Wichard von Pohlheim

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Wichard von Pohlheim or Wichard von Perchtoldsdorf (born February 25, 1237 in Wels ; † December 17, 1282 in Vienna ) was the 40th bishop of Passau from 1280 to 1282 .

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According to tradition, Wichard von Pohlheim was born in February 1237 as the son of Heinrich (II.) von Polheim and Geutta von Weissenberg in Wels. Wichard's father is probably the Babenberg ministerial Otto von Perchtoldsdorf. Little is known about his career before his appointment as Bishop of Passau. However, he was more of a friend of the Habsburgs ; a circumstance to which he (like so many other of his office colleagues in the 13th century) probably owed the Passau bishopric. He was also likely to have been cathedral dean and provost in Passau .

He was consecrated in Vienna on May 5, 1280 and then succeeded the late Bishop Petrus von Passau .

During his tenure, the dispute between Duke Heinrich of Bavaria and Duke Albrecht of Austria, which claimed the cities of Schärding, Barnbach and Neuburg, took place. Wichard acted as a mediator and in his negotiations achieved that Schärding and Barnbach remained with Bavaria, while only Neuburg fell to Austria. As a reward for his efforts, a Minorite monastery was founded in Wels, Wichard's birthplace.

In addition, Wichard made a name for himself as a sponsor of the Cistercian monasteries Fürstenzell and Heiligenkreuz as well as the Dominican convent Niederaltaich - and he also founded the Franciscan monastery in Wels.

In 1281 Wichard took part in the Provincial Synod in Salzburg. On this various reforms for the world and religious clergy were determined, which were still linked to the efforts of Bishop Otto von Lonsdorf .

Wichard von Pohlheim died on December 17, 1282 in Vienna.

It is not certain whether Wichard von Pohlheim is actually a Pohlheimer and a co-founder of the Franciscan branch in Wels. Medieval documents say that he is the son of the Babenberg ministerial Otto I. von Perchtoldsdorf. Only in the 16th century do documents name him as the son of the noble Heinrich von Pohlheim.


Individual evidence

  1. a b Walter Aspernig: Bishop Wichard of Passau (1280-1282), a Polheimer and co-founder of Welser Minorite? In: Festschrift 50 years of the Wels Museum Association 1953-2003 (= 33rd yearbook of the Wels Museum Association 2001/2002/2003). Wels 2004, p. 63 (summary), entire article p. 47–63, online (PDF) in the forum OoeGeschichte.at.