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Municipality Klingenberg
Coordinates: 50 ° 54 ′ 51 ″  N , 13 ° 37 ′ 9 ″  E
Area : 70 ha
Residents : 49  (December 31, 2016)
Population density : 70 inhabitants / km²
Incorporation : July 1, 1950
Incorporated into: Ruppendorf
Postal code : 01774
Area code : 035055
Paulshain (Saxony)

Location of Paulshain in Saxony

Paulshain is a district of the Saxon community of Klingenberg in the Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains district .


Paulshain is about four kilometers from Höckendorf and six kilometers from the large district town of Dippoldiswalde . To the east of the village, the Rote Weißeritz is dammed up to form the Malter dam. The Borlasbach rises at the foot of the Paulsdorfer Heide , which is close to the village . With an area of ​​0.7 square kilometers, Paulshain is the smallest district in Höckendorf.

Neighboring places

Höckendorf Borlas Seifersdorf
Obercunnersdorf Neighboring communities Paulsdorf
Ruppendorf Dippoldiswalde


Seal of the community Paulshain

Paulshain was founded in 1540 in the Pawlshain forest, which gave the village its name. The Waldhufendorf belonged to the Dippoldiswalde office . The manor of Berreuth exercised the manorial rule . In the early 19th century, attempts were unsuccessful in Paulshain to mine hard coal . From 1856 to 1875 Paulshain belonged to the Dippoldiswalde court office , then to the Dippoldiswalde district administration . In 1952 Paulshain became part of the Dippoldiswalde district (later the district). In 1994 the district of Freital and the district of Dippoldiswalde merged to form the Weißeritz district .

On July 1, 1950, Paulshain was incorporated into the municipality of Ruppendorf and on March 1, 1994 together with this into the municipality of Höckendorf. Paulshain has been part of the Klingenberg community since December 31, 2012.

Development of the population

year population
1551 6 possessed men, 4 residents
1764 5 gardeners , 2 cottagers
1834 60
1871 60
1890 71
1910 46
1925 52
1939 57
year population
1946 75
2007 51
2010 49
2011 46
2013 44
2014 45
2015 47
2016 49

Web links

Commons : Paulshain  - collection of images, videos and audio files
  • Paulshain in the Digital Historical Directory of Saxony

Individual evidence

  1. Statistics residents registration office 2016. In: Klingenberg municipal administration, accessed on November 5, 2018 .
  2. ( Memento from April 29, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  3. a b Cf. Paulshain in the Digital Historical Directory of Saxony
  4. Federal Statistical Office (Ed.): Municipalities 1994 and their changes since 01.01.1948 in the new federal states . Metzler-Poeschel, Stuttgart 1995, ISBN 3-8246-0321-7 .