Lieding parish church

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Lieding parish church with Karner

The Roman Catholic parish church Lieding in the town of the same name in the municipality of Strasbourg in Carinthia is consecrated to St. Margaretha . The church building and the rectory are under monument protection .


The church was founded in 975 by Countess Imma - probably the grandmother of St. Hemma von Gurk - at its current location and first mentioned in a document in 1043 in connection with Hemma. In 1131 it became a parish church and is one of the original parishes in Carinthia. In 1158 a pastor was named Otto de Livbedingen .

The Romanesque portal

After a fire around 1200, the church was replaced by a new building. From this the west portal and the walls of the nave were preserved. Under Bishop Gerold (1326-1333) Lieding was subordinated to the college chapter of Strasbourg. The provosts of Strasbourg held the wealthy Lieding parish for a long time; some also resided here. A three-aisled early Gothic hall crypt was built between 1330 and 1350 . The choir was built above it and a four-storey tower was added to the south side of the nave, in which a baptistery was located until 1770. This was decorated with frescoes from the first half of the 14th century, which depicted the life of John the Baptist . Today they are whitewashed, only the beheading of the Baptist is visible.

At the time of the Turkish invasions in the second half of the 15th century, the church complex was expanded to defend itself, with the church, charnel house, rectory and the farm building being connected to one another for defense purposes. The walls that were erected at that time are no longer preserved, only the iron-studded doors of the rectory still bear witness to the once defensive function.

During the Baroque period , the church received its interior fittings, the Gothic tracery windows of the nave were given arched ends, the vault of the nave was renewed, the tower was raised by one storey and crowned with an onion helmet. The two-bay sacristy with groin vault was built, the vestibule was added to the church in the west and two supporting pillars were added to the north side.

The interior of the church was restored for the millennium in 1975. Since the frescoes in the nave and choir from the 14th, 15th and 18th centuries were poorly preserved, they were whitewashed again during the restoration of the church. In 2007 the new Margaretenglocke from Grassmayr from Innsbruck was consecrated.

The Lieding parish still covers a large part of the Strasbourg area. The parish of Strasbourg used to be like an island within the parish of Lieding.

Building description

Maria with child between Margaretha and Katharina
Look at the choir


The choir, which dates from the first half of the 14th century, is five steps above the nave and is of the same width as the nave. It extends over two yokes and has a 5/8 end . A ribbed vault is attached above richly profiled, capitalless wall pillars. The two-part high tracery windows in the end of the choir were donated by Ortolfus Rattensperger and his wife in 1343.

A well-preserved fresco from around 1460 can be seen on the north outer wall of the choir. Mary is shown with her child in a ray of light, flanked by the holy women Margaretha and Katharina . On the left kneels the small painted donor couple. The fresco next to it from the 17th century, which shows the Blessed Mother handing the scapular over to St. Bernard, is less well preserved .


The nave has a single nave and four bays , has a late Gothic pointed barrel with stitch caps and baroque pilasters with composite capitals . In the south wall of the nave there are baroque redesigned windows, the north side has no windows. The late Gothic west gallery has two bays and is vaulted under with pointed arches and groin vaults on round pillars. The gallery is provided with a stuccoed parapet from the middle of the 18th century and carries the organ. The step portal consists of a set pair of columns, a round arch, a round bulge and an arch relief. It is surrounded by a closed baroque porch.

On the southern outer wall of the nave there is a fragmentary St. Christopher fresco and a late baroque wooden crucifix.


Most of the furnishings date from the late 18th century and were created by Johann Georg Hittinger and his workshop.


High altar from 1771
Relief from 1670

The glass paintings in the windows date from 1340/1350 and show the following motifs in a cycle of 28 panes: Scenes from the life of Saints Catherine and Margaretha, the mercy seat , apostles, various saints and Christ as a teacher.

The high altar by Hittinger (1771) is a late Baroque masterpiece and fits well between the glass windows of the choir without obscuring their motifs. Without the use of columns, the reredos grow out of the magnificent tabernacle, which is framed by angels and putti. Other angels and putti hold the carved curtain of a canopy to reveal the statue of Mary of Victory , which is surrounded by a halo adorned with angels' heads. Mary, whose head is wreathed by twelve stars, stands on the globe surrounded by a snake with an apple and holds the baby Jesus in her arms, who is killing the snake with his long cross staff. Above the canopy, God the Father appears above a few clouds under which the dove of the Holy Spirit hovers. At the feet of Mary are the statues of St. Margaretha and John Nepomuk on the side . Peter and Paul stand a little lower, on the side above the arches of the altar surround St. Joseph and on the right a guardian angel with a child and on the far outside the Saints Isidore and Notburga . The figure of Joseph is also interpreted as James the Elder .

