Wilhelm Dietrich von Buddenbrock

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Wilhelm Dietrich von Buddenbrock 1743
Wilhelm Dietrich von Buddenbrock

Wilhelm Dietrich Freiherr von Buddenbrock [ ˈbʊdn̩ˌbʁoːk ] (born March 15, 1672 in Tilsewischken near Ragnit in East Prussia, † March 28, 1757 in Breslau ) was a Prussian field marshal .


He came from the old line of the Baltic Buddenbrocks . His father was the royal Polish lieutenant colonel Johann von Buddenbrock (* 1624; † November 3, 1677), heir to Cosacken, Beynunen , Drescowen, Schönjarken, Gurnen and Bialla , the mother was Elisabeth Sophia von Rappe , daughter of the royal Polish major Christoph von Black on Angerapp and granddaughter of the Prussian Chancellor of the same name Christoph von Rappe .


After three years of university studies at the Albertina in Königsberg , Buddenbrock went to the army out of "belligerence" to fight against the Kingdom of France in the Netherlands as part of the Kurbrandenburg contingent in the Nine Years War . He fought in 1690 as an 18-year-old cornet in the "Regiment Anhalt on Horseback" in the battle of Fleurus . Later he took part in his now royal Prussian regiment in all battles of the War of the Spanish Succession and was commander of the regiment in the battle of Malplaquet in 1709. On July 18, 1724 Buddenbrock was appointed colonel of the regiment previously known as "Bredow on horseback" . It was now called "von Buddenbrock".

In 1729 he was accepted into the entourage of King Friedrich Wilhelm I , promoted to lieutenant general and received the Order of the Black Eagle (1739). He was a member of the tobacco college and also the king's partner at the death camp.

In the battle of Chotusitz in 1743 he earned the promotion to general of the cavalry together with the king's picture in diamonds, an official captaincy and a salary allowance. In the same year he married Beate Abigail von Siegroth, widow after Karl Gottlieb von Nostitz auf Laasan since 1741 . The second Silesian War brought him the field marshal's baton (March 19, 1745).

His eldest son died in the battle of Chotusitz, the younger son as lieutenant general and governor of the Berlin cadet corps Johann von Buddenbrock (1707–1781), who was seriously wounded in the battle of Hohenfriedberg , was like his father a career officer.

Buddenbrock died at the age of 85 as governor of Breslau . His body was buried in the church of Peterwitz .


Wilhelm Dietrich von Buddenbrock was first married to Klara Anna Katharina von Grüter (* April 28, 1675, † June 8, 1713). The marriage resulted in three sons and five daughters. After the death of his first wife, he married Beate Abigail von Siegroth on August 15, 1745 (* January 9, 1700; † July 26, 1770). He had the following children:

  • Johann Wilhelm Dietrich (* March 12, 1701; † August 22, 1763) ⚭ 1730 Dorothea Charlotte von Knobelsdorff (* December 27, 1711; † September 18, 1782 in Skandlack)
  • Karl Friedrich (* 1698; † May 17, 1742) ⚭ Sophie Charlotte von Schönaich (1725–1807), later married the Minister Kaspar Wilhelm von Borcke (1704–1747)
  • Anna Sophie Agnes (* 1699; †)
⚭ 1737 Erhard Ernst von Röder (born July 26, 1665 - † October 26, 1743)
Johann von Lehwaldt (* June 24, 1685; † November 16, 1768)
  • Charlotte Wilhelmine Clara Katharina (* February 10, 1710; † April 19, 1790) ⚭ 1731 Justus Siegmund von Dyhrn and Schönau (* September 5, 1689; † November 16, 1761), district administrator
  • Katharina Luise († April 5, 1761), lady-in-waiting ⚭ 1737 Albrecht Heinrich von Kalnein (* 1685; † 1754), Privy Councilor, Lord of Orschau and Riesenwalde
  • Maria Wilhelmine (* August 27, 1714; † April 20, 1773) ⚭ 1740 Hans Kasper von Hirsch (* December 17, 1695; † April 17, 1751), Lord of Regitten
  • Helene Wilhelmine, Abbess at Paradeis Abbey, Westphalia
  • Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Jobst (* 1707; † November 27, 1781)
⚭ 1740 Elisabeth Dorothea Juliane von Wallmoden (1714–1767)
⚭ 1767 Luise Charlotte Marie von Kalckstein (1727–1768)
⚭ 1768 Johanna Charlotte von Wackenitz (1727–1769)
⚭ 1769 Countess Charlotte Auguste von Wartensleben (1736–1794)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Helmut Walsdorff, von Rapp family ( Memento of the original from December 17, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.darkehmen.com archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (accessed on November 13, 2014)
  2. ^ Karl Friedrich Pauli , Lives of the Great Heroes of the Present War , Volume 1, Halle 1758, pp. 3–22
  3. ^ Rudolf Vierhaus (ed.), German biographical encyclopedia (2007), ( p. 182 )
  4. Peter Karnatz, Johann von Buddenbrock (1) (accessed on November 12, 2014)
  5. Archived copy ( Memento of the original dated February 6, 2006 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.garnisonkirche-berlin.de
  6. Johannes Caspar Schulz, news about the foundation and construction of the evangelical church in Metschkau, Striegauerkreises , p. 19 digitized
  7. Ruebezahl der Schlesische Provincialblätter, Volume 12, p.83 Death notice of Charlotte Wilhelmine von Dyhern
  8. http://ofb.genealogy.net/famreport.php?ofb=NLF&lang=de&modus=&ID=I417528&nachname=HIRSCH%2C+VON