NGC 7686

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Open star cluster
NGC 7686
NGC7686 - SDSS DR14 (panorama) .jpg
SDSS recording, angle of view 30 '× 30'
Constellation Andromeda
equinox : J2000.0
Right ascension 23 h 30 m 07.4 s
declination + 49 ° 08 ′ 03 ″

classification IV1p
Brightness  (visual) 5.6 likes
Angular expansion 15.0 '
Number of stars about 80
Brightest star HD 221246 (6.2 mag) mag
Physical data

Affiliation Milky Way
distance  5000 ly
(1534 pc )
diameter 100 ly
Discovered by Wilhelm Herschel
Discovery time December 3, 1787
Catalog names
 NGC  7686 • C 2327 + 488 •  Cr  456 •  GC  4976 •  H  VIII 69 •  h  2249 • OCl 251

NGC 7686 in the constellation Andromeda is believed to be an asterism that is listed as an open star cluster in many catalogs . It has an apparent diameter of 15 'and an apparent magnitude of 5.6 mag. NGC  7686 contains about 80 stars, the brightest of which is HD 221246 with an apparent magnitude of 6.2 mag.

It was discovered by Wilhelm Herschel on December 3, 1787 .

Individual evidence

  2. a b c SEDS : NGC 7686
  3. AL Tadross: A catalog of 120 NGC open star cluster . In: Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society , 44, 2011, pp. 1-11. doi: 10.5303 / JKAS.2011.44.1.1 .
  4. Johnson et al .: Galactic clusters as indicators of stellar evolution and galactic structure ; in: Lowell Observatory Bulletin No. 113, Vol. V, pp. 133ff. bibcode : 1961LowOB ... 5..133J
  5. Seligman