Wilhelm Bulk

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Wilhelm Bulk (born January 1, 1936 in Bielefeld ) is a dentist and a former German track cyclist .

As a teenager, Wilhelm Bulk took part in courses given by the English world champion Reg Harris . In 1959 he became German tandem champion on the Schöneberg Radrennbahn in Berlin , together with August Rieke .

Bulk studied dentistry and business administration and opened a dental practice in Münster in 1970 . He did his doctorate with a dissertation on the life of St. Apollonia , the patron saint of dentists, wrote numerous specialist articles in the following years and was involved in associations as a representative of his guild. Despite his age, he still plays tennis league games and cycles several times a week.


  • St. Apollonia - patroness of the tooth sick. Your cult and image through the ages . Bielefeld and Münster 1967.

Web links

  • Wilhelm Bulk in the Radsportseiten.net database
  • Dr. Dieter Pack: "Dr. Wilhelm Bulk 65 years ”. In: Zahnärzteblatt Westfalen-Lippe February 2001 , p. 49