Chess von Wuthenow (1977)

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Original title Chess by Wuthenow
Country of production GDR
original language German
Publishing year 1977
length 85 minutes
Director Richard Engel
script Richard Engel
production Television of the GDR
music Christian Steyer
Ludwig van Beethoven
camera Kurt Bobek

Schach von Wuthenow is a feature film for GDR television by Richard Engel from 1977, based on the 1882 story of the same name by Theodor Fontane .


In 1806, Rittmeister von Schach did his military service in the Berlin elite Gensdarmes regiment . Since he was considered the most beautiful officer in the garrison at the time, his position in society and his manners leave nothing to be desired, the doors of the Berlin salons are also open to him. This also includes the salon of the beautiful widow Josephine von Carayon and her daughter Victoire von Carayon, two very pretty women of society, although the daughter's beautiful appearance has suffered since she was infected with the leaves . However, she has retained her extremely rare kindness. Josephine and von Schach feel a mutual affection and spend many days together, so that his comrades are already wondering whether he would dare to marry a widow. Victoire is already expressing these thoughts, even though she is in love with this handsome man herself.

During an afternoon with friends at Prince Luis Ferdinand's , the guests come, who include Freiherr von Schach, the writer Freiherr von Bülow , his publisher Daniel Sander and Lieutenant von Alvensleben . The prince remembers the beautiful ladies of Carayon and would like to see them again, which is why Schach is given the task of delivering the invitation to them. When completing this task, the Rittmeister finds the daughter alone at home, sees in her a desirable creature and seduces her, which is not difficult for him because she loves him. In the near future he avoids contact with the two women.

The year 1806 is also the year of the premiere of a play by Zacharias Werner with the title Martin Luther - The Consecration of Power in the Royal National Theater Berlin . The piece is booed by the officers of the gendarmes present and is drawn into the maelstrom of the conflict between the sections of society leaning towards the Enlightenment and the counter-movement of the romantics, one also takes offense at the excessive heroization of Luther, so the dispute divides society. At a sociable meeting with lots of alcohol, the officers come to the decision to counter the play as a costumed sleigh tour with a parody, and of course to equip the vehicle with wheels in the middle of summer. Rittmeister von Schach turns against this joke and leaves the group. The remaining officers are still in charge of carrying out the action, which is what happens. Victoire collapses as the elevator drives past the Carayon's apartment, and Josephine learns of her daughter's pregnancy. Von Schach visits the ladies to find out whether the Mummenschanz found their favor, but also immediately explains that he was not involved in it and was against its implementation. But that is not the problem that moves Josephine. She confronts the Rittmeister about her daughter's pregnancy and demands the only possible consequence from him, namely the wedding, which he agrees to.

Of course, word of the new news immediately got around in the city and in the regiment. Here he is mocked by his comrades and cartoons even appear about him. Schach finds these reactions difficult to cope with and tries to evade the wedding. Josephine takes this as an opportunity to visit King Friedrich Wilhelm III. to audition, reminding the Rittmeister von Schach of his duty. After a period of rest in his castle in Wuthenow, he decided to get married. After the solemn wedding, he has a very nice celebration with his wife and guests and then lets himself be driven home early in the carriage. When he arrived at his destination, his orderly found him lying on the seat and shot after opening the carriage door.

Production and publication

The affair between Chess and Victoire is based on an actual event, but it did not take place until 1815. The scenario came from Christian Collin and the dramaturgy was in the hands of Aenne Keller .

The first broadcast of the film created on ORWO-Color took place on July 17, 1977 in the first program of the television of the GDR .


role actor Voice actor
Josephine by Carayon Beata Tyszkiewicz Lissy Tempelhof


In New Germany , Dr. Hans-Jürgen Geisthardt, besides a lot of praise for the actors, also something to complain about:

“Some street scenes seemed to me to be somewhat outwardly coincidental. The beer group among the officers of the Gensdarmes regiment, who are doing the Luther mummification, turned out to be all too student-comers-like; the type of narrow-minded Junker derailment described by Fontane was not achieved. "

In the Berliner Zeitung , Renate Wegner compared the Christian Collins scenario with the TV film Effi Briest and came to the following conclusion:

"This time, too, the essence of the story is essentially hit - but here the outer shape of Richard Engel's staging does not always correspond to the inner object of the design."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Neues Deutschland from July 19, 1977, p. 4
  2. Berliner Zeitung of July 21, 1977, p. 4