Udalrich I.

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Udalrich I († November 17, 1099, probably in Eichstätt ) was the 19th bishop of Eichstätt from 1075 until his death in 1099 .


After King Heinrich IV had spent Palm Sunday with the court chaplain Bishop Gundekar II in Eichstätt in 1073 , two years later - after Gundekar's death - he appointed the noble free Udalrich Bishop of Eichstätt. In the investiture controversy , Udalrich was loyal to the future emperor; In 1076 he took part in a synod in Worms , which renounced Pope Gregory VII and denied him papal dignity. Out of gratitude, in 1080 the ruler granted the Eichstätter Church a ban on wild animals in the districts of Rodmaresperch ( Ruppmannsburg ) and Solzgowe ( Sulzgau ). In 1085 the followers of Heinrich and with it Udalrich from a synod in Mainz renewed the condemnation of Gregory VII and spoke out in favor of the antipope Clemens II . Also they finished appointed by the Pope anti-king with excommunication . In 1091 Udalrich got the place Greding back for the Eichstätter church, but two years later had to cede this property again on imperial orders, whereupon Udalrich's relationship with the ruling house deteriorated. Since 1093 he has not stayed in the vicinity of the emperor.

In Eichstätt, since Bishop Udalrich, the rational has been attested as an episcopal mark of dignity.


  • Klaus Kreitmeir: The bishops of Eichstätt . Publishing house church newspaper. Eichstätt 1992. p. 24.
  • Alfred Wendehorst : The diocese of Eichstätt. Volume 1: The row of bishops until 1535 . Series: Germania Sacra - New Episode 45 . Berlin 2006. ISBN 978-3-11-018971-1 . Pp. 69-70.

Individual evidence

  1. See also list of medieval districts
predecessor Office successor
Gundekar II. Bishop of Eichstätt
Eberhard I. von Hildrizhausen