Nera (Tiber)

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The Nera in the city center of Terni

The Nera in the city center of Terni

location Marche , Umbria , Latium ( Italy )
River system Tiber
Drain over Tiber  → Tyrrhenian Sea
River basin district Appennino Centrale
source On Monte Porche , in the Monti Sibillini
muzzle For places in the Tiber, coordinates: 42 ° 26 '35 "  N , 12 ° 24' 44"  E 42 ° 26 '35 "  N , 12 ° 24' 44"  E

length 116 km
Catchment area 4280 km²
Left tributaries Corno, Velino , Serra
Medium-sized cities Terni
Small towns Narni , places
Communities Castelsantangelo sul Nera , Visso , Preci , Norcia , Cerreto di Spoleto , Vallo di Nera , Sant'Anatolia di Narco , Scheggino , Ferentillo , Arrone , Montefranco

The Nera ( Italian la Nera , also il Nera ; Latin Nar ) is a river in central Italy . It is the largest tributary of the Tiber .


The sources of the Nera are near Castelsantangelo sul Nera and Visso on Monte Porche (also called Porche di Vallinfante , located in the Monti Sibillini National Park ) in the province of Macerata , Marche . At Triponzo (part of the municipality of Cerreto di Spoleto ) the river enters Umbrian territory and runs in a south-westerly direction through the provinces of Perugia and Terni . Part of the water is led from Triponzo through a 42 km long canal ( Canale medio Nera ) into Lake Piediluco . The upper part of the river valley forms the Valnerina area .

Before Terni, the tributary Velino forms the Cascata delle Marmore waterfall at its confluence with the Nera (near Marmore, district of Terni ) . Shortly afterwards he passes the Roman bridge Ponte del Toro , a bridge ruin today. At Narni the Nera flows through a deep gorge ( Gola del Nera ) and flows into the Tiber from the left at Orte .

Major tributaries of the Nera are the Corno, Velino and Vigi.


Web links

Commons : Nera  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Enciclopedie on line Treccani (ital.)
  2. cf. Treccani