Pastoral care unit Argental

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Logo of the pastoral care unit Argental

The pastoral care unit Argental is an amalgamation of eight Catholic parishes in the eastern part of Lake Constance in Baden-Württemberg in Germany with its headquarters in Tettnang .


In addition to liturgical services and the donation of the sacraments , the offer includes, among other things, the training of acolytes , adult education ( pilgrimages , lectures, church choirs), childcare, kindergarten in Hiltensweiler, youth and senior citizen work, maintenance of the path of faith (see below) with crosses and chapels , Health care services, and family and nursing care.

Eight pigeons join each other and form the logo of the pastoral care unit in front of a cross. Two lines of text, " Christ today - tomorrow - forever ", the names of the eight congregations and four other doves surround the logo.


Because both the number of priests due to a lack of priests and the number of practicing and committed believers continued to decline, the Catholic diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart reacted at the time, and the individual parishes of Goppertsweiler ( belonging to the Neukirch community ) and Neukirch as well as Hiltensweiler , Krumbach , Laimnau , Obereisenbach , Tannau and Wildpoltsweiler (all belonging to the city of Tettnang ) merged into the Argental pastoral care unit in September 2000 . Today (2012) the around 5600 believers in the pastoral care unit are cared for by three offices. The parish office in Laimnau is responsible for the parishes of Hiltensweiler, Laimnau, Obereisenbach and Tannau, the parish office in Neukirch for the parishes of Goppertsweiler, Krumbach, Neukirch and Wildpoltsweiler. The main office of the pastoral care unit in Laimnau coordinates the appointments and public relations.

The pastoral care unit is managed by the “Joint Committee”; It is made up of a pastoral team of five - currently a dean , three pastors and a deacon  - and two representatives from each of the eight parish councils .



The place is located in a valley basin in the hilly forest and cultural landscape west of the confluence of the Oberer and Unterer Argen , around two kilometers southeast of the Neukirch town center. Baptism, marriage and death registers have been preserved almost completely since 1664. The parish, which had previously belonged to the dean's office in Lindau, came to the dean's office in Tettnang during the eventful history of Goppertsweiler, was subordinate to the dean's office in Wangenu from 1949 to 1991 and has been part of the dean's office in Friedrichshafen since 1991. Today the parish looks after around 220 members in the towns and hamlets of Aberlingsbühl, Blumegg, Goppertsweiler, Lustenbach, Matzenweiler and Oberlangensee. The church, consecrated to St. Martin, was first mentioned in 1275. The patronage refers to the early Middle Ages. The tower - the oldest part of the church - consists of coarse Argen pebbles. The east choir probably dates from the late Middle Ages, and the nave, which was enlarged in the last decade of the 17th century, has high-baroque round windows.


Around 880 Catholics in Hiltensweiler and the surrounding villages of Bleichnau, Busenhaus , Degersee, Dentenweiler, Echetweiler, Götzenweiler, Muttelsee, Oberlangnau, Oberwolfertsweiler, Rattenweiler, Rudenweiler, Saßenweiler, Unterlangnau, Wettis, Wielandsweiler and Wolfratz belong to the parish. The Catholic parish church of St. Dionysius with the Arnold chapel is a prominent point in the center of Hiltensweiler, about seven kilometers southeast of the center of Tettnang. Its core is Romanesque , the tower is dated to the 13th century. Its outstanding pieces of equipment are the high altar painting by the Bolognese artist Camillo Proccacini (~ 1555–1629) and the Stations of the Cross created by Andreas Brugger .


The Krumbach parish "St. Georg ”looks after around 480 members in Burnau, Flockenbach, Krumbach, Notzenhaus Prestenberg, Schierlingen, Straß and Vorderreute.


The parish of Laimnau includes around 1050 Catholics in the places Apflau , Badhütten , Gebhardsweiler , Gießen , Gitzensteig , Iglerberg , Laimnau, Loderhof , Rappertsweiler , Reichen , Steinenbach , Unterwolfertsweiler , Wellmutsweiler , Wiesach and Wiesertsweiler . The Laimnau church is mentioned in the books for the first time in 1269 - Prince von Summerau sold his entire property in Laimnau to the cathedral chapter in Constance. In 1388 it was sold to the Heilig-Geist-Spital in Lindau, and in 1466 the church was consecrated in honor of Saints Peter and Paul, Sebastian and Katharina. From the old building, the late Gothic baptismal font with lily ornament, the sacrament niche with wrought iron grating and the pointed arch opening in the chapel are still present. When the nave was rebuilt in 1965, the church received its present form.


