Rolf Dahlgrün

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Rolf Dahlgrün (1965)

Rolf Dahlgrün (born May 19, 1908 in Hanover , † December 19, 1969 in Hamburg-Harburg ) was a German politician ( FDP ) who was Federal Minister of Finance from 1962 to 1966 .


After graduating from high school in 1928, Dahlgrün studied law at the University of Göttingen , which he completed in 1931 with the first state examination and in 1935 with the second state examination . He initially worked as a full-time assessor for the Gaujägermeister in Hanover . From 1936 he held a managerial position in the legal department of Phoenix-Gummiwerke AG in Hamburg-Harburg . In 1937 he received his doctorate as Dr. jur. at Robert von Hippel with the work Die Jagd poaching according to § 292 RStGB. as amended by the law of June 28, 1935 .

In the Second World War he was an artilleryman and Nazi command officer .

He was a member of the Masonic Lodge Die Brückenbauer in Hamburg. Shortly before his death in 1969 he was elected chairman of the German Association of the World Wildlife Fund .

Political party

Dahlgrün was a member of the NSDAP from 1933 to 1945 ( membership number 2,957,578). Since 1949 he was a member of the FDP . From 1962 to 1966 he was a member of the FDP federal executive committee.


From 1953 to 1957 he was a member of the Hamburg Parliament . There he was chairman of the budget committee since 1954.

From 1957 to 1969 he was a member of the German Bundestag . He moved into the German Bundestag via the Hamburg state list. From 1961 until his appointment as Federal Minister of Finance, he was chairman of the economic committee of the Bundestag. He was also a member of the foreign trade, labor, mediation and finance committees. Together with Gerhard Jahn, he represented the German Bundestag in the litigation of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia against the law on credit systems before the Federal Constitutional Court .

Public offices

Dahlgrün (center) when he was appointed Minister of Finance on December 13, 1962

On December 13, 1962, he was appointed Federal Minister of Finance in the federal government led by Federal Chancellor Konrad Adenauer . He also exercised this office under Federal Chancellor Ludwig Erhard . After the failure of the coalition of CDU / CSU and FDP, he resigned on October 28, 1966 together with the other FDP federal ministers.


In 1969 Dahlgrün received the Great Order of Merit with a star and shoulder ribbon of the Federal Order of Merit. The German Hunting Protection Association also awarded him the gold merit pin.

The Dahlgrünring in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg was named after Rolf Dahlgrün .

Dahlgrün's estate is in the Archives of Liberalism of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom in Gummersbach .



  • Walter Henkels : 99 heads from Bonn. Revised and supplemented edition, Fischer-Bücherei, Frankfurt am Main 1965, pp. 65f.

Web links

Individual proof

  1. Politics for Freedom - Rolf Dahlgrün . Politics-fuer-die- Archived from the original on May 14, 2010. Retrieved June 10, 2010.