Albert Pietzsch

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Albert Theodor Pietzsch (born June 28, 1874 in Zwickau ; † June 13, 1957 in Munich ) was an entrepreneur, supporter of the NSDAP , President of the Chamber of Commerce in Munich and head of the Reich Chamber of Commerce .


His father F. Wilhelm Pietzsch was a professor at a secondary school. In Zwickau he attended pre-school and secondary school. From 1893 to 1894 he did an internship in the laboratory and workshop of the TH Dresden . There he studied mechanical engineering from 1894 to 1898. From 1899 to 1900 Pietzsch was an assistant in the electrical engineering institute at the TH Dresden.

From 1900 to 1908 he worked first as an engineer, then as a senior engineer at the Buckau chemical factory in Ammendorf near Halle (Saale) . There he developed new processes for the production of potassium hydroxide and chlorine .

In 1911 he and his brother-in-law Gustav Adolph founded the Elektrochemische Werke München in Höllriegelskreuth in Lindestraße 3 , Dr. Adolph, Pietzsch & Co. (EWM). The EWM put hydrogen peroxide on a commercial scale ago. The Pietzsch-Adolph process is the hydrolysis of potassium peroxodisulfate to hydrogen peroxide. The company was supported in the development by the Society for Chemical Industry Basel . From 1915 the EWM supplied hydrogen peroxide as a disinfectant to the armies of the German Empire . As part of this war production, a collaboration with Otto Seuffert and E. Merck KG was started.

On November 8, 1923, Pietzsch was present at Gustav von Kahr's event in Munich's Bürgerbräukeller , the failed Hitler coup .

In 1926 Albert Pietzsch co-founded the Buffalo Electro-Chemical Company (BECCO) from 1954 in Buffalo .

The EWM , a defense contractor after Montan scheme has been in the global economic crisis in 1928 to a Aktiengesellschaft converted, thus liquidity problems have been reversed. Director Albert Pietzsch was 10.5  kilograms of gold as profit achieved what he believed at the goldsmith Otto Gahr in Munich for the so-called " Chiemsee Cauldron made fashion" (named after the site).

Pietzsch supported the NSDAP financially from 1925 and, like "Putzi" Hanfstaengl , put Adolf Hitler in contact with Bavarian industrialists. From February to September 1927 Pietzsch was a member of the NSDAP. He continued to work as an economic expert for the NSDAP. In May 1930 he rejoined the NSDAP and worked in Rudolf Hess's department in the Brown House . Here he had close contact with Richard Walther Darré and Gregor Strasser . In May 1933 Pietzsch became President of the Munich Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

From 1933 to August 1934 he led the main group V in the Reichsstand der Deutschen Industrie and was on its board. In March 1936 he was appointed head of the Reich Office for Economic Morality.

As part of the forced rearmament from 1934, EWM supplied a large-scale production process for hydrogen peroxide. Pietzsch received an order to build production facilities for highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide. The Transehe & Co. KG. created the Otto Schickert KG in Bad Lauterberg and a system in the chemical park of the Hoechst , i.e. IG Farben , in Gersthofen .

The highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide was used as an oxidizing component for rocket fuel in weapons such as the Fieseler Fi 103 or the A4 ("V2") .

From December 1936 to 1944 Pietzsch was head of the Reich Chamber of Commerce in Berlin, chairing the committee for pricing issues and the committee for foreign chambers of commerce. He was on the presidium of the German group of the International Chamber of Commerce . Pietzsch was a member of the committee for stock corporation law at the Academy for German Law . From 1939 Pietzsch was deputy chairman of the board of directors of Deutsche Bank . From 1940 Pietzsch headed in Munich, the Chamber of Commerce and in that the chamber of commerce department and the District Compensation Office . On May 30, 1942, the regional economic chamber construction ordinance was geared towards the war economy and many chambers were reorganized; Pietsch, on behalf of the Reich Ministry of Economics , appointed commissioners for the establishment of regional economic chambers on September 30, 1942 , representatives of the Reich groups in the Reichsgruppe Industrie and managing directors of the industrial, Chambers of Commerce and Economy.

