Association of Danish Small Islands

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The Association of Danish Small Islands ( Danish Sammenslutningen af ​​danske småøer, SaDS ) is an interest group of small, inhabited Danish islands. The association, based in Rudkøbing , was founded in 1974 by 18 residents' associations and currently comprises 27 islands. The connected islands must not have a permanent land connection, form an independent municipality , have no more than 1,200 inhabitants and must have officially registered residents all year round.

The reason for the establishment was, on the one hand, the population decline on the Danish islands that began in the 1960s, and, on the other hand, the local government reform of 1970, with which many small island communities were dissolved and assigned to larger mainland communities.

The interest group is invited to public hearings and holds regular conferences with members of parliament. Recurring topics are the promotion of ferry traffic, government subsidies for business promotion and support for agricultural businesses. The Danish state subsidizes the association annually with around one million crowns .

The Association of Danish Small Islands participates in the European LEADER program. He also participates in ESIN (European Small Islands Federation), an association that also connects small islands in Sweden , Finland , Åland , Estonia , France , Ireland , Scotland , Italy , Croatia and Greece .


According to the statutes, the association pursues the following goals:

  • Promotion of cross-island contact
  • Creation and expansion of contacts to private and state institutions
  • Promotion of the influx of new residents and securing permanent residents
  • Business promotion events
  • Education about the economic and social situation of small Danish islands
  • Formation of community institutions with the aim of an effective structural policy

Board of Directors and Secretariat

The chairman and deputy chairman are elected for a period of two years, with a delay of one year. The remaining six board members are alternately filled by the various residents' associations for three years. The permanent secretariat is on the island of Strynø .

Ø items

The quarterly journal Ø-Posten is sent to all permanent residents of the affiliated islands and the supporting members. A newsletter is also sent out.

Islands and Population Statistics

island Residents
2006 2010
Årø 180 164
Agersø 245 207
Anholt 167 171
Askø 56 43
Avernakø 110 110
Bågø 34 35
Barsø 26th 22nd
Birkholm 10 10
Bjørnø 39 37
island Residents
2006 2010
Drejø 69 66
Egholm 48 54
Endelave 177 187
Fejø 608 543
Femø 144 146
For 912 856
Hjarnø 103 98
Hjortø 13 8th
Lyø 130 106
island Residents
2006 2010
Mandø 56 46
Nekselø 26th 20th
Omø 187 171
Orø 937 881
Sejerø 403 370
Skarø 36 35
Strynø 218 215
Tunø 115 118
Venø 211 197

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Bevolkning og valg -> Folketal -> BEF4 Folketal pr. January 1st fordelt på øer (1901–2010) - (Population of the islands January 1st, 2010)

Web links