Oliver Rehmann

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Oliver Rehmann (* 1982 in Ibbenbüren ) is a German jazz musician ( drums , percussion).

Live and act

As a child, Rehmann began to play his uncle's drums. At the age of 8 he received drum lessons. A year later he also began taking piano lessons; on this instrument he won first prizes in the Jugend musiziert competition . His interest in jazz led to a German-American jazz exchange in 1997 at the University of North Texas and Los Angeles . Increasingly, he concentrated on the drums and especially the jazz drums; In 1999 and 2001 he took first place in the Jugend jazzt competition . For two years he was a member of the State Youth Orchestra of North Rhine-Westphalia. From 2002 Rehmann studied at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam with Martijn Vink and Marcel Seriese; there he also took part in workshops by Bill Stewart and Joey Baron , among others .

After completing his bachelor's degree, Rehmann moved to Cologne in 2006. In 2008 he won the Biberach Jazz Prize with the Hornstrom Quartet (with Klaus Heidenreich , Tobias Wember and Markus Braun ) . He is currently a member of Matthias Akeo Nowak's KOi Trio and the bands of Anne Hartkamp , Oliver Lutz , Jens Böckamp and Julian & Roman Wasserfuhr . He also worked with Riccardo Del Fra , Pablo Held , the Duisburg Philharmonic and the WDR Radio Orchestra . He kicked u. a. at the Viersen Jazz Festival, the Novi Sad Jazz Festival, Rheingau Music Festival and the Düsseldorf Jazz Rally . The concert activity took him across Europe and to South Africa. He can also be heard on albums by Esther Berlansky and Ana Mai .

Discographic notes

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