Win function math

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Win function math
Basic data

developer Steffen Polster
Current  version 22
(June 25, 2014)
operating system Windows
programming language Object Pascal (Delphi)
category Mathematics didactics
License Proprietary software
German speaking Yes

WinFfunktion Mathematik is a software for numerical solution and graphic illustration of problems of school mathematics , but also of a mathematical undergraduate degree. It is one of the most successful mathematics programs produced in Germany. The current version was published in June 2014 and runs under the Windows operating systems 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10. Since December 2015, a free successor version has been available under the name "Mathematik alpha".


The program is not a computer algebra system and only allows a purely numerical calculation, but does not require any programming knowledge and is easy to use. The special focus is on the interactive, graphic illustration of mathematical relationships. The influence of parameters on the mathematical question can be calculated and displayed in real time. Some didactically prepared program parts for independent learning are available. However, the self-study program is less suitable for students. Instead, there should be the opportunity to deepen and expand known knowledge. It is therefore particularly important for students in higher grades and a high school education. It is widely used in mathematics classes in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, both in secondary level 1 and 2 . It is also widespread in university education and academic libraries. WinFfunktion Mathematik is on the recommendation list of the SODIS database (SODIS New Media in Classes).

In addition to mathematical problems, interdisciplinary issues of computer science , chaos theory , physics , astronomy , chemistry and other natural sciences are also dealt with. A comprehensive technical lexicon is included with the program and contains a variety of simple mathematical logic games.


WinF Funktion is made up of 820 sub-programs for around 3,900 scientific subject areas (status: WinF Funktion Mathematik plus 22 ), including:

  1. Calculation and presentation of functions and curves with treatment of problems of differential calculus and integral calculus , presentation of complex-valued functions including phase plot,
  2. algebraic calculations, etc. a. Systems of equations , inequalities , differential equations , linear optimization and vector calculation ,
  3. Treatment of different number types, u. a. Prime numbers , complex numbers , Pythagorean triples , number sequences , number representation in different languages ​​and factorization of large numbers using various methods,
  4. historical methods of mathematics, etc. a. Abacus , arithmetic on lines , Schickard's adding machine, Pascaline , Addiator , Napier's slide rule and slide rule ,
  5. geometric calculations and simulations for triangles , squares , N-corners , circles and conic sections ,
  6. Illustration of the most important entries of the " Encyclopedia of Triangle Centers ",
  7. Representation and calculation of polyhedra , including networks and projection types, etc. a. the Platonic , Archimedean , Catalan and Johnson polyhedra as well as star polyhedra ,
  8. interactive geometric construction module ,
  9. Calculation and illustration of the analytical geometry in and ,
  10. cryptographic procedures, etc. a. Vigenère cipher , RSA , Enigma , Playfair encryption and steganography ,
  11. chaos-theoretical simulations, etc. a. Mandelbrot set , Julia set , iterated function systems , Lindenmayer system and fractal curves,
  12. Calendar invoice, etc. a. Islamic , Jewish , Chinese calendar , ancient Egyptian calendar and Roman calendar,
  13. Simulation of physical processes, etc. a. Vibration processes, interference patterns, electrical circuits,
  14. astronomical simulations and calculations, e.g. B. Representation of the current star sky and a star map, ephemeris and eclipse calculation, Kepler's laws ,
  15. Mathematical lexicon and specialist dictionary with 16,000 key words on mathematical specialist terms in 26 languages,
  16. Chess , Checkers (game) , Mill (game) , Sudoku , Str8ts , Rubik's Cube , Pentomino , Game 2048 and various puzzles.

Development history

The program was developed in 1985 by the Chemnitz teacher Steffen Polster for the GDR small computer KC 85/3 in Turbo Pascal . The aim was to create a computer program that gave students and teachers the opportunity to graphically illustrate mathematical facts and to simplify routine calculations.

After switching to the Delphi programming environment for the Windows operating system, the program has been distributed by bhv Verlag since 1995. In the meantime, offshoots of the program for the subject areas of physics , chemistry , biology and astronomy have been published. From version 16 these were integrated into the math program.



The first versions of the program were already reviewed. The range of functions in particular was repeatedly highlighted positively in the reviews:

“It is surprising and gratifying to find such an example of German thoroughness in a well-put together and very inexpensive package. [...] As if that weren't enough, the CD contains an even thicker, annotated and full-text indexed formula collection of over 700 pages, which also contains information that is otherwise not even found in "Wells" [ David Wells: Lexicon of Numbers ], for example on the subject of cheerful numbers. [...] For that reason alone, this is a must-buy, but there is also a wealth of aids, for example for calendar calculation, for converting even old and exotic units of measurement with the sensible option of supplementing by the user. "

- Martin A. Lobeck : Book and Library , trade journal of the Association of Librarians and Assistants (July / August 1997)

In the ZDF television garden “Computerecke” on August 31, 1997, the program was mentioned as a “Comprehensive math program with a wide variety of functions for all math issues [...]”.

