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coat of arms Germany map
Coat of arms of the city of Gersthofen
Map of Germany, position of the city of Gersthofen highlighted

Coordinates: 48 ° 25 '  N , 10 ° 52'  E

Basic data
State : Bavaria
Administrative region : Swabia
County : augsburg
Height : 469 m above sea level NHN
Area : 34.01 km 2
Residents: 22,451 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 660 inhabitants per km 2
Postal code : 86368
Primaries : 0821, 08230
License plate : A , SMÜ, WHO
Community key : 09 7 72 147
City structure: 7 parts of the community

City administration address :
Rathausplatz 1
86368 Gersthofen
Website :
Mayor : Michael Wörle (independent)
Location of the city of Gersthofen in the Augsburg district
Augsburg Landkreis Aichach-Friedberg Landkreis Dachau Landkreis Dillingen an der Donau Landkreis Donau-Ries Landkreis Fürstenfeldbruck Landkreis Günzburg Landkreis Landsberg am Lech Landkreis Ostallgäu Landkreis Starnberg Landkreis Unterallgäu Landkreis Neuburg-Schrobenhausen Schmellerforst Adelsried Allmannshofen Altenmünster Aystetten Biberbach (Schwaben) Bobingen Bonstetten (Schwaben) Diedorf Dinkelscherben Ehingen (Landkreis Augsburg) Ellgau Emersacker Fischach Gablingen Gersthofen Gessