Torgau-Oschatz constituency

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Constituency 33: Torgau-Oschatz
Country Germany
state Saxony
Constituency number 33
Eligible voters 66,462
voter turnout 47.4%
Election date August 30, 2009
Constituency representative
Photo of the MP
Political party CDU
Voting share 45.8%

The constituency of Torgau-Oschatz (constituency 33) was a state constituency in Saxony , which was formed for the state election in 1994 and was last part of the constituency division for the state election in 2009 . It initially comprised the area of ​​the Torgau-Oschatz district formed in 1994 with the towns of Belgern-Schildau (area of ​​the former town of Belgern ), Dommitzsch , Mügeln , Oschatz and Torgau as well as the communities of Arzberg , Beilrode , Cavertitz , Dreiheide , Elsnig , Großtreben-Zwethau , Liebschützberg , Mockrehna , Naundorf , Sornzig-Ablaß , Trossin , Wermsdorf and Zinna . After the Saxon district reform in 2008 , this area belonged to the newly formed district of Northern Saxony . Nevertheless, the constituency was formed again in its composition for the 2009 state election. In this state election, 66,462 residents were entitled to vote. For the 2014 state elections , the area of ​​the former constituency of Torgau-Oschatz was divided into the newly formed constituencies of North Saxony 2 and North Saxony 3 . In all four state elections from 1994 to 2009, the CDU politician Frank Kupfer was able to win the constituency as a direct candidate.

Election 2009

Official final result of the state election on August 30, 2009 in Saxony
in constituency 033 Torgau-Oschatz (results in percent)
Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Second votes in%
Frank Copper CDU 45.8 41.6
Michael Sehrt The left 20.1 20.4
Liane Deicke SPD 9.6 10.0
Steffen Heller NPD 7.8 8.3
Bernd Biedermann FDP 12.5 10.6
Tom-Michael Hesse GREEN 4.0 3.9
- Animal welfare - 1.7
- PBC - 0.2
- BüSo - 0.2
- DSU - 0.1
- REP - 0.2
- Free Saxons - 1.1
- FP of Germany - 0.1
- Human economy - 0.1
- Pirates - 1.3
- SVP - 0.3

Election 2004

The 2004 state elections had the following results:

Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Second votes in%
Frank Copper CDU 48.1 41.4
René Merry PDS 30.3 25.2
Sören flat SPD 8.9 9.1
Annegret Scheller GREEN 4.5 3.2
- NPD - 11.4
Isabel Siebert FDP 8.2 6.0
- DSU - 0.6
- PBC - 0.1
- GRAY - 0.6
- BüSo - 0.2
- START - 0.4
- DGG - 0.3
- Animal welfare - 1.4

Election 1999

The 1999 state election had the following results:

Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Second votes in%
Frank Copper CDU 54.0 55.9
Doris Albrecht SPD 12.9 11.7
Peter Streubel PDS 22.9 22.8
Uwe Narkunat GREEN 2.1 1.8
Kerstin Ulrich FDP 2.1 1.2
- BüSo - 0.1
Bernd Biedermann DSU 2.6 0.8
- GRAY - 0.1
Tilo Hegewald REP 3.4 2.4
- FP of Germany - 0.0
- Per DM - 1.5
- KPD - 0.1
- NPD - 1.4
- FORUM - 0.1
- PBC - 0.1

Election 1994

The 1994 state election had the following result:

Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Second votes in%
Frank Copper CDU 44.7 55.5
Inge Stetter SPD 20.2 18.1
Siegfried Reichel FDP 7.0 2.4
Bernd Voigtländer GREEN 8.0 4.5
Lutz Biedermann DSU 3.7 1.2
- REP - 1.3
- FORUM - 0.5
Andreas Reich PDS 16.3 16.2
- SP - 0.3

Previous MPs

Directly elected members of the Torgau-Oschatz constituency were:

year Surname Political party Share of first votes
2009 Frank Copper CDU 45.8%
2004 Frank Copper CDU 48.1%
1999 Frank Copper CDU 54.0%
1994 Frank Copper CDU 44.7%

State elections 1990–2009

The results of the state elections since 1990 in the area of ​​today's constituency Torgau-Oschatz were (second or list votes):

Political party 1990 1994 1999 2004 2009
CDU 51.7 55.6 55.9 41.4 41.6
PDS / The Left 9.6 16.1 22.8 25.2 20.4
SPD 24.5 18.1 11.7 9.1 10.0
NPD 0.4 - 1.4 11.4 8.3
FDP 5.8 2.4 1.3 6.0 10.6
GREEN 4.8 4.4 1.8 3.2 3.9
Others 3.3 3.4 5.2 3.7 5.3

Individual evidence

  1. Constituency division for the 2009 state elections
  2. State Statistical Office of the Free State of Saxony: Constituency: 033 Torgau-Oschatz. In: Official final result of the state elections on 08/30/2009 in Saxony. Retrieved August 16, 2014 .
  3. Result of the 2004 state elections
  4. Result of the 1999 state elections: first votes , second votes
  5. Result of the 1994 state elections , direct applicants
  6. ^ Prefix results for constituency 33 Torgau-Oschatz