United States Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources

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The United States Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources is a committee of the US Senate , which deals with energy, nuclear waste, the public land and affairs of the Hawaiian natives.

The committee has its roots in the Committee on Public Lands founded in 1816 , which was renamed the Committee on Public Lands and Surveys in 1921. In 1946 it merged with the Committees on Indian Affairs, the Committees on US Territories and Islands, the Committee on Mining, and the Committee on Irrigation and Reclamation as part of a major Senate reform . It then operated under the title Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs . In 1977 it took on its current name, while Indian affairs were returned to a separate committee, the Committee on Indian Affairs .

Members of the 115th Congress

Lisa Murkowski, current chair of the committee

The committee chairman has been the Republican Lisa Murkowski from Alaska since 2015 , the ranking minority member is the Democrat Maria Cantwell from Washington .


senator Country
Lisa Murkowski , Chair Alaska
John Barrasso Wyoming
Jim Risch Idaho
Mike Lee Utah
Jeff Flake Arizona
Steve Daines Montana
Cory Gardner Colorado
Lamar Alexander Tennessee
John Hoeven North Dakota
Bill Cassidy Louisiana
Rob Portman Ohio
Shelley Moore Capito West Virginia


senator Country
Maria Cantwell , Ranking Member Washington
Ron Wyden Oregon
Bernie Sanders Vermont
Debbie Stabenow Michigan
Joe Manchin West Virginia
Martin Heinrich New Mexico
Mazie Hirono Hawaii
Angus King Maine
Tammy Duckworth Illinois
Catherine Cortez Masto Nevada
Tina Smith Minnesota


Former Chair

Committee on Public Lands, 1816-1921

Committee on Public Lands and Surveys, 1921-1947

Chairmen of the Committee on Public Lands, 1947–1948

Chairmen of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, 1948–1977

Committee chairman three times: Jeff Bingaman

Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, since 1977

Web links