Around 30 pastors have been active in Neukirch since 1681. Today Neukirch, the largest parish of the pastoral care unit in terms of area, looks after around 1050 members in Bernried, Ebersberg, Flunau, Gunzenweiler, Hinterburg, Hinteressach, Landholz, Litzelmannshof, Mehetsweiler, Neuhaus, Neukirch, Reisenbronn, Sackweiher, Uhetsweiler, Vorderessach and Zannau.


The place "Isenbach" is mentioned for the first time in a Weißenauischen document from the year 1172. Knight Heinrich von Ravensburg, official of the imperial court, donated the church and the parish in 1227 and in 1257 donated the village with his property to the monastery Weißenau. To today's parish "St. Margaretha "has around 650 members in the towns and hamlets of Enzisweiler , Herishäuser , Herrgottsweiler , Hübschenberg , Knellesberg , Mehrenberg , Obereisenbach, Scheiben , Schlossbühl , Schübel , Siggenweiler , Untereisenbach and Weidenbach .


The parish church “St. Martin “was originally a Chapel of the Holy Helpers . In 1663 she was consecrated in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Martinus. In 1720 it was rebuilt to the current shape with a tendency towards the baroque style and consecration of the new high altar with the figures of St. Konrad (left) and St. Ulrich (right) on the side panels. In the second half of the 19th century, the flat plaster ceiling was decorated with a picture of the Rosary Queen, the patron saint of Tannau. Around 520 members are looked after in the towns of Alberweiler, Baldensweiler, Biggenmoos, Dietmannsweiler, Holzhäusern, Schwanden, Stiefel and Tannau.


The parish includes around 470 Catholics in the towns of Buchbach, Elmenau, Schnaidt, Summerau, Unterlangensee, Unterrussenried, Wildpoltweiler and Wittenberg.

Path of faith

For the ten-year existence of the pastoral care unit, a 32.4 kilometer long faith trail was set up. It connects the eight parishes and also represents the symbol of the dove. Another twelve circular routes lead through the individual parishes.


Information board in Goppertsweiler

The length of the Goppertsweiler section is 4.9 kilometers. It leads out of the town center, past five crossroads via Lustensbach, Blumegg and Vorderburg back to the church “St. Martinus ”.

  • Station 1, church “St. Martinus "
  • Station 2, intersection Aberlinsbühl / Lustensbach: "Lord, let there be peace among people, freedom in the heart - around the world." ( Gotteslob 8/2)
  • Station 3, Vorderburg: “Your word is light and truth; it shines in all my ways. "(Praise to God 687)


Large natural stones are set up at five stations in Hiltensweiler and the surrounding hamlets. The length of the Hiltensweiler section is 6.3 kilometers. He leads the hiker to Rattenweiler, Wielandsweiler, Busenhaus , past the Degersee and through Oberwolfertsweiler back to the church “St. Dionysius ”.

Hiltensweiler, station 5
  • Station 1, at the church wall in Hiltensweiler: "Jesus Christ says: I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but through me." ( John 14, 6)
  • Station 2, at the Altsummerau ruins : "Lord, your kindness extends as far as the sky is, your loyalty as far as the clouds draw."
  • Station 3, chapel in Wielandsweiler : "Commit your way to the Lord, trust him, he will give it up." ( Psalm 37, 3–5)
  • Station 4, branch to Wettis : "Go your way calmly in the midst of the noise and haste, and know what peace the silence may bring."
  • Station 5, in Oberwolfertsweiler (picture): "You surround me on all sides, Lord, and hold your hand over me." ( Psalm 139 , 5)


The length of the Krumbach section is 23 kilometers. It is divided into three individual loops: path 1 (stations 1 to 6; 8.5 km), path 2 (stations 1, 7 to 11 and 16; 9.6 km) and path 3 (stations 1 and 13 to 15; 4.9 km).

