Route national 721

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Template: Infobox high-ranking street / Maintenance / FR-N
Route nationale 721 in France
N 721
Basic data
Overall length: 91 km (historical)

Regions :

Status: graduated
Course of the road
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty historical street course until 1973
(with today's names)
department Essonne
Street as D 721
crossing D 191 (formerly N 191 )
Locality Boissy-la-Rivière
Loiret department
Street as D 921
Locality Sermaises
Locality Intville-la-Guétard
Locality Pithiviers D 2152 (formerly N 51 )
D 950 (formerly N 450 ) / D 927 (formerly N 827 )
Locality Ascoux
Locality Bouzonville-aux-Bois
Locality Sully-la-Chapelle
Locality Fay-aux-Loges
Locality Saint-Denis-de-l'Hôtel D 960 (formerly N 152 )
Locality Jargeau D 951 (formerly N 751 )
Locality Marcilly-en-Villette
crossing D 2020 (formerly N 20 )

The Route nationale 721 , shortly N 721 or RN 721 , was a French national road , which from 1933 to 1973 between a junction with the former National Highway 191 east of Etampes and an intersection with the former National Road 20 north of La Ferte-Saint-Aubin went . Their total length was 91 kilometers.

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