Opposite the north-facing sacrament niche with a lamb of God as a relief representation in the arched field, there are three-part sediles in a niche on the south side of the choir . A relief from 1670 hangs above the entrance to the sacristy, showing St. Hemma and her husband Wilhelm presenting a model of the Gurk Cathedral to God the Father who appears above the clouds. Around 1720 an essay with an oval image of St. Agathe was added to the relief . The relief is flanked by statues of the apostles John and Thomas. On the opposite north side there is a carving with an image of St. Anthony of Padua in the middle. This was painted by Josef Ferdinand Fromiller around 1720 . Saint Catherine is depicted in the essay. On either side are statues of the apostles Judas Thaddäus and Simon in majolica .


The two side altars from 1777 were also created by Hittinger. They are inclined in the corners of the nave. The altar on the north side shows a picture of the Nativity with the Adoration of the Shepherds, framed by Rococo ornaments. The Marian monogram can be seen in the essay. There are statues of Saints Catherine and Barbara on the sides . The south-facing altar bears a picture of floating angels holding a large monstrance with a host . The Jesus monogram IHS is affixed above the picture . The two statues on the flanks of the altar are interpreted as Ignatius von Loyola and Franz Xavier .

During Lent, the high altar and side altars are covered with Lenten cloths from the second half of the 18th century, which are painted with oil on canvas. They belong to the one-scene type and show flagellation, crowning of thorns and the crucifixion of Jesus. The scene of the flagellation covers the left side altar, that of the crowning of thorns the right. The two sheets are each 2.00 meters wide and 2.50 meters high. The cloth with the crucifixion intended for the high altar measures 2.80 by 4.20 meters. The crucified is flanked by Mary and John, while Mary Magdalene, kneeling, embraces the trunk of the cross. At the bottom there is an inscription on a white stripe: "Father forgive you, because you do not know what you are doing."


The white and gold pulpit also comes from Hittinger. Statues of the four Latin church fathers adorn your basket . Between them are three gilded reliefs with the baptism of Christ, the parable of the sower and the journey of the disciples to Emmaus . Above the basket on the left, behind an arm with a crucifix, a woman with a chalice and a book represents faith, on the right a woman with an anchor depicts hope. The sound cover is adorned with a small mountain on which the Transfiguration of Christ can be seen: Moses and Elijah appear with Jesus in front of the eyes of three apostles . The Ten Commandments are at the feet of Moses .

The baptismal font was redesigned in Baroque style by Hittinger around 1770. In front of a frame designed in the Rococo style, the lid is decorated with a carved group depicting the baptism of Christ by John, above which the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove and God the Father hover. In the vicinity of the baptismal font, a grave slab with a relief of a Fatschen child is built into the wall, which is supposed to represent Katharina Susanna Prandtl, who died in 1649 at the age of ten days. To the left of the baptismal font is a small baroque statue of St. Margaret on a plate that belongs to a niche.

On consoles on the walls of the choir and nave stand life-size apostle figures framed in white and gold from around 1770, attributed to Hittinger. He also made two archangels on the parapet of the organ loft, the left one with a flaming sword and shield, the right one with soul scales and trumpet. Only the case of an organ from the late 18th century remains.


Tympanum of the portal

The Romanesque west portal from around 1220 leads from the baroque vestibule into the nave. In the arched area of ​​the portal, a relief shows a motif from the Margaret legend. In the left half a dragon is shown devouring Margaretha's clothes and shoes, while the saint appears unscathed above the dragon, which arouses associations with paintings in which Eve is drawn up out of Adam's body by God when she was created. On the right is a lion, on whose head Margarethe places her left hand and points to it with the index finger of the other hand. At the top left an angel hovers behind the saint and puts his hand on her shoulder. On the south side of the vestibule there are Roman grave inscriptions for the couple Attalus and Aeta. On the north side there is a sacrificial table with two Romanesque capital fragments.

Crypt, tower and sacristy


The early Gothic hall crypt, built in 1330/50, has the same area as the choir room above it. At the steps between the choir and the nave, two stairs lead down to the side. Another entrance is on its south wall. The crypt, whose groin vault rests on round pillars, has three aisles, three bays and a 5/8 end. The Lamentation of Christ is shown in the form of a group of four in the cafeteria in the choir .

