Wassili Markowitsch Florinski

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Wassili Markowitsch Florinski

Wassili Markowitsch Florinski ( Russian Василий Маркович Флоринский ; * February 16 July / February 28,  1834 greg. In the village of Frolowskoje, Ujesd Jurjew ; † January 3 jul. / January 15,  1899 greg. In St. Petersburg ) was a Russian Gynecologist , ethnographer and university professor .


Florinsky came from the large family of the deacon Mark Jakowlewitsch Florinski (1800–1872) and his wife Marija Andrejewna nee Fjodorowa (1803–1883). Soon after Florinski's birth, the wooden church in Florovskoye burned down, so that the father lost the job. The family moved behind the Urals to the village of Peski, Ujesd Schadrinsk , where the father was appointed a priest through the protection of his father-in-law Archbishop Arkady (Fyodorow). At the age of 9, Florinsky was sent to the five-year spiritual primary school at the Dormition Monastery in Dalmatowo , after which he was accepted into the Perm spiritual seminary .

After completing his seminar in 1853, Florinski studied at the Imperial Medical and Surgical Academy St. Petersburg (MChA). As one of the most talented students with foreign language skills, he was assigned to study abroad for two years after completing the third course. Immediately after the end of the Crimean War in 1856 he was able to study in Germany , France , Austria and Switzerland . On his return he had already published around 20 papers.

After passing the medical exam in 1858, he was assigned as a surplus physician at the Military Medical Office for further training at the second military rural hospital at the MChA. In 1860 he became a full member of the Society of Russian Doctors in St. Petersburg. In the same year he was extraordinarily commissioned to hold a lecture on gynecological diseases at the MChA with the rights of a private lecturer . Only in April 1861 he defended his thesis on perineal tears during childbirth for promotion to Doctor of Medicine , which he as Associate Professor at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology was appointed the mcha. However, he was soon posted abroad for two years for scientific purposes. After returning in 1863, he was adjunct - Professor at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and was Chair Eduard Anton Yakovlevich Krassowskis . In 1865 he became an assistant doctor at the Department of Obstetrics and looked after the 12 children's beds that had been there since the time of Stepan Fomitsch Chotowizki . In 1869, for the first time in Russia, pediatrics was separated from obstetrics and gynecology, and Florinski became the head of the new chair as associate professor.

In 1873 Florinski traveled to the Orenburg governorate and studied ethnographically the life of the Bashkirs . He was a strong proponent of the theory of the Turkish origin of the Bashkirs. In 1875 he was elected a full member of the Russian Geographical Society . He put on an archaeological collection, which he handed over to the Tomsk Archaeological Museum in 1882 .

In 1873, in addition to his work in the MChA, Florinski became a permanent member of the science committee of the Ministry of Education. In his work in the ministry, he also took part in the commissions that had been set up to establish a Siberian university. In 1875 he left the MChA and concentrated as the head of the medicine committee on the work in the ministry. In 1877 he became a member of the special commission for the choice of location for the Siberian University, with Omsk as well as Tomsk . In 1880 he was posted to Tomsk as a member of the building commission. After completing the construction phase of the new Siberian University (1885–1888), Florinski became curator of the West Siberian Science District and directed the development of the university.

In addition, from 1878 Florinski headed the chair for obstetrics and gynecological diseases at the University of Kazan with the rank of full professor . In 1879 he was elected a foreign member of the Boston Society of Gynecology. He was an honorary member of the Society of Russian Doctors in St. Petersburg.

In 1898 Florinski resigned from the service and settled in Kazan , where his daughter lived with her family. At the end of 1898 he visited St. Petersburg, where he died of a heart attack in the hotel . His grave in the cemetery of the Transfiguration of Our Lord - monastery in Kazan Kremlin is not obtained.

Honors, prizes

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Сеченова А. А .: Василий Маркович Флоринский - первый попечитель Западно-Сибирского учебного округа . In: Вестник Томского государственного педагогического университета . No. 12 , 2009, p. 139–141 ( [1] accessed June 24, 2019).
  2. a b c d Alexejew Michail Alexejewitsch: Флоринский (Василий Маркович, 1833–99) . In: Brockhaus-Efron . tape XXXVI , 1902, pp. 169 ( Wikisource accessed June 24, 2019).
  3. a b c Священнический род Флоринских (accessed June 23, 2019).
  4. a b c d e Энциклопедия Сибирь-матушка: Флоринский Василий Маркович (accessed June 24, 2019).
  5. Некрополь Спасо-Преображенского мужского монастыря (accessed June 24, 2019).