On May 1, 1940, the TH Dresden awarded him an honorary doctorate ( Dr.-Ing. ).

Pietzsch's grave is in the Solln cemetery .

After 1945

His statements during internment in "Civil Detention Center No. 91" were recorded by the "Financial Inquiry Section" of the American military government (OMGUS) in a report that was intended to prepare a war crimes trial against Deutsche Bank, but it did not come to that .

In 1954, Dual Use AG in Höllriegelskreuth increased its capital through a share issue . Pietzsch managed the company until 1955.


  • Basics of economic management , with Ferdinand Grünig, in: Die Verwaltungs-Akademie , Vol. 3, Berlin 1936
  • Germans abroad and the work of German chambers of commerce abroad , in: Deutsche Wirtschafts-Zeitung 1937 No. 1, p. 8
  • Address at the ceremony of the Reich Chamber of Commerce on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Reich Minister of Economics Dr. Schacht on January 22, 1937 , in: Series of the Deutsche Wirtschafts-Zeitung , Issue 3, Berlin
  • The honorary jurisdiction of the commercial economy , in: Journal of the Academy for German Law 4 (1937), p. 193
  • German self-government in the National Socialist state , in: Deutsche Wirtschafts-Zeitung 1937, No. 24/25, p. 764
  • The organization of the commercial economy , Junker and Dünnhaupt Berlin 1938
  • On the question of the order of global economic relations (= Kiel Lectures, Volume 61), Gustav Fischer Verlag Jena, 1939
  • The structure of the Gau Chamber of Commerce . Lecture given at a conference in the Reich Chamber of Commerce on September 30, 1942, Berlin 1942


  • Herrmann AL Degener : Who is it? . Berlin 1935
  • Ernst Klee : Personal Lexicon for the Third Reich . Frankfurt / Main 2003
  • Hermann Teschemacher (Hrsg.): Handbook of the commercial economy . Volume III, Leipzig 1937
  • Gerhard Kratzsch: The Gau economic apparatus of the NSDAP . Munster 1989
  • DBE, Volume 7, Munich 2007
  • Daniela Kahn: The control of the economy by law in National Socialist Germany . Frankfurt / Main 2006
  • Dorle Gribl: Solln and the Prinz-Ludwig-Höhe. Villas and their residents. Munich 2011
  • Pietzsch, Adalbert . (PDF file; 103 kB) Institute for Contemporary History

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Patent application DE4127918 : METHOD FOR PREPARING H2O2 FROM THE ELEMENTS. Registered on August 23, 1991 , applicant: INTEROX INT SA, inventor: LUECKOFF, UDO DIPL ING; PAUCKSCH, HEINRICH DR; AIR, GERHARD PROF DR.
  2. " … turned 80 on June 28th " ( Memento from February 1st, 2009 in the Internet Archive ). In: Die Zeit , July 8, 1954
  3. News: Grassland Acres in the South Double in 25-Year Period. In: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2, 1954, pp. 1255-1255, doi : 10.1021 / jf60045a605 .
  4. Goldener Chiemseekessel - Riddle solved , in: TZ Munich, article from March 10, 2011
  6. ^ Institute for Contemporary History , holdings: ED 458 Pietzsch, Albert (PDF file; 103 kB)
  7. ^ Werner Schubert: Committee for Stock Corporation Law , Walter de Gruyter , 1986, p. IX
  8. Harold James: The Nazi dictatorship and the Deutsche Bank . Cambridge University Press, 2004, p. 195
  9. May 1, 1940
  10. ↑ For a short biography, see the documents created by the US military government in 1946/1947. They were translated and published in 1985: Hans Magnus Enzensberger (Ed.), Investigations against Deutsche Bank: 1946/1947 / Military government d. United States for Germany, Finance Department, Sect. For Financial Research. , Transl. U. edit from D. Documentation center for Nazi politics, Hamburg, Nördlingen: Greno 1985 ISBN 3-921568-66-8 , pp. 320-330