Adolf Philippi

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Adolf Philippi (born January 11, 1843 in Osterholz , † May 5, 1918 in Dresden ) was a German classical philologist and art historian .


The son of the lawyer Dr. jur. August Philippi and Louise Kestner had their first insights and experiences in his place of birth. When he was thirteen, in 1856 he moved to the Domgymnasium Verden , where he made himself particularly familiar with the Latin and Greek languages under the rector Hermann Gottlieb Plass (1798–1871). He received further training from other teachers in the philosophical sciences and in the fall of 1861 he moved to the University of Erlangen to study theology. Disappointed in Erlangen, he went to the University of Göttingen at Easter 1863 , where he studied history and philology with Ernst Curtius , Ernst von Leutsch and Hermann Sauppe , completed his senior teacher examination and obtained his doctorate in philosophy in 1865 .

In autumn 1864 he moved to the University of Berlin , where he deepened his studies and specialized in Greek literature. At that time he was sponsored by Eduard Gerhard , Karl Friederichs , Karl Richard Lepsius and Georg Heinrich Pertz . In 1867 he became a teacher at the Louisenstädtisches Gymnasium in Berlin, in 1870 he went on a research trip to Italy and completed his habilitation in 1871 at the University of Leipzig , where he worked as a private lecturer with Greek historians and speakers as well as with ancient monuments and art history. On May 9, 1874, he was appointed professor of classical philology and history at the University of Giessen . In the academic year 1889/90 he was rector of the alma mater. On July 1, 1893, he was appointed a privy councilor.

Since he saw no more prospects in his academic work, especially as a classical philologist, he applied for his retirement in the same year, which he received in autumn 1893. He moved with his family to Dresden, where he mainly dealt with the art history of ancient Greece and the Renaissance and published various writings in this area, including articles in the magazine Der Grenzbote .

His daughters Helene (* 1882 in Gießen) and Else (* 1884 in Gießen) are known from his marriage in 1881.

Works (selection)

  • Quaestionum Aristarchearum specimen prius. (Dissertation) Göttingen 1865
  • Contributions to a history of Attic civil rights. Berlin 1870
  • Symbolae ad doctrinam iuris attici de syngraphis et de ousias notione. (Habilitation thesis) Leipzig 1871
  • The Areopagus and the Ephets: An Inquiry into the Athenian Constitutional History. Berlin 1874
  • The art of the Renaissance in Italy. Leipzig 1897. 2nd vol .; 2nd edition Leipzig 1905
  • The art of the 15th and 16th centuries in Germany and the Netherlands. Leipzig 1898
  • The flowering of painting in Belgium: Rubens and the Flemings. Leipzig 1900
  • The art of post-bloom in Italy and Spain. Leipzig 1900
  • Painting flourished in Holland. Leipzig 1901
  • The great painters in word and color. Leipzig 1909. 2nd edition Leipzig 1920, 3rd edition Leipzig 1922
  • The concept of the Renaissance: dates related to its history. Leipzig 1912


  • Adolf Philippi (autobiography). In: Biographisches Jahrbuch für Altertumskunde. Berlin 1896, Volume 18, pp. 156–176. Digitized at Wikisource
  • Herrmann AL Degener : Who is it? Our contemporaries - contemporaries dictionary. Self-published, Leipzig, 1908, (3rd edition) p. 1042
  • Hermann Haupt, Georg Lehnert: Chronicle of the University of Giessen, 1607–1907. Verlag Alfred Tölpelmann, Gießen, 1907, p. 85

Web links

Wikisource: Adolf Philippi  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. Hermann Gottlob Plaß (March 25, 1798 in Verden; † 1871 ibid), 1818 teacher Stade, 1822 vice rector there, 1833 rector there, 1838–1871 rector of the Domgymnasium, 1868 Dr. phil. hc Uni. Göttingen and honorary citizen Verden (GND 116205997 ).