Comparative pedagogy

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Comparative pedagogy or comparative educational science is an overarching term for educational science research that focuses on pedagogical developments in different countries and in international contexts.


Historically, her father was the Frenchman Marc-Antoine Jullien de Paris in the early 19th century. His idea from 1817 was not taken up for a long time until the Hungarian Franz Kemény rediscovered it around 1885 and from 1930 initiated research at the International Bureau of Education , especially in Geneva . With him, both tendencies can already be proven, which make up this discipline up to the present, the purely scientific comparison (comparative education) as well as the political promotion of an international understanding ( internationalism ).

German-Austrian area

After a first attempt by Friedrich Schneider in Bonn, which was aborted by National Socialism in 1933, comparative education only existed as an independent sub-discipline in the German-Austrian region since the 1960s. However, the first German chair for comparative education was created at the University of Hamburg in 1948 , held by Walther Merck from 1950 until his retirement in 1959 , who came from practical school and administrative work and through diverse international contacts and knowledge of educational developments abroad decreed. Between 1953 and 1957, Merck was also director of the UNESCO Institute for Education . Schneider took up the topic again early on in 1946 with an institute for comparative education at the University of Salzburg and from 1953 in Munich, as did the Romance scholar Hans Espe in West Berlin in the 1950s. 1950–1952 Erich Hylla built up the University for International Educational Research , which became the German Institute for International Educational Research in Frankfurt am Main . Another pioneer was Franz Hilker , who created a pedagogical position in Wiesbaden , which the Conference of Ministers of Education later brought to Bonn as a separate department.

Against the background of global system competition and the discussions about a fundamental educational reform in the FR of Germany, the focus was on the " system comparison " and the experiences made with differently structured school systems and educational reforms - especially in the USA, Sweden and England . Oskar Anweiler conducted comparative educational research in Bochum, particularly on the two German states. The Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research in Braunschweig, which is currently headed by Eckhardt Fuchs , has been associated with UNESCO projects since the 1950s and has made a great contribution to teaching history in particular . The Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin also took a comparative approach after 1963, for example with Saul B. Robinsohn in curriculum research .

The major international educational studies TIMS , DESY , PISA and many others have brought comparative educational science with names such as Jürgen Baumert , Manfred Prenzel , Eckhard Klieme , Andreas Schleicher ("Mr. PISA") and Wilfried Bos into the public eye. With the success of the Asian countries in these comparative studies, an interest in their educational systems and learning cultures has grown ( Volker Schubert for Japan ; Christina Acuna for China , South Korea ). At the same time, critics in Germany and Heinz-Dieter Meyer (USA) have criticized the underlying images of people and society. You accuse the projects of merely opening up the so-called test industry . The economically oriented OECD carries out the PISA studies to determine the competitiveness of education systems.

Third World and One World

Independently of this, initiated by Ivan Illich and Paolo Freire, initially for South America, a work area “Education in relation to the Third World” was established, which today is closely related to intercultural education . Christel Adick held a chair with a focus on Africa in Bochum until 2013 . The suitability of Eurocentric educational concepts for the Third World was radically questioned. A new educational concept is called Global Learning , which is linked to Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Another new branch is ethno-pedagogy , which is derived from the interest in ethnology . Here was Margaret Mead Pate with their studies (1970), about childhood and youth in the Pacific peoples.

The topics of international education and international actors in education beyond UNESCO, the Transnational Education (TNE) as well as worldwide international education alliances, the Global Education Campaign (GCE: Global Campaign for Education , President Refaat Sabbah, are becoming increasingly important for comparative pedagogy ) . Palestine) and the Global Partnership for Education (GPE: Global Partnership for Education , President Julia Gillard , Australia). This is how global scientific societies have formed: the Comparative Education Society (1956 in the USA), now the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES, from 1969).


  • Hans Espe: The importance of comparative educational science for teachers and schools: A collection of essays from u. domestic representative of comparative educational science . Orbis-Verlag, 1956 ( [accessed on May 25, 2020]).
  • Franz Hilker: Comparative Pedagogy. An introduction to their history, theory and practice. Hueber, Munich 1962
  • Klaus E. Müller / Alfred K. Treml: How to become a savage. Ethno-pedagogical source texts from four centuries. (= Ethnological Paperbacks ), Reimer, Berlin 2002, ISBN 3-496-02718-5 .
  • Volker Schubert: Comparative Pedagogy, in: Pedagogy as Comparative Cultural Studies. Upbringing and education in Japan, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften 2005, pp. 9-23 ISBN 978-3-531-14824-3
  • Christel Adick: Comparative Pedagogy. An introduction , Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2008 ISBN 9783170188587 PDF beginning
  • Christel Adick: International comparative educational science , in: H. Faulstich-Wiegand / P. Faulstich: educational science. A basic course , rowohlts enzyklopädie, Reinbek 2008, p. 389-407 ISBN 9783499556920

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Single receipts

  1. ↑ In 1931 he founded the International Journal of Educational Science , which is still in existence today , and is now the International Review of Education.
  2. Cf. Viktor von Blumenthal et al. a .: Lines of development of comparative educational science in the FRG up to the end of the 1980s , in: Bodo Willmann (ed.): Bildungsreform und Comparative Educational Science , Waxmann 1995.
  3. Heinz Stübig: The re-establishment of comparative educational science in West Germany after the Second World War - Friedrich Schneider and Franz Hilker. In: Education and Upbringing. 1997, pp. 467-480 , accessed June 15, 2020 .
  4. ^ Saul B. Robinsohn et al: School reform in the social process . An intercultural comparison , 2 volumes, Klett, Stuttgart 1970 and 1975
  5. Christina Acuna: Education and Vocational Training in the People's Republic of China: Structures, Problems and Perspectives . Diplomica, 2011, ISBN 978-3-8428-5841-1 .
  6. ^ Gi-Wook Shin, Yeon-Cheon Oh, Rennie J. Moon: Internationalizing Higher Education in Korea, Challenges and Opportunities in Comparative Perspective. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, 2016, ISBN 978-1-931368-42-1 .
  7. Thomas Jahnke, Wolfram Meyerhöfer (ed.): Pisa & Co. Critique of a program . 2nd Edition. Franzbecker, Hildesheim, ISBN 978-3-88120-464-4 .
  8. ^ Heinz-Dieter Meyer : PISA, Power, and Policy . Symposium, Oxford 2013.
  9. ^ Frank-Olaf Radtke: The educational science of the OECD . In: Educational Science . No. 27 , 2003, p. 109-136 .
  10. Ernest Jouhy et al. a .: Dependency and awakening: What is education in the Third World? Lang, 1978, ISBN 978-3-261-02635-4 .
  11. Bernd Overwien ; Rathenow, Hanns-Fred (Ed.): Globalization calls for political education. Political learning in a global context. With the collaboration of Ghassan El-Bathich, Nils Gramann, Katja Kalex. Opladen 2009
  12. Klaus E. Müller , Alfred K. Treml : Ethnopädagogik. Socialization and education in traditional societies. An introduction . 1996, ISBN 978-3-496-02590-0 .
  13. ^ Transnational education (TNE). Retrieved June 16, 2020 (UK English).
  14. Global Campaign for Education | GCE. Retrieved June 16, 2020 (American English).
  15. ^ Global Partnership for Education. Retrieved June 16, 2020 (English).
  16. Christel Adick: Globalization - Global Education Alliances as Actors in International Education Policy . In: Jürgen Oelkers u. a. (Ed.): The end of the political conception of the 20th century . 2020, ISBN 978-3-658-29191-4 .