Werner Buchstaller

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Werner Buchstaller (born November 4, 1923 in Rosenheim , † October 19, 1989 in Koblenz ) was a German publishing manager and politician . From 1949 to 1959 he headed the Jusos as central secretary and was a member of the Bundestag as a representative of the SPD from 1961 to 1980 .

Life and work

After attending elementary school , Buchstaller completed a commercial apprenticeship, which he completed with the examination to become a timber merchant. He took part in World War II as a soldier , was seriously wounded on the Eastern Front and then discharged from the Wehrmacht . Since 1944 he worked again in the woodworking industry.

After the war ended, Buchstaller attended political and trade union academies in several countries. He worked in the publishing industry and was later managing director of Jugendforum-Verlag and Deutscher Heimat-Verlag .

Political party

Buchstaller joined the SPD and the Young Socialists . From 1949 to 1959 he was employed by the SPD party executive as central secretary and thus chairman of the Jusos. After the first election of a federal chairman by delegates in the person of Hans-Jürgen Wischnewski , he was federal manager of Jusos from 1959 to 1961. During this time he also sat on the Presidium of the International Union of Social Democratic Youth Associations from 1954 to 1961, was at times Vice President of the European Youth Parliament and Chairman of the Steineck House , an institute for civic education. Buchstaller was chairman of the SPD sub-district Koblenz , deputy chairman of the SPD district Rhineland / Hesse-Nassau and a member of the state board of the SPD Rhineland-Palatinate .


Buchstaller was a member of the German Bundestag from 1961 to 1980 and was always drawn into parliament via the state list of the SPD Rhineland-Palatinate. In February 1975 he failed as a candidate in the election for the defense commissioner of the German Bundestag both at the parliamentary group and at the parliamentary level. Between 1975 and 1976 he served as chairman of the Defense Committee , then until 1980 as deputy chairman.



  • How does the communist FDJ work? A report on the organizational structure of the Free German Youth. Ring Politischer Jugend, Bonn 1951 (together with Helmut Ziegler and Theodor Baarfuss).
  • Happy journey in better times. Bonn 1953.
  • Young socialist work 1958–59. Bonn 1959.


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