In the 27/1998 issue of the c't it says: “WinFunction [...] is an ideal tool to clearly process abstractly administered math material; but it is just as suitable for teachers [...]. "

The Pedagogical Institute of the German Language Group in Bozen / Italy rated it in 2000 as a "collection of useful mathematical routines under one surface". It was mentioned that "the routines [...] could be used sensibly in the systematisation and practice phase of the lesson". The program was recommended for use. The Swiss Radio and Television Society ( DRS ) reported in February 2000: “This is tough material, all the more deserving that it is shown clearly and vividly through many graphics, simulations and animations. However, multimedia frills are consistently avoided. An - assuming willingness to learn and basic motivation - excellent program that can also serve as a reference work. "

In the research project of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education and the Arts Electronic Learning Media in Mathematics Classes , WinFunction Mathematics 2000 is rated on page 15 with "An undeniable attraction of the program lies in its very usable function plotter with many options."

The ComputerTreff assessed the software as follows in May 2001: “Mathematics is fun with WinFunction! Extensive extensions to the previous version make WinF Funktion Mathematik Me 2 an indispensable reference work for schoolchildren, students and anyone interested in mathematics. "

In computer learning games for children - educationally valuable? T. Feuerstacke, N. Pilz and D. Hoffmann speak of "recommendable software".

The Central Office for Teaching Media ruled in February 2006: “The whole world of numbers, equations and functions: 'Mathematics plus 15' consists of the perfect organization of over 650 individual programs with which you can try out what you have worked out in theory. Visually, 'Mathematik plus 15' has remained the same as it always was: factual, sober, almost sparse. But that's exactly right, because learning fun results from the enormously useful scope of services with the many functions. "

Computer in der Praxis 5/2008, page 49: "Grade 1.0: very good ... If you deal with mathematics at work or in school and at university, you can hardly avoid this program."

In PC News 3/2012, WinFunction Mathematics 20 was rated as “good in terms of content, but less didactically convincing learning and reference work” and reached 8th place out of 9 test participants. In the test of the software in c't magazine 10/2012, the “love of detail” was mentioned in praise, but the sometimes confusion due to the “abundance of topics” was criticized. In Computer - Das Magazin für die Praxis 7/2012 the software was found to be very good. In Digital Generation it was rated as helpful “in practically all subject areas of mathematics, from algebra to stochastics” as well as in “related subjects such as physics, astronomy, geography, computer science, chemistry, biology and electrical engineering”.

Awards and sales

According to the company, the program has so far sold over 1.7 million licenses. This makes WinFfunktion Mathematik one of the most successful mathematics programs in German production. The full version of WinF Funktion Mathematik Plus 14 was included on the CD of Computer Bild , issue 20 of September 18, 2006. WinFfunktion Mathematik Plus 19 is also available as a full version on the CD in Computer Bild , issue 2 of January 2, 2014.

Although WinFunktion is currently proprietary in totality, are in Delphi Forum "Developers' Corner" essential parts of the program as individual programs, sometimes also available as free software with source code for download. A few but important examples are:

  • Function plotter with discussion of the functions
  • Representation of the current star sky
  • Mathematical specialist dictionary
  • Program for calculation and display on the triangle
  • Polyhedron library
  • Spelling of numbers in other cultures
  • Simulation of an adder

Versions (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Thinking on the roller coaster . In: Der Spiegel . No. 50 , 2004, pp. 186 ( online ).
  2. a b Win function math plus v. 14 - teacher online
  3. a b WinFunction Mathematics plus 19: bhv sends the virtual math genius into the 19th round
  4. WinFunktion In: , (source here: - Publisher ).
  5. a b Win function mathematics 20 . In: PC News . No. 3/2012, September, p. 37.
  6. ^ SODIS database
  7. Martin A. Lobeck: CD-Roms for the information service: Part VIII / Natural sciences, technology and ecology - (161) WinFunction Mathematics 8 . In: book and library . 49, No. 7/8, p. 530. ISSN  0340-0301 .
  8. Test report . In: c't . No. 27/1998, September.
  9. Electronic learning media in mathematics lessons (PDF; 1.1 MB)
  10. ^ T. Feuerstacke, N. Pilz and D. Hoffmann: Computer learning games for children - educationally valuable? , GRIN Verlag, 2007, ISBN 978-3-63867-093-7
  11. a b Stefan Michaelis: Clever of the week: Win function mathematics 15 . Central for teaching media . February 4, 2006. Retrieved October 10, 2013.
  12. Test report . In: c't . No. 10/2012, September, p. 58.
  13. Computer das Magazin für Praxis 7/2012 In:
  14. Volker Dorn: WinFunktion Mathematics Plus 20 In: . March 14, 2012
  15. bhv Publishing: WinFfunktion anniversary package appears In: , January 11, 2012
  16. Delphiforum developer corner
  17. ↑ Sample program function plotter
  18. ↑ Sample program Current starry sky
  19. Program example mathematical specialist dictionary
  20. Program example triangle calculation
  21. Program example polyhedron library
  22. ↑ Sample program numbers in other cultures
  23. Program example Addiator