Willibald Feuerlein

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God of honor August Willibald von Feuerlein , ennobled 1836; (* June 24, 1781 in Stuttgart , Duchy of Württemberg ; † September 29, 1850 in Stuttgart, Kingdom of Württemberg ), was a German lawyer and " Ober-Tribunalrath " at the Oberappelation Tribunal in Stuttgart. From 1820 to 1833 he was the city ​​school of Stuttgart with the honorary title of Lord Mayor .

Willibald von Feuerlein

Live and act

Upbringing, high school and university studies

Coat of arms , provided with a letter of arms from Emperor Karl V , awarded on June 15, 1551 to Hans Feyerlein, Mayor of Roth, an ancestor of Willibald Feuerlein

Willibald Feuerlein attended the illustrious grammar school in Stuttgart. In 1796 he passed the state examination as the best of his class. Then he attended the Protestant theological seminar in Blaubeuren . Then Willibald Feuerlein studied Protestant theology at the University of Tübingen , initially as a scholarship holder of the Evangelical Monastery of Tübingen . After his theological exams, Feuerlein studied law in Tübingen and Landshut . In 1804 he received his doctorate as Dr. jur.

The obligatory educational trip

Before starting his professional life, Willibald Feuerlein went on a classic educational journey together with his twin brother, the Wolfschlugen pastor Gustav Feuerlein . He followed the practice of the educated classes of his time, in aristocratic circles so-called Grand Tour .

The twin brothers undertook the trip accompanied by their older brother Carl Feuerlein (* 1770; † 1808) and their brother-in-law Panagiot Wergo (* 1767; † 1843). The journey took place in the summer of 1805 and led via Salzburg to Vienna and from there via Graz to Trieste . The ship went to Venice when the sea was stormy . The return journey was via Padua , Vicenza , Verona and through Tyrol back to Württemberg. The trip was influenced by the troop movements that could be observed in the run-up to the battles of the Third Coalition War .

Law firm in Stuttgart - Appointment as chief justice procurator

Willibald Feuerlein established himself as a notary in Stuttgart in 1807 . In 1817 he was appointed chief justice procurator at the court in Tübingen. From 1815 to 1819 Willibald Feuerlein Göppingen was a member of the Göppingen assembly and in 1817 he voted against the adoption of the royal draft constitution. In 1818, Feuerlein became legal advisor at the University of Tübingen. From 1819 to 1843 he was a member of the Second Chamber in the Württemberg state parliament for changing constituencies. In 1820 he was appointed city scholar of Stuttgart by King Wilhelm I (taking office on November 1, 1820) and on March 1, 1822, he was the first in the ranks of Stuttgart city leaders to receive the honorary title of mayor .

Urban development of Stuttgart

At the beginning of Feuerlein's tenure, Stuttgart had a little over 20,000 inhabitants. During his years as Lord Mayor, he was able to accompany Wilhelm I on important building projects.

During Feuerlein's tenure, the construction of Rosenstein Castle began. This was followed by the construction of the Kursaal in Cannstatt in 1825 and the construction and design of Wilhelmsplatz in 1827, followed by the opening of the Katharinenhospital and in 1831 the opening of the Neue Weinsteige according to Etzel's plans .

The state elections and Feuerlein’s resignation

In the state elections in 1832, Feuerlein clearly lost to Ludwig Uhland in the Stuttgart constituency . Because of this defeat, he resigned from his office as town school leader on January 1, 1833, although in 1832 he had succeeded in obtaining another member of parliament in the Künzelsau constituency .

The resignation of Feuerlein shows that at that time the king and the state parliament were overpowering and that local politics of their own was unthinkable without sufficient support at the state political level. From January 15, 1836, Feuerlein was a judge at the Royal Württemberg Upper Tribunal in Stuttgart. In 1841, Feuerlein became a member of the Württemberg State Court.


Tomb of the Feuerlein family, formerly an ornament of their family grave site in the Hoppenlauf cemetery . This oldest cemetery in Stuttgart was laid out in 1626 . The last urn burial in the Hoppenlauf cemetery took place in 1951. On the occasion of the Federal Horticultural Show in 1961 , the abandoned cemetery was converted into a park . Many old tombs are now, newly erected, no longer at the associated burial sites

Honor god August Willibald Feuerlein came from the old Franconian theologian and scholar family Feuerlein and saw the light of day with his twin brother Fürchtegott Willibald Gustav Feuerlein on June 24, 1781. They were the ninth and eighth children of twelve children of the Württemberg government councilor Carl Friedrich Feuerlein (born March 5, 1730 in Mömpelgard ; † March 15, 1808 in Stuttgart) and his wife Auguste Elisabeth Franziska Johanna Feuerlein born. Fischer (born December 18, 1747 in Stuttgart, † February 11, 1823 in Stuttgart).

