Science Fiction Year 1954

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◄◄1950195119521953Science Fiction Year 1954  | 1955  | 1956  | 1957  | 1958  |  | ►►
Other events

New publications literature

German title
Year of publication in German
Original title author Remarks
Angolesa 1954 - Paul Eugen victory
The ultimatum from the stars 1966 The Star Beast Robert A. Heinlein
The body eaters are coming The Body Snatchers Jack Finney
The steel caves The Caves of Steel Isaac Asimov
Unsuitable for people 1981 Untouched by humans Robert Sheckley review
Lord of the flies Lord of the Flies William Golding
I'm a legend 1968 I am Legend Richard Matheson Filmed several times
Island of the Conquerors 1964 No time like the future Nelson Slade Bond
The golden man The Golden Man Philip K. Dick Template for the film Next

Film awards

New releases films

German title
Year of publication in German
Original title Director Remarks
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 1956 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Richard Fleischer an adaptation of the novel of the same name by the French author Jules Verne
The horror of the Amazon 1954 Creature from the Black Lagoon Jack Arnold
Devil Girl from Mars David MacDonald
Formicula 1960 Them! Gordon Douglas
Godzilla 1956 jap. ゴ ジ ラ , Gojira Ishirō Honda
Stranger from Venus Burt Balaban
When the marabunta threatens 1954 The Naked Jungle Byron Haskin
Nineteen Eighty-Four Rudolph Cartier BBC TV adaptation of the novel of the same name by George Orwell
Diamonds 1957 The Diamond Montgomery Tully
Gog - Space Station USA 2009 Gog Herbert L. Strock
Killers from Space W. Lee Wilder
R 3 overdue Riders to the Stars Richard Carlson
Target Earth Sherman A. Rose
Tobor the Great Lee Sholem
Japanese 透明 人間 , Tōmei ningen Motoyoshi Oda
Who laughs - is thrown out 1961 The Bowery Boys Meet the Monsters Edward Bernds

New releases TV series

German title sent Original title Episodes Seasons Remarks
Flash Gordon 1954-1955 Flash Gordon 39 1
Rocky Jones, space ranger Rocky Jones, space ranger 39 1
Captain Midnight 1954-1956 Captain Midnight 39 2
1954 The Lost Planet 6th 1


12th Worldcon , 3rd - 6th September, San Francisco ; Chair: Lester Cole & Gary Nelson , Guest of Honor: John W. Campbell


Iain Banks (2009)


See also

Portal: Science Fiction  - Overview of Wikipedia content on science fiction