Otto von Marchtaler

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Otto von Marchtaler (1916)

Otto Erhard von Marchtaler (born June 9, 1854 in Wiblingen , † January 11, 1920 in Stuttgart ) was a Württemberg Colonel General and 1906/18 Minister of War .



Otto von Marchtaler came from an old Ulm councilor who had risen to the nobility of the Holy Roman Empire in 1599 . His father was the Württemberg colonel Heinrich von Marchtaler (1822-1891). The paternal grandparents were the Württemberg Major Hans von Marchtaler (1786–1848) and Franziska Alexia, née Freiin von Handel (1794–1880). Otto von Marchtaler's mother Elise (1830-1894) came from the marriage of the princely Fürstenberg accountant Johann Friedrich Müller with Friederike Lisette Christiane Glock in Donaueschingen.

Military career

Marchtaler, who belonged to the Protestant church , attended grammar schools in Stuttgart, Ellwangen and Ludwigsburg , where the father served in the respective garrison. In 1869 Marchtaler entered the Ludwigsburg War School in Württemberg . With the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War , he joined the 4th Infantry Regiment of the Württemberg Army as an ensign . In December 1870 he was made a lieutenant .

Since 1884 Marchtaler was captain in command of a company in the infantry regiment "Kaiser Wilhelm, King of Prussia" (2nd Württembergisches) No. 120 . In 1886 he came as an adjutant to the General Command of the XIII. Württemberg Army Corps . In 1890 he was promoted to major . As a wing adjutant to the King of Württemberg, he joined the military cabinet in Berlin in 1893 to represent his country's military interests. In 1897 he was promoted to colonel . From 1898 he was in the Württemberg Ministry of War, among other things, responsible for the personnel of the Württemberg officers. In 1900 he was promoted to military plenipotentiary in Berlin. After he had been appointed city ​​commander of Stuttgart in 1903 , he was appointed Minister of War on June 10, 1906. As Minister of State and Head of the Württemberg Department of Warfare, he was a member of the Breitling and Weizsäcker governments until November 1918 . In 1908 he became adjutant general of King Wilhelm II and received the rank of general of the infantry .

After the beginning of the First World War , in September 1914 he also occupied the position of deputy commanding general of the XIII. Army Corps in order to have a direct view of the instructions issued from Berlin and thus to be able to maintain a residual degree of independence of the Württemberg military administration. According to Marchtaler, party politics had to be subordinate to military interests during the war. For health reasons he did not join the last “parliamentary” government of the royal state government, the Liesching government, which was formed shortly before the November Revolution .


Marchtaler married Helene Milz (1855–1935) in Heilbronn in 1879. She was the daughter of the Stuttgart-based attorney general Ewald Milz and his wife Berta Luise Marie, née Haag. The marriage remained childless.


Grave in the Pragfriedhof in Stuttgart


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r Court and State Manual of the Kingdom of Württemberg 1914. p. 26.
  2. Otto von Moser : Die Württemberger in the world wars. 2nd expanded edition, Chr.Belser AG, Stuttgart 1928, p. 109.
  3. Prussian War Ministry (ed.): Ranking list of the Royal Prussian Army and the XIII. (Royal Württemberg) Army Corps for 1914. ES Mittler & Sohn , Berlin 1914, p. 1156.