Georg von Hohenlohe

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Family coat of arms of Hohenlohe

Georg Graf von Hohenlohe (* around 1350; † August 3, 1423 in Gran ) was Prince-Bishop in the Diocese of Passau from 1390 to 1423 and administrator of the Archdiocese of Gran from 1418 to 1423 .

The member of the Hohenlohe family came from the Franconian nobility . He was in 1387 against Ruprecht von Berg Elekt of the Diocese of Passau, but his election was made by the cathedral chapter against the resistance of the Passau citizens, who denied him access to the city. Armed clashes broke out.

Duke Albrecht III. of Austria achieved that Pope Urban VI. declared him bishop of Passau in 1389. Ruprecht, who in addition to the Passau citizenship also knew the Wittelsbachers behind him, stayed in Passau and ruled the Bavarian part of the diocese from there, while Georg in Sankt Pölten ruled the Austrian part.

1390 appointed Pope Boniface IX. Ruprecht became bishop of Paderborn , but the Passau citizens refused to recognize Georg, so that he still did not get to Passau. It was not until 1393, after Ruprecht had renounced Passau, that Georg made his way into the city by force.

Since the citizens still resisted, he had their rights restricted. In 1394 he converted a former country house into Eggendobl Castle . In 1391 and again from 1395 to 1398 he had the Waldensians persecuted, especially in Steyr, by the inquisitor Petrus Zwicker .

On May 7, 1407 he laid the foundation stone for the new late Gothic St. Stephen Cathedral , of which the choir built by Hans Krumenauer is still preserved today. In 1409 he built the defensive walls on the Inn and Ilz cities . He also began building a moated castle in Obernzell , which his successor Leonhard von Laiming completed in 1426.

On the occasion of the Council of Constance (1414-1418), Georg appeared in Constance in early 1415 with a hundred horses . He surrounded himself with professors from the University of Vienna , and at the council he advised and represented King Sigismund , whose chancellor he was from 1421.

In 1418 he became administrator of the Archdiocese of Gran. In 1419 he convened a diocesan synod to implement the resolutions of the council. In addition to monastery visions, he carried out several diplomatic missions for the Habsburgs . Pope Martin V recently awarded him the pallium and granted, albeit only for himself , the exemption of the diocese of Passau from the archbishopric of Salzburg .


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predecessor Office successor
János Kanizsai Archbishop of Gran
Johann von Borsnitz