Vilayet Herzegovina

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The Vilâyet Herzegovina ( Turkish Hersek Vilâyeti ) was a Vilâyet (highest administrative province) of the Ottoman Empire in south-east Europe . The capital was Mostar , cities like Mostar and Stolac formed important trading posts between Dubrovnik and the interior. The state religion was Sunni Islam .

From 1833 to 1851 the Paschalik Herzegovina was administratively separated as Eyâlet from Bosnia. It was then part of Eyâlet Bosnia again , but enjoyed special rights. In 1864 the previous Sanjak Herzegovina was subordinated to the newly founded Vilâyet Bosnia during a comprehensive administrative reform within the framework of the Tanzimat and lost its special role. In 1876 the Sanjak was split off from Bosnia and became an independent Vilayet.

After the Berlin Congress in 1878, the area was occupied jointly with Bosnia by Austria-Hungary , which had to overcome fierce resistance, particularly from the Muslim population, during the occupation campaign in Bosnia . Since the two parts of the empire could not agree to whom the area should go, the administration was transferred to the finance minister in 1879 , one of the few ministers responsible throughout the empire. De jure, Ottoman suzerainty continued until 1908, when Bosnia-Herzegovina was officially annexed by Austria-Hungary, which sparked the Bosnian annexation crisis.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hannes Grandits: Rule and loyalty in late Ottoman society: the example of multi-confessional Herzegovina . (= Zur Kunde Südosteuropas 2), Böhlau Verlag, Vienna 2008, ISBN 978-320577802-8 , p. 495, footnote 26 (there with further references; limited preview in the Google book search), accessed July 23, 2020