Vilayet Ankara

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The Agora-Vilâyet in 1900
Map of the Vilayet Ankara from 1890

The Vilayet Ankara was an Ottoman Vilayet in north-central Anatolia with the city of Ankara in the center and as the provincial capital.

It was built in 1864.

The province of Angora was strongly characterized by agriculture, depending on the prosperity of its grain and wool production as well as the mohair - obtained from the angora goat . Another important branch of industry was carpet weaving in Kırşehir and Kayseri . There were mining mines for silver, copper, lignite and salt.

There were the sanjaks Ankara, Kırşehir , Kayseri and Yozgat .


In 1914, 877,285 of the population were Muslim. In addition, in 1914, a year before the Armenian genocide began, there were 51,556 Armenian residents in Vilayet Ankara , who were later killed or displaced. The same happened to the approximately 20,240 Cappadocian Greeks in Vilayet Ankara during the persecution of the Greeks in the Ottoman Empire .

Individual evidence

  1. Devlet-i Aliyye-i Osmaniyye'nin Bin Üçyüz Onüç Senesine Mahsus İstatistik-i Umumîsi, İstanbul, Alem Matbaası, 1316/1900.
  2. a b c 1914 census statistics . General Staff of Turkey . Pp. 605-606. Archived from the original on October 7, 2011. Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved January 29, 2011. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /