Uri Ariel

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Uri Ariel (2007)

Uri Yehuda Ariel ( Hebrew אורי אריאל; * December 22, 1952 in Afula ) is an Israeli politician ( HaBajit haJehudi , Tkuma ). From 2013 to May 2015 he was Minister of Construction and Housing in the Netanyahu III cabinet and from May 2015 to November 2019 Minister of Agriculture in the Netanyahu IV cabinet .


Uri Ariel served in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) until he was retired with the rank of major. He was involved in the movement of Israeli settlements in the occupied territories, was general secretary of the settler organization Amana and the Yesha council, and chairman of the municipal council of the Bet El settlement in the West Bank.

Ariel entered the Knesset in 2001 as a replacement for the murdered Rechaw'am Ze'ewi on the list of the National Union . In 2003 he was re-elected to sixth place in his party coalition. In protest against the decided evacuation of the settlements, he moved to Kefar Darom in 2005 and to Amona in 2006 . In 2006 he was confirmed as a parliamentarian on the joint list of the National Union and the National Religious Party .

During the festival of Sukkot in 2006, Ariel went up to the Temple Mount to say that he intended to build a synagogue there. On the Temple Mount is the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque , two important Islamic shrines.

In 2008 Ariel criticized the Knesset's decision that Angela Merkel was allowed to speak German in the Knesset, saying: They are Amaleks, they are the mother of all Amaleks. The Jews must not return to be doormats. ("They are Amalekites , they are the mother of all Amalekites. The Jews are not allowed to become doormats again.") According to the Torah , the Amalekites were enemies of the Jews who had been exterminated by the Jews.

In 2010, right-wing Israeli rabbis published a letter calling on them not to rent apartments to Palestinians or Israeli Arabs and not to employ them as workers. In addition, Jewish women should not enter into relationships with non-Jews. Almost the entire Israeli political spectrum rejected this letter. Holocaust survivors spoke of "the first signs of neo-fascism". Ariel was one of the proponents of the discriminatory measures.

After right-wing extremist Jewish settlers from the hill top youth attacked an Israeli army base in 2011, Ariel protested against Israeli soldiers who had described the attackers as "terrorists". Calls for deadly defenses against future attacks, Ariel declined. In January 2012, Ariel admitted to providing the extremists with information about Israeli army movements. He said: If a person who transfers information about IDF movements is a spy, then I am a spy. (“If a person who gives information about movements of the Israeli army is a spy, then I am a spy.”) The right-wing settlers' organization, NGO Matot Arim , voted Ariel the most successful right-wing member of the Knesset in 2011 and the second most right-wing member of the Knesset in 2012.

As a vehement advocate for the maintenance and expansion of Israeli settlements in the occupied territories , he is considered to belong to the political right .

In 2012, Uri Ariel initiated the passage of a law in the Knesset, according to which symbols and slogans of National Socialism may only be shown for teaching and documentation purposes. Previously, ultra-Orthodox Jews (Haredim) had used Nazi symbolism during protests to draw attention to alleged discrimination. According to Ariel, such cynical use offends Holocaust survivors and offends the memory of the victims.

After the 2015 Israeli general election , Ariel was appointed Minister of Agriculture. In January 2019, he announced his retirement from politics after losing to Bezalel Smotrich in the election for chairman of the Tkuma party . In November 2019, he resigned as Minister of Agriculture.

Uri Ariel is married and has six children.

Web links

Commons : Uri Ariel  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. rightist MK Ariel visits Temple Mount as Thousands throng Wall Haaretz, October 9, 2006
  2. Olmert accompanies Merkel to Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial Haaretz, March 17, 2008
  3. Stay away from Arab men (article in JPOST)
  4. Article in Ynet (Engl.)
  5. Holocaust survivors warn of stirring of Neo Fascism ( Memento from January 3, 2011 in the Internet Archive )
  6. ^ "Rioting Jews to be tried in army courts," Jerusalem Post, Dec. 15, 2011
  7. ^ "Second Israeli MK admits to having given settlers information on IDF movements" , Ha'aretz, Jan. 8, 2012
  8. a b Lahav Harkov: National Union politician ranked most right-wing MK. In: The Jerusalem Post , October 8, 2011.
  9. Jeremy Sharon, Lahav Harkov: Knesset approves bill banning use of Nazi symbols. In: The Jerusalem Post , October 1, 2012.
  10. ^ TOI staff: Cabinet approves Bennett as defense minister, amid internal grumbling. Retrieved December 14, 2019 (American English).