Carl Friedrich Feuerlein was the secret cabinet secretary in the service of Duke Carl Eugen von Württemberg. He was president of the charity, law firm advocate and order registrar. His wife Auguste Feuerlein, b. Fischer was officially a daughter of Friedrich Johann Ernst Fischer ( court chamber councilor and chief chef in the service of Carl Eugen von Württemberg) and his wife Magdalena Barbara, a daughter of the Württemberg court musician and instrument manager Sigmund Castenbauer (1677–1736) and his wife Maria Barbara nee Scheiner (1683-1757).

However, it is obvious that Willibald Feuerlein’s mother, like her older brother Reinhard Fischer, were natural children of Duke Carl Eugen with his lover Magdalena Barbara Fischer. Willibald Feuerleins uncle Reinhard Fischer Built as a court architect , the Hohenheim Castle . As an architect and master builder, Reinhard Fischer realized numerous other palace and garden complexes on behalf of Duke Carl Eugen von Württemberg.


Willibald Feuerlein had been with Auguste Henriette Feuerlein born on February 10, 1810. Schott (1792–1846) married. The couple had four sons and three daughters. The youngest son Otto (1822–1875) is the father of the physicist Otto Feuerlein . Willibald Feuerlein's niece Emilie Auguste Vischer (1799–1881) became Ludwig Uhland's wife .

The grave of Willibald Feuerlein and his family was in the Hoppenlaufriedhof in Stuttgart. After the Hoppenlauffriedhof was abandoned in the 20th century, the grave of the Willibald Feuerlein family and the graves of other well-known people who had been buried here over the centuries were rebuilt on a lawn of the former cemetery, which has now been converted into a park.



  • In 1836, Feuerlein was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Order of the Württemberg Crown . Until 1913, the award of the order was associated with the elevation to the personal, non-inheritable nobility for Württemberg subjects . The bearers were allowed to add "von" to their real names.
  • In Stuttgart, Feuerleinstraße was named in honor of Mayor Willibald Feuerlein in 1925

Individual evidence

  1. Royal Württemberg Court and State Manual , page 36, anno 1836 ennoblement v. Feuerlein, Chief Tribunal Councilor.
  2. A small excerpt from the letter of arms given to Hans Feyerlein and his descendants. It is reproduced in the original spelling: “ Wappenbrief von Kaiser Karl des V Majestät. Hans Feyerlein granted. for the willing service he has given, to do himself and the rich man subserviently and willing to do and should. We aim and want that now for the named Hanns Feyerlein, his married heirs and the same heirs the prescribed coat of arms and cleinot have, lead and should use and enjoy them in all and all honest and honest things and done to Schimpff and Ernst, to Streyten and Kempffen, Insiegel, Pettschafften, Cleinoten and otherwise in all corners and places according to Irish emergency, will and willingly. "
  3. Ferdinand Goes: In memory of Mag. Fürchtegott Gustav Willibald Feuerlein ... In: Familienverband Feuerlein Mitteilungen, 4th year, May 1938, issue 3, p. 37
  4. Gustav Feuerlein, the twin brother, http://www.pantoia.de/Schiller/SSGDL/vita.html
  5. Sigmund Bauer Cast court musician and instrument manager in "From Renaissance to Baroque" by Jonathan Wainwright, Peter Holman, University of York Dept. of Music, York Musical Festival, p. 227.
  6. Sigmund Bauer Cast court musician and instrument manager in "Italian Opera in Central Europe" by Melania Bucciarelli, Norbert Dubowy, Reinhard Strohm, S. 111th
  7. According to Susanne Dietrich, Liebesgunst. Mistresses in Württemberg , DRW-Verlag 2001, p. 42
  8. ^ The Stuttgart street names , published by the state capital Stuttgart, Silberburg-Verlag, Tübingen 2007, ISBN 978-3-87407-748-4 , p. 170



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