Theodor Schubert (General, 1851)

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Theodor Ludwig Hermann Schubert (* 22. December 1851 in Krempa ; † thirtieth July 1926 in Ragaz , Switzerland ) was a Prussian General of Artillery in the First World War .



Theodor Ludwig Hermann was the son of the manor owner Theodor Schubert (* October 7, 1816 in Posen ; † January 10, 1890 in Bogislawitz ), Lord of Bogislawitz, Rachelsdorf, Koschine, Kalmow, and his wife Amalie, née Lebius (* January 12, 1890 ) 1823 in Rawitsch; † November 30, 1855 in Krempa). His two brothers also embarked on a military career in the Prussian Army . Conrad was promoted to Lieutenant General , Richard to Colonel General .

Military career

From 1860 Schubert attended the grammar school in Ostrowo . He then joined the field artillery regiment “von Podbielski” (1st Lower Silesia) No. 5 of the Prussian Army in Sprottau on February 25, 1871 as a gunner . There he was on October 18, 1871 Portepeefähnrich. With the separation of the foot artillery from the field artillery , Schubert was transferred to the Lower Silesian Foot Artillery Regiment No. 5 in Posen on October 26, 1872 and promoted to Second Lieutenant on December 12, 1872 . From October 1, 1874 to June 16, 1876 Schubert was commanded for further training at the United Artillery and Engineering School , which he graduated with very good results. After his return to the troop service Schubert was from August 1, 1878 to October 31, 1879 adjutant of the 1st battalion and then he was used as a regimental adjutant until October 31, 1884. In the meantime, on March 22, 1881, he had become lieutenant prime minister . On November 13, 1886, he was promoted to captain with simultaneous appointment as chief of the 7th Company . Due to his good knowledge of artillery, Schubert was transferred to the United Artillery and Engineering School on June 17, 1889. After his teaching activity, Schubert was promoted to artillery officer from the place in Magdeburg on August 15, 1893 and promoted to major on March 22, 1895 in this function . As such, he came on March 19, 1896 as a staff officer to Königsberg in the foot artillery regiment "von Linger" (East Prussian) No. 1 and was appointed battalion commander here on April 1, 1898. Six months later, Schubert took over as commander of the 1st Battalion of the 1st West Prussian Foot Artillery Regiment No. 11 in Thorn . After he had led the battalion until May 21, 1900, he was placed à la suite of the regiment and then named first artillery officer from the square in Posen. In this position he was promoted to lieutenant colonel on June 16, 1901 . From March 22, 1902 until his appointment as commander of the Westphalian Foot Artillery Regiment No. 7 in Cologne , Schubert was director of the 2nd Artillery Depot Directorate. On May 17, 1904, he was promoted to colonel and then on December 19, 1907, he was given command of the 4th Foot Artillery Brigade in Metz . In this position he was promoted to major general on August 18, 1908, and to lieutenant general on April 21, 1911. The following year, Schubert was put up for disposal on March 22, 1912 with a pension .

At the beginning of the First World War, Schubert was reactivated and appointed general of the foot artillery in the governorate of Strasbourg . From this post he was released on June 4, 1916 and then appointed commander of the 92nd Reserve Infantry Brigade. In the coming months, Schubert led the brigade in association with the 46th Reserve Division, including in the Battle of the Somme and in trench warfare in Champagne and Lorraine . Due to his good leadership, Schubert was given command of the 22nd Reserve Division on January 6, 1917 . He worked with the division in Flanders , Artois , Lorraine and Upper Alsace. He also took part in the Great Battle of France and the fighting for the Kemmel . For his achievements, Schubert was awarded the Iron Cross II and I Class, on October 11, 1917 with the Knight's Cross of the Royal House Order of Hohenzollern with Swords and on May 21, 1918 with the Order of the Crown, First Class with Swords. In the meantime, Wilhelm II gave him the character of General of the Artillery on January 27, 1918 .

On October 8, 1918, Schubert gave up the divisional command and his mobilization provision was lifted the following day. At the same time he received the crown for the Red Eagle Order II class with oak leaves, star and swords.


Schubert married Marie Lippelt on October 7, 1884 in Berlin. The marriage remained childless.
