Butterfly of the year

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In 2003, the butterfly of the year was awarded for the first time by the BUND NRW Nature Conservation Foundation founded by the North Rhine-Westphalian state association of the Federation for the Environment and Nature Conservation Germany . The aim is to point out the threatening decline in butterflies and their importance, while at the same time helping to preserve the natural diversity of habitats and to make ecological and nature conservation contexts clearer.

Previous butterflies of the year

year German name scientific name Illustration
2003 Graubindiger Mohrenfalter Erebia aethiops
2003 Graubindiger Mohrenfalter
2004 Aurora butterfly Anthocharis cardamines
2004 Aurora butterfly
2005 Ocher-bound velvet butterfly Hipparchia semele
2005 Ocher-bound velvet butterfly
2006 dovetail Papilio machaon
2006 dovetail
2007 Land map Araschnia levana
2007 map
2008 Argus blue Plebeius argus
2008 Argus blue
2009 Peacock butterfly Inachis io
2009 peacock butterfly
2010 Fair bear Callimorpha dominula
2010 Schönbär
2011 Great Schiller Butterfly Apatura iris
2011 Great Schiller Butterfly
2012 Small peacock butterfly Saturnia pavonia
2012 Little peacock butterfly
2013 Brown-spotted mother-of-pearl butterfly Boloria selene
2013 Brown-spotted mother-of-pearl butterfly
2014 Milkweed hawks Hyles euphorbiae
2014 milkweed hawk
2015 Red ribbon Catocala nupta
2015 Red ribbon
2016 Gooseberry tensioner Abraxas grossulariata
2016 Gooseberry Tender
2017 Golden eight Colias hyale
2017 golden eight
2018 Big fox Nymphalis polychloros
2018 big fox
2019 Checkerboard butterfly Melanargia galathea
2019 checkerboard butterfly
2020 Green hairstreak Callophrys rubi
2020 Green Hairstreak

In addition, the Apollo butterfly ( Parnassius apollo ) was already " Animal of the Year " in Germany in 1995 , the lemon butterfly ( Gonepteryx rhamni ) was named " Insect of the Year " in Germany in 2002 and the swallowtail ( Papilio machaon ) was "Animal of the Year" in 2003 Switzerland.

Web links

supporting documents

  1. Justification according to the project page Butterfly of the Year .
  2. BUND names chessboard butterfly butterfly of the year. Süddeutsche Zeitung , November 22, 2018, accessed on August 25, 2020 .
  3. BUND NRW Nature Conservation Foundation - Butterfly of the Year