Siegfried Passarge

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Otto Karl Siegfried Passarge (born November 28, 1866 in Königsberg (Prussia) , † July 26, 1958 in Bremen ) was a German geographer , geologist and paleontologist from East Prussia. As a palaeontologically thinking geologist, he developed a modern biostratigraphic and lithostratigraphic fine division of the Upper Buntsandstein (Röt) in Thuringia at the end of the 19th century . As a geographer, he made a significant contribution to the geography of Africa and is considered the founder of landscape geography .


The son of the higher regional judge and travel writer Ludwig Passarge attended the Friedrichskollegium ( Collegium Fridericianum ) in Königsberg . After graduating from high school, he studied geography in Berlin and Jena. In 1891 he received his doctorate in the field of geology . In 1892 he also passed the medical exam . In 1894 he became a member of the German Geological Society . He emerged from military service as a junior physician.

From 1894 Passarge worked as a doctor in Berlin and took part in an expedition to Adamaua , during which the northern borders of the then German colony of Cameroon were established. Its geographical and geological studies of the Benue - basin set standards. In the years 1896 to 1899 traveled Passarge as a geologist of the company British West charter country , the southern Africa . The possibilities of mining gold and diamonds in the Kalahari were examined. In 1901/1902 he took part in an expedition in the central Orinoco region of South America. In 1906/1907 he traveled to Algeria .

From 1904 to 1905 Passarge was a private lecturer in geography in Berlin. In 1905 he received a chair for geography in Breslau. The later journalist and editor-in-chief Hugo Reinhart attended lectures with him. In 1908 Passarge switched to the Colonial Institute in Hamburg as a professor , where he worked until 1936.

As early as the 1920s he attracted attention through anti-Semitic remarks, so that in 1929 he was accused of "Jew-eater propaganda". Nevertheless, the Leopoldina accepted him as a member in 1925 and the Bavarian Academy of Sciences in 1926 as a corresponding member.

On November 1, 1933, he was admitted to the NSDAP despite the ban on membership , for which he thanked Martin Bormann in a letter . On November 11, 1933, he signed the German professors' confession of Adolf Hitler .

Passarge's research areas were mainly Africa and South America . He wrote numerous articles on geomorphology and landscape science .

Founder of landscape geography

An essential research area of ​​Siegfried Passarge was landscape geography, which he is considered to have founded. He established this sub-area of ​​geography in his 3-volume textbook The Basics of Landscape Science . In it he elevates the landscape to the central concept of geography. This should consider and understand as “natural landscapes” those earth spaces which [quote] agree in all essential points in orography , geology , geomorphology , climate , irrigation , flora and fauna . In doing so, Passarge - who was also a geologist - wanted to end the predominance of morphology in landscape observation.

This more comprehensive view of the most important research object of the geographers was in the following decades and. a. by Otto Wernli , Kurt citizens and Dieter Steiner developed, but still found to pass Arges lifetime a violent opposition in Alfred Hettner that instead of a comparative cultural studies , a ladder was set by individual areas (continent, country, landscape, location).


  • Jacob Brafmann : The Book of the Kahal. Due to a new Germanization of the Russian original edited by Dr. Siegfried Passarge. 2 volumes. Hammer-Verlag , Leipzig 1928 ( digitized in the Freimann collection of the university library of the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main).


  • The Röth in eastern Thuringia. Inaugural dissertation from the Philosophical Faculty of Jena, Gustav Fischer, Jena 1891
  • The Röth in eastern Thuringia. In: Jenaische Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaft, 26, Neue Episode 19, Jena 1892, pp. 1–88
  • Adamaua. Report on the expedition of the German Cameroon Committee in 1893/94 , Dietrich Reimer, Berlin 1895 Archive
  • The Kalahari. Attempt at a physical-geographical representation of the sand fields of the South African basin, text volume, Dietrich Reimer, Berlin 1904 Archive
  • South Africa. A regional, folk and economic studies , Quelle & Meyer, Leipzig 1908 Archive
  • Physiological morphology. 1912.
  • The basics of landscape science. 3 volumes. L. Friederichsen & Company, 1919/1920.
  • Comparative landscape studies. Issue 1, tasks and methods of comparative landscape science , Dietrich Reimer / Ernst Vohsen / A.-G., Berlin 1921 issue 1-5 archive
  • Comparative landscape studies. Book 2, Cold Deserts and Cold Steppes , Dietrich Reimer / Ernst Vohsen / A.-G., Berlin 1921
  • Comparative landscape studies. Issue 3, The Middle Belt , Dietrich Reimer / Ernst Vohsen / A.-G., Berlin 1922
  • Comparative landscape studies. Issue 4, The hot belt , Dietrich Reimer / Ernst Vohsen / A.-G., Berlin 1924
  • Comparative landscape studies. Issue 5, The man in the hot belt , Dietrich Reimer / Ernst Vohsen / A.-G., Berlin 1930
  • Landscape and cultural development in our climate zones, L. Friederichsen & Co., Hamburg 1922 Archive
  • The landscape belts of the earth. Ferdinand Hirt, Breslau 1923.
  • Judaism as a landscape and ethnological problem. JF Lehmanns Verlag , Munich 1929.
  • Geographical ethnology. Safari-Verlag, Berlin 1951.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. according to an incorrect entry in the church register February 26, 1867; see. Viola Imhof:  Passarge, Siegfried. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 20, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-428-00201-6 , p. 88 f. ( Digitized version ).
  2. ^ Membership directory of the German Geological Society March 1921
  3. Hugo Reinhart's curriculum vitae . In: (From the Zoological Institute of the University of Breslau) About the finer structure of some Nephthyids . "Inaugural dissertation to obtain the doctorate of the high philosophical faculty of the Königl. University of Breslau "submitted and published with your permission by Hugo Reinhart from Breslau", Verlag Gustav Fischer, Jena 1907, appendix.
  4. a b Ernst Klee : The dictionary of persons on the Third Reich. Who was what before and after 1945. Updated edition. Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2005, ISBN 3-596-16048-0 , p. 450 f .; Boris Michel (2014): Anti-Semitism, hostility to the big cities and reactionary criticism of capitalism in German-speaking geography before 1945 . Geographica Helvetica 69, 193-202.
  5. Siegfried Passarge's membership entry at the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina , accessed on February 1, 2016.
  6. Member entry by Prof. Dr. Siegfried Passarge at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences , accessed on February 1, 2016.