Wilhelm Sinner

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Wilhelm Sinner (born January 6, 1915 in Krempa, Ostrowo , Posen Province , † May 8, 1976 in Rostock ) was a German urologist and university professor.


As the son of a railway engineer, Sinner attended the Polish grammar school in Ostrów. As the last German student, he passed the school leaving examination in 1934 - Polish good, German sufficient. He then studied Protestant theology at the University of Warsaw , the University of Poznan and the Friedrich-Alexander University in Erlangen . He graduated from the Georg August University in Göttingen in 1938 . Already in the vicariate , he decided to study medicine. He wanted to avoid being drafted into the Wehrmacht . He went to the Schlesische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität , the Karl-Ferdinands-Universität , the Albertus-Universität Königsberg , the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg and the University of Vienna . In 1940 he was drafted into the Navy , he served in a minesweeping squadron on the French Atlantic coast, most recently as a junior doctor . In the meantime, he devoted himself to studying medicine. He passed the state examination in 1945 at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel , which made him a Dr. med. PhD. From May 10, 1945 to January 8, 1946, he was interned in the Eckernförde naval hospital . Her marriage to Carla Gresens in April 1947 remained childless.

Surgery and urology

In the first three years after the war he was an assistant doctor in charge of a Polish 80-bed ward in Eckernförde . Surgical, internal, dermatological and venerological diseases were treated. On top of that, he took care of the surgical ward of a field hospital with wounded men . He assisted in operations ; he often did the anesthesia . From 1948 he worked for three years in the 120-bed surgery at the Wismar City Hospital. In the past 18 months, the focus was on urology and x-ray diagnostics . In 1951 he became a specialist in surgery . In August 1951 he went to the surgery of the Schwerin District Hospital as an assistant. According to his inclinations, he was primarily concerned with urological problems. The urological interventions included 130 cystoscopies , 60 retrograde pyelographies , removal of ureteral stones with the Zeiss loop, open removal of kidney stones , nephrectomies , and 56 resections of adenomas of the prostate . In 1954, he went to Martin Stolze (1900–1989) in surgery at the University Hospital in Halle (Saale) for the official specialist training in urology .


As in Schwerin and Halle (Saale) , he was also involved in Rostock in the Free German Trade Union Federation . In September 1957 he accepted Walter Schmitt's call to the Rostock University Hospital . In his 340-bed surgery, he was supposed to be responsible for 36 urological beds. In 1962 he completed his habilitation on late complications of certain suture materials ( polyamides , cotton ) in urological interventions. The Association of Northwest German Surgeons honored him for this . In 1963 he was appointed lecturer and in 1970 associate professor . A special area of ​​interest was the (difficult) urology of newborns and small children. For Mecklenburg (and Western Pomerania) he was the nestor of his subject. Sinner mastered the Polish language, both spoken and written. He spoke Russian , Czech and Slovak fluently. He maintained close relationships with colleagues in the Eastern Bloc , especially in Poland . In 1969, Thaddäus Zajaczkowski was one of the Polish exchange doctors . Sinner came to West Germany and many other countries as a ship's doctor on MS Völkerfreundschaft . In 1973 he was in poor health and released from the operational obligations of his clinic. In September 1973 he was followed by Thomas Erdmann as the first independent clinic director. Sinner became head of the urological outpatient department . In 1975 he had to give up this post too. The following year he died at the age of 61.


  • Journal of Urology and Nephrology


  • Medal for Excellent Achievement (1958)
  • 2nd Prize of the Association of Northwest German Surgeons (1963)
  • Honorary member of the Polish Urological Society (1974)


  • X-ray atlas of upper urinary tract disorders in infants and young children . Jena 1966.


  • Thaddäus Zajaczkowski: Remembering Wilhelm Sinner (1915-1976) . European Urology Today, March / May 2016.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Dissertation: On the concept of theoria in Paracelsus .
  2. a b Remembering Wilhelm Sinner (1915-1976) . European Urology Today, March / May 2016
  3. Habilitation thesis: The importance of suture material and suture technology for the outcome of kidney resections