values, Issues and Planning in the Nino Konis Santana Marine Park, Timor Leste - Final Report, October 2009 ( Memento from March 29, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 9.2 MB), accessed on December 28, 2012

f1Georeferencing Map with all coordinates: OSM | WikiMap