Gottfried of Passau

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Gottfried von Passau also Gottfried I († April 16, 1285 in Nuremberg ) was the 41st Bishop of Passau from 1283 to 1285 .

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The Westphalian, presumably from Osnabrück , was the protonotary of King Rudolf von Habsburg . Following his suggestion, the Passau cathedral chapter elected Gottfried as bishop on February 11, 1283. The consecration took place on March 7, 1283 in Salzburg . Together with Heinrich , the Bishop of Regensburg, he was successful as a mediator in a dispute between Duke Albert of Austria and Duke Heinrich XIII. active. In March 1284, Gottfried organized a synod in St. Pölten at which important resolutions to promote the clergy could be passed. In addition, he was able to organize the finances of the Passau diocese. He consecrated the choir of the collegiate church St. Florian up to the cross altar west of the rood screen with the high altar and the two altars in the apsides of the aisles.

In the Bavarian State Archives there is a document in which the hour of birth of the 5th season (Mardi Gras, Fasnet, Mardi Gras, Carnival) is recorded. In 1283, Bishop Gottfried confirmed the "vastchang" to the loden and cloth makers' guild - a festival, a drink in which one last time could be celebrated before Lent began on Ash Wednesday.

His bones are in the bishop's crypt in Passau Cathedral .


  • August Leidl : The Bishops of Passau 739–1968 in short biographies (new publications of the institute; vol. 38). 2nd edition. Association for East Bavarian Homeland Research, Passau 1978, p. 30.

Individual evidence

  1. Alois Zauner : "The church fair chronicle" of the St. Florian monastery. In: Communications from the Upper Austrian Provincial Archives (1st part). Volume 10, Linz 1971, ISSN  0259-4145 , pp. 50–122, here p. 113, online (PDF) in the forum
  2. Passau Abbey . Documents 207. Bavarian Main State Archives , Munich.