  • Path 1, Zannau
    • Station 1, church “St. Georg "
    • Station 2, stone in front of the rectory: “God, help me to walk my way honestly. I don't want to shine, I don't want to attract attention. I just want to be a person who has discovered his way and dared to follow it, despite all obstacles. "( Ulrich Schaffer )
    • Station 3, Stein in front of the riding arena: “Some jog to escape everyday life. Some run to calm down. Others go for a walk to find themselves again. "(K. Hutter)
    • Station 4, Stein in Schnaidt: “It goes on, even if it doesn't seem like it sometimes. Life always finds a way and suddenly blossoms again where you least expect it. "(Werner Bethmann)
    • Station 5, Stein am Buswendeplatz in Zannau: "What use is it to people if they move forward quickly, but their soul falls by the wayside." ( Petrus Ceelen )
    • Station 6, Stein in Buch: "Where friendly paths converge, the whole world looks like home for an hour." ( Hermann Hesse )
  • Path 2, Gesnauwiesen
    • Station 1, church “St. Georg "
    • Station 7, Stein in Vorderreute: "The joy of looking and understanding is nature's most beautiful gift." ( Albert Einstein )
    • Station 8, Stein in Hinterreute: "A life without God is like a long hike without a stop." ( Democritus )
    • Station 9, stone in spider brain: “May God rush ahead of you on the path you are walking. This is my wish for your life journey. May you find the bright footsteps of happiness and follow them all the way. ”(Irish Blessing)
    • Station 10, Foundling in Gesnauwiesen: "Every becoming in nature, in people, in love must wait, be patient until its time comes to bloom." ( Dietrich Bonhoeffer )
    • Station 11, Stein in Schierlingen: "I always have confidence and hope in my luggage, without them every journey will be long." (Pilgrimage wisdom)
    • Station 16, Stein am Sportplatz: “One day they celebrate you as a hero, shortly afterwards you are forgotten again. But you can always rely on God. "( Cacau , professional soccer player)
  • Path 3, Flockenbach
    • Station 1, church “St. Georg "
    • Station 12, Stein near the Anna Chapel: “Our path through life is full of surprises, intersections force you to decide, wrong turns to turn back, lean periods to persevere. It is good that there are companions, places to rest, signposts that show us the direction. ”(Pilgrimage wisdom)
    • Station 13, field hut: "Where God has sown you, there you shall bloom." (African proverb)
    • Station 14, Stein in Notzenhaus: “It is still hidden, your way into the future, go it confidently. I wish you honest companions, loving friends, fulfilled moments. God protect you and bless your steps. "(From 'Other Times')
    • Station 15, Stein am Friedhof: “Maybe death is the last great adventure. We don't need to be afraid. The path doesn't stop there either. "(Ulrich Schaffer)


The length of the Laimnau section is 7.7 kilometers. It leads from the Argental up to the viewpoints on the Mongatsberg and in the Grafenholz of the Tettnang Forest .

  • Station 1, stone at the parish church of St. Peter and Paul: "Christ yesterday, Christ today, Christ forever." ( Praise to God 563)
  • Station 2, at the children's playground: “Changing paths, shadows and light, everything is grace. Do not be afraid! "( Rudolf Alexander Schröder )
  • Station 3, lookout point 'Mongatsberg': “The road comes towards you. The wind strengthens your back. The sun shines warm on your face. The rain falls gently on your field. Until we meet again, God hide you in the depths of his hand. "(Old Irish Blessing)
  • Station 4, viewpoint 'Grafenholz': "Many roads lead to God, one goes over the mountains." (Bishop Reinhold Stecher )
  • Station 5, at the pump house: “The Lord is my shepherd, I will miss nothing. He makes me lie down on green meadows and leads me to the resting place by the water ”( Psalm 23 )


Uhetsweiler station

Large natural stones are set up at four of a total of nine stations in Neukirch and the surrounding hamlets. On each of these stones there is a plaque * with the logo of the pastoral care unit and a saying or verse. The distance is around 4.7 kilometers.

  • Station 1, stone in front of the church "St Maria Rosenkranzkönigin": "Christ yesterday, Christ today, Christ forever." ( Praise of God 563)
  • Station 3, stone on 'Staubers Höhe': "Even if the path leads over a mountain: the mountain is not the result of the path." (Old pilgrim wisdom)
  • Station 4, stone at 'Bichelmeier': "God has commanded the angels to keep you in all your ways." (Psalm 91:11)
  • Uhetsweiler station, Stein in the center of the village: "Show me God your ways and teach me your paths." ( Psalm 25 , 4)
  • Station Erath: "God does not let us go any way that he would not have gone himself and on which he did not precede us." ( Dietrich Bonhoeffer )
  • Station Josefskapelle
  • Station in Bernried : "It is better to limp on the right path than with a firm step to the side." ( Aurelius Augustinus )
  • Feldkreuz Weber station
  • Kienzle-Kreuz station
  • Station Lourdes-Grotte Marienberg
  • Mehetsweiler station: "The human heart plans its path, but the Lord directs his step." ( Book of Proverbs 16: 9)
* Note: The numbers on the stones do not correspond to the information on the route map in the pastoral care unit's flyer!


Obereisenbach, station 1

The total length of the three Obereisenbacher sections is 23 kilometers.

  • Path 1, 12.3 kilometers
    • Station 1, Vaude factory outlet: “For the difficult route to the summit, we need the highest possible standard of equipment. For the path to eternal life we ​​need the deepest possible faith. "(Manfred Sprenger)
    • Station 2, Hergottsweiler: “Nobody is too young, nobody is too old: insight, repentance, a new beginning are right on the way. Ready to call. "(Pilgrim wisdom)
    • Station 3, Hop Museum: “In the museum we learn how our fathers worked and lived in and with nature. In churches we recognize where they drew their strength and faith from. "(Manfred Sprenger)
    • Station 4, Siggenweiler: “Have you eaten today? Of course! Of course? Thank you God for the daily bread. "(Hans-Georg Kessler)
    • Station 5, Baldeshäusle car park
    • Station 6, Hübschenberg
    • Station 7, Wiedenbach
    • Station 8, Mehrenberg: “Every intersection offers an opportunity to walk the next way together. Use it! "(Karl-Georg Kessler)
    • Station 9, Herishäuser: "Jesus commanded his disciples not to take anything with them on the way except a walking stick, no bread, no storage bag, no money in the belt, no second shirt and only sandals on their feet." ( Mark 6, 8-9 )
    • Station 10, Trockenmoos: “I'm fine if I stay on the right path and don't hurt others with words. Then I am like a tree that always has enough water, that flowers and leaves in spring and bears beautiful fruit in summer. Good God, help me not to lose my way today. "(After Psalm 1 )
  • Path 2, 6.8 kilometers
    • Station 1, parish church “St. Margaretha "
    • Station 8, Mehrenberg
    • Station 11, Kogen forest
    • Station 10, Trockenmoos: “I'm fine if I stay on the right path and don't hurt others with words. Then I am like a tree that always has enough water, that flowers and leaves in spring and bears beautiful fruit in summer. Good God, help me not to lose my way today. "(After Psalm 1 )
  • Path 3, 3.9 kilometers
    • Station 1, parish church “St. Margaretha "
    • Station 12, Arberholz: “The spiritual path does not exist. There are many ways. A mountain can be climbed from all sides. On easy or arduous routes, on dangerous or easy routes: its summit is there for everyone. "(Pilgrim wisdom)
    • Station 9, Herishäuser: "Jesus commanded his disciples not to take anything with them on the way except a walking stick, no bread, no storage bag, no money in the belt, no second shirt and only sandals on their feet." ( Mark 6, 8-9 )


Tannau, station 4
Tannau, station 11

Eleven stations are designated in and around Tannau. The length of the Tannau section is 12.6 kilometers.

  • Station 1, Tannau, Stein near the church “St. Martinus ":" Father take your hand - in the turmoil of the times - what a feeling of security! Take your hand father - let me guide you blindly - show me your way. Take your hand father - without hesitation - I trust you! "(Sabine Lehmbeck)
  • Station 2, Stein near the Bollenhütte: "Give me strength for one day, Lord, I only ask for this one that I will be assigned what I may need today." ( Rudolf Lehmann-Filhés )
  • Station 3, stone in back wood houses: “Guide me, O Lord, and guide my walk according to your word; be and remain my protector and refuge today. Nowhere but by you alone can I be properly preserved. "( Heinrich Albert )
  • Station 4, 'Feldkreuz Lanz' (picture): "I believe in God, just as a blind man believes in the sun, not because he sees it, but because he feels it." ( Phil Bosmans )
  • Station 5, stone in wooden houses: "Where your journey goes does not depend on where the wind blows, but on how you set your sails." (Chinese proverb)
  • Station 6, Stein in Biggenmoos: "The journey is the goal, if you are looking you will find a lot, the journey is the goal, and God is involved." (Unknown)
  • Station 7, Stein in Schletterholz: "God give me the serenity to accept things that I cannot change, the courage to change things that I can change, and the wisdom to distinguish one from the other." ( Reinhold Niebuhr )
  • Station 8, Lindele
  • Station 9, Stein in Baldensweiler: "Many roads lead to God - one of them through the many wonders of nature." (Georg Maier)
  • Station 10, field cross in Joos: “In Jesus on the cross we find hope that nothing and nobody can take away from us. In this certainty we can maintain the courage for people, the courage for ourselves, the courage for our time. "(Klaus?)
  • Station 11, Stein in Gebhardsweiler (picture): "Life would be wonderful if everyone only did half of what he asked of the others." (Unknown)


The length of the Wildpoltweiler section is 3.7 kilometers. The path leads from the center of the village to the wayside cross at the junction of the road to Rappertsweiler and the Kreuzweiher .

  • Station 1, Stein near the church “St. Georg ":" The Lord is my light and my salvation. Who should I fear? ”( Psalm 37 )
  • Station 2, wayside cross and stone on the road to Rappertsweiler: "To find God means to find the path that is without limits." ( Martin Buber )
  • Station 3, Stein am Kreuzweiher: "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light on my path." ( Psalm 119 , 105)


  • Flyer "Faith Path of the Pastoral Care Unit Argental"

Web links

Commons : Pastoral care unit Argental  - collection of images, videos and audio files