Wilhelm Schlink (physicist)

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Wilhelm Schlink

Wilhelm Schlink (born July 4, 1875 in Offenbach am Main , † March 25, 1968 in Darmstadt ) was a German physicist (specializing in mechanics ) and university professor .


The son of the Higher Regional Court Councilor Nikolaus Edmund Schlink studied engineering in Darmstadt and Munich from 1893 to 1897. He was a member of the Corps Chattia Darmstadt . At the Technical University (TH) Darmstadt the graduation with the Dipl.-Ing. After receiving his doctorate in Munich (1901), his habilitation followed again in Darmstadt in 1903. In 1907, the Braunschweig Technical University appointed him to a professorship for mechanics. Schlink taught at the TH Braunschweig from 1907 to 1921. From 1914 to 1916 and from 1918 to 1921 he was rector in Braunschweig.

In the summer semester of 1921 he moved to the TH Darmstadt as a professor of mechanics as the successor to his teacher Lebrecht Henneberg . On the initiative of Schlink, an aerodynamic institute was founded in 1922, which was given a building on the airfield in Griesheim . This institute provided essential support in the investigation of the constructions of the Darmstadt Academic Aviation Group , which was founded in 1920 by Max Gutermuth . Wilhelm Schlink was elected rector of the TH Darmstadt as early as 1924/25.

After the closure of the TH Darmstadt in March 1945 by the American military government, Schlink was chairman of the trust committee from April to November 1945. In this function he had a decisive influence on the reopening of the university, which took place on January 7, 1946. One of his last official acts was to apply to the military government for admission to the university. At the end of the winter semester 1948/49, Schlink retired.

Schlink also appeared nationwide as a science organizer, u. a. as a longstanding board member of the University Association (1920–1933, including 1927–1929 as chairman). In addition, Schlink was chairman of the German Student Union from 1925 to 1931 .

In 1936 Wilhelm Schlink was the editor of the centenary publication. The commemorative publication “The Technical University of Darmstadt - A Picture of its Becoming and Working” attempted to present the history of the university as objective as possible. However, individual chapters also show influences of the National Socialist era and language more or less clearly.

A dome developed on the basis of the theory of the space framework , the Schlink dome, is named after him.

Wilhelm Schlink is the father of the theologian Edmund Schlink (1903–1984), the Evangelical founder of the order Klara {Basilea} Schlink (1904–2001) and the grandfather of the lawyer and writer Bernhard Schlink (* 1944).


Academic Germany (1931)
  • with Michael Doeberl , Otto Scheel , Hans Sperl , Eduard Spranger , Hans Bitter and Paul Frank (eds.): Das Akademische Deutschland . 4 volumes, 1 register volume by Alfred Bienengräber. CA Weller Verlag, Berlin 1931.
  • Wilhelm Schlink: About spatial roof trusses . In: Zeitschrift für Architektur- und Ingenieurwesen, 50th vol. (9th volume of the new series), 1904, col. 183–198.
  • Wilhelm Schlink: Statics of the space framework . Published by BG Teubner, Leipzig 1907.



  • Michael Grüttner : Biographical lexicon on National Socialist science policy . Synchron Wissenschaftsverlag der Authors, Heidelberg 2004, ISBN 3-935025-68-8 , p. 149 (= studies on the history of science and universities. Volume 6).
  • Article Wilhelm Schlink, in: Magistrat der Stadt Darmstadt and Historischer Verein für Hessen (Ed.): Stadtlexikon Darmstadt , Theiss, Stuttgart 2006, p. 787, ISBN 978-3-8062-1930-2 .
  • Christa Wolf, Marianne Viefhaus: Directory of professors at TH Darmstadt. Short biographies 1836–1945. Verlag des Historisches Verein für Hessen, Darmstadt 1977, OCLC 611985164 p. 182.

Individual evidence

  1. Marianne Viethaus, Isabel Schmidt: Schlink, Wilhelm; Engineer, mathematician. Stadtlexikon Darmstadt, accessed on June 1, 2019 .
  2. ^ Address list of the Weinheimer SC. Darmstadt 1928, p. 116.
  3. ^ Karl-Eugen Kurrer : History of structural engineering. In search of balance , Ernst & Sohn , Berlin 2016, pp. 652f, ISBN 978-3-433-03134-6 .

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