Late Revenge (2001)

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Original title Late revenge
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2001
length 90 minutes
Director Matti Geschonneck
script Hannah Hollinger
music Ulrich Reuter
camera Rudolf Blaháček
cut Inge Behrens

Late Revenge is a German thriller directed by Matti Geschonneck from 2001.


The chief physician Michael Klenz works well paid at a private clinic. When his former best friend Klaus Klempow, whom he was called to work as a security guard at the clinic from the early GDR times, when he was professionally and financially lukewarm, Klenz caught up with the past.


Late Revenge premiered on television on November 23, 2001 on arte . On March 11, 2002, the thriller was first broadcast on ZDF , where 4.55 million viewers followed it, corresponding to a market share of 13.9%.

Rudolf Blaháček was nominated as a cameraman for the German Television Award for the best camera .


The critics of the television magazine TV Spielfilm gave the best possible rating (thumbs up) and called Late Vengeance a “furious chamber play without a winner”.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Late revenge" film information Network Movie. (PDF; 1.4 MB) Network Movie Film- und Fernsehproduktion GmbH, accessed on June 5, 2019 .
  2. ZDF yearbook, program chronicle 2002. Retrieved on June 5, 2019 .
  3. Late revenge. In: TV feature film . Retrieved June 5, 2019 .