Small meadows nature reserve - At the eyrie near Kahla

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The nature reserve viewed from the air
"Kleine Wiesen" nature reserve

The nature reserve Kleine Wiesen - An den Horsten bei Kahla is located in the Elbe-Elster district in Brandenburg .

The nature reserve is located on both sides of the Węgliniec – Falkenberg / Elster railway about one kilometer northwest of Kahla in the Niederlausitzer Heidelandschaft nature park , which covers an area of ​​484 km². With an area of ​​21 hectares, it is the first protected area to be designated by the Elbe-Elster district itself . The area is located on the western border of the Schraden , a 15,000-hectare lowland area in the Breslau-Magdeburg glacial valley and is located there on a Pleistocene valley sand surface at the transition from the Elster lowlands to the plateau adjacent to the north of the Hohenleipisch-Plessa terminal moraine that formed during the Saale cold period . Among other things, it includes a wet meadow complex with spring areas and orchid occurrences, which has become rare in this form .

As early as 1980, voluntary nature conservation workers have made efforts to put the meadows under protection, which were repeatedly saved from reforestation through voluntary work by hand mowing and de-bushing . The maintenance of the core zones is currently carried out by contract nature conservation under the direction of the nature park administration. The Elbe-Elster district has acquired the centerpiece, which makes up about a quarter of the protected area.

Protection purpose

The protection purpose consists in the maintenance and development of the area as part of a particularly richly structured fresh and wet meadow landscape and as a retreat for the original plant communities of these meadows. In its function it serves as a habitat, stepping stone biotope and re-expansion center of protected or threatened plant and animal species communities of the extensive grassland communities .

The fauna

Red- backed shrike ( Lanius collurio )

29 species of breeding birds were found in the nature reserve. There are larger occurrences here of the 16-18 cm large red- backed shrike , which is on the Red List of Endangered Animal and Plant Species published by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) and prefers the terrain in the area as a habitat .

There is also a species-rich fauna of grasshoppers , beetles and butterflies , including highly endangered species such as the golden hedge , stag beetle and the common pied butterfly . Larger deposits are still on the type of brown frogs counting Moorfrosch .

Another endangered species in the nature reserve is the green ram . This butterfly belongs to the ram family and flies out between May and August, depending on the climatic conditions. The moths reach a wingspan of 20 to 25 millimeters and have black-blue or blue-green forewings after hatching.

In June 2017, the mourning rose beetle was detected in the nature reserve .

Spotted orchid ( Dactylorhiza maculata )


The nature reserve is characterized by the small-scale alternation of various wet grassland areas , alder forests , hardwood forests and bushes. The basis of the protected area is formed by the occurrence of typical character species of the biotopes of moist, nutrient-poor grassland locations. Occurrences include the trembling grass , the small rattlespot , the devil's bite , the cuckoo's carnation , the swamp yarrow , the lung gentian , the spotted orchid and the caraway silge . Its preservation is to be ensured through careful landscape management, the improvement of the area's water balance and the prevention of substance inputs.

References and footnotes

  1. Luise Grundmann, Dietrich Hanspach: Der Schraden , pp. 1-19, Böhlau, September 2001, ISBN 978-3-412-10900-4
  2. Proof of the weeping rose beetle in the Kleine Wiesen nature reserve on the homepage of the Niederlausitzer Heidelandschaft nature park, accessed on June 24, 2017

Web links

Commons : Nature reserve Kleine Wiesen - An den Horsten bei Kahla  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 51 ° 28 ′ 25.6 ″  N , 13 ° 33 ′ 22.6 ″  E