StadtTheater walfischgasse

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The entrance of the theater

The stadtTheater walfischgasse was a theater in the first Viennese district Inner City in the Walfischgasse fourth

The Vienna State Opera has been renting the premises since autumn 2015 in order to use them for children's operas and other special events.


In October 1959, the New Theater am Kärntnertor was built in Walfischgasse 4 under the direction of Gerhard Bronner . In 1966, Gerhard Bronner closed the stage. A cartel association now used the premises for events. In 1969, under the management of Felix Dvorak, the cabaret ensemble Der Würfel played the revue traces in the Schmäh . From time to time the premises were used as a performance venue by the Society for Music Theater . From 1973 the house was regularly used again. Two groups shared the address until 1977: Hans Gratzer's workshop and Dieter Haspels café theater (later renamed Ensemble Theater ). In 1978, when it was taken over by Helmut Siderits , the Neues Theater am Kärntnertor was transformed into the Kleine Komödie . Siderits specialized in international tabloid comedies. In 2003, Siderits had to close its stage, which was increasingly struggling with capacity and financial problems.

Anita Ammersfeld followed in 2004 as director of the now stadtTheater walfischgasse . The stadtTheater was opened on April 20, 2005 with the in-house production Friends, Life is Worth Living by Charles Lewinsky . The program included political-satirical plays with social relevance as well as modern music theater and sophisticated Austrian cabaret. The in-house productions consisted primarily of world premieres as well as German and Austrian premieres. Authors such as Charles Lewinsky, Felix Mitterer , Peter Turrini , Lida Winiewicz , Peter Patzak and Rupert Henning have written pieces for the in-house productions . As a guest theater, the stadtTheater regularly showed productions from other stages or independent theater groups from German-speaking countries.

The guest performance highlights included the sold-out concert series “Unter 4 Augen” and “Before I forget it” with Herman van Veen and Edith Leerkes , “ The Tiger Lillies live in concert”, “An Intimate Evening with Marianne Faithfull ”, “ A Gaudi wars in Ottakring "and" With pencil and guitar "by and with Arik Brauer , the pieces Im Zweifel für den Defendant with Christian Kohlund , Novecento - The legend of the ocean pianist with Thomas Borchert , Oskar and the lady in pink with Doris Kunstmann , The legend of the holy drinker with Ernst Konarek , a report for an academy played by Felix Mitterer , and the god of carnage (Komödienspiele Porcia).

In addition to the large stage with a capacity of 271 seats, the stadtTheater also had a second, smaller venue, the theaterCercle , which was used for readings, solo performances or concerts.

In-house productions (2005-2015)

Individual evidence

  1. Stadttheater Walfischgasse closes: Children's opera moves in, October 8, 2014

Coordinates: 48 ° 12 ′ 12.1 ″  N , 16 ° 22 ′ 15.7 ″  E