Robin Lee

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Robin Huntington Lee (born December 2, 1919 in Saint Paul , Minnesota , † October 8, 1997 in Minneapolis , Minnesota) was an American figure skater who started in a single run .


Robin Lee learned figure skating from his father, Ayner Lee, who was an accomplished figure skater himself and later worked as a figure skating coach. In this role he discovered his son's talent when he was seven years old. By the age of ten he could already do all elementary figures. At the age of twelve, Robin Lee became the youngest American junior champion in history.

At the same age he took part in his first senior world championship, not least because it took place on the North American continent in Montreal . He finished ninth and last. In 1933 he first took part in the national senior championships and finished them on the bronze rank behind Roger Turner and James Lester Madden . In 1934 he was runner-up behind Turner and in 1935 he finally managed to beat the seven-time US champion and two-time runner-up Turner and become a US champion for the first time . He defended this title until 1939, bringing it to five championships in a row. His toughest national competitor was Erle Reiter , who was runner-up behind Lee from 1936 to 1938. It got tightest at the championship in 1937, when Lee twisted his knee in a double Salchow in the freestyle .

Internationally, Lee only appeared in the Olympic year 1936. In the 1930s, the US-Americans were rarely at the start at world championships that took place in Europe. At the Olympic Games in Garmisch-Partenkirchen , Lee took twelfth place as the best non-European. He finished eighth at the World Championships in Paris .

Lee was supposed to take part in the 1940 Olympic Games, which did not take place because of the outbreak of war . Instead, he served three years in the United States Navy during the war . After the war, Lee switched to the pros and toured with the Eisrevue Ice Cycles. He also worked as a coach at the figure skating club in Minneapolis until 1991 . Lee also made a name for himself as a swimmer and golfer in his home state of Minnesota .

Robin Lee died of bone cancer in 1997 at the age of 77 .


Competition / year 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939
winter Olympics 12.
World championships 9. 8th.
American championships 3. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.

Web links

  • Robin Lee in the database of Sports-Reference (English; archived from the original )

Individual evidence