The mighty, square five-storey tower on the south side of the nave has large sound windows on the bell storey and is crowned with a baroque onion helmet with a lantern . In 2007 the outside of the tower was renovated. The gold-plated spire shows the Jesus monogram IHS in a halo.

A low sacristy building adjoins it to the east . It has two bays with a groin vault and a belt arch. A baptistery had previously been in its place. For this reason, remains of the wall painting from the 14th century with motifs from the life of John the Baptist are still preserved on the tower wall in the sacristy. The furnishings of the sacristy date from the late 17th century.

Karner, death lamp and rectory

Death lamp

The Karner stands a few meters southeast of the church. The former chapel is a square Gothic building with a ribbed vault from the 14th century. In the 15th century a polygonal end of the choir (5/8 end) was added. A round-arched west portal serves as the entrance, the windows are equipped with pointed arches. Noteworthy is the steep stone slab roof , hipped on the west side, on which sits a slender, high roof turret, also clad with stone slabs . Slab roofs are characteristic of the late 15th century, when defensive structures such as churches were covered with them in the time of the Turkish invasions as protection against arrows.

On the south side of the cemetery there is a Gothic funeral lamp from the 15th century. It is built from sandstone blocks, provided with four rectangular glazed window openings and covered with shingles. The pointed roof is decorated with pinnacles and dormers with wooden crosses. According to legend, the funeral lamp was donated in 1346 by a farmer on the shady side after he lost his only daughter in woodwork. He is said to have set up the funeral lamp next to her grave so that he could see the light from his courtyard on the other side of the valley.

The essentially late Gothic rectory has three floors. A coat of arms can be seen above the arched portal. The rooms on the first floor are stuccoed in the Rococo style .


  • Dehio Carinthia 2001 . Verlag Anton Schroll & Co, Vienna 2001, ISBN 3-7031-0712-X , pp. 460–463
  • Siegfried Hartwagner : Parish Church Lieding . Published by the Lieding parish, no year (circa 1975)
  • Siegfried Hartwagner: Parish Church of St. Margareta in Lieding (= Christian Art Places of Austria Volume 470). Publishing house St. Peter, Salzburg 2007
  • Siegfried Hartwagner: Carinthia. The district of St. Veit an der Glan (= Austrian art monograph, Volume VIII). Verlag St. Peter, Salzburg 1977, ISBN 3-900173-22-2 , pp. 138-140
  • Josef Till: In Hemma's footsteps . Hermagoras / Mohorjeva, Klagenfurt / Celovec 2005, ISBN 3-7086-0115-7 , p. 147f.

Web links

Commons : Pfarrkirche Lieding  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Siegfried Hartwagner: Parish Church of St. Margareta in Lieding . Salzburg 2007, p. 2.
  2. ^ Siegfried Hartwagner: Parish Church of St. Margareta in Lieding . Salzburg 2007, p. 5.
  3. ^ Siegfried Hartwagner: Parish Church of St. Margareta in Lieding . Salzburg 2007, p. 6.
  4. ^ Siegfried Hartwagner: Parish Church of St. Margareta in Lieding . Salzburg 2007, p. 16.
  5. ^ Siegfried Hartwagner: Carinthia. The St. Veit an der Glan district . Salzburg 1977, p. 140.
  6. ^ Siegfried Hartwagner: Parish Church of St. Margareta in Lieding . Salzburg 2007, p. 19.
  7. Episcopal Pastoral Office of the Diocese of Gurk: Lenten towels in Carinthia. Klagenfurt 2014, p. 34 ( Memento of the original from April 10, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed April 4, 2015. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  8. Harald Hartmann: Substances of faith. Fastentücher in Kärnten , 2007, p. 5 , accessed on April 4, 2015.
  9. ARGE Hemma Pilgerweg: Lieding. Parish Church of St. Margaretha , p. 2 , accessed April 4, 2015.
  10. ^ Siegfried Hartwagner: Parish Church of St. Margareta in Lieding . Salzburg 2007, p. 21.
  11. ^ Siegfried Hartwagner: Parish Church of St. Margareta in Lieding . Salzburg 2007, p. 9.
  12. ^ Siegfried Hartwagner: Parish Church of St. Margareta in Lieding . Salzburg 2007, p. 7.
  13. ^ Siegfried Hartwagner: Parish Church of St. Margareta in Lieding . Salzburg 2007, p. 7.

Coordinates: 46 ° 53 '47.3 "  N , 14 ° 19' 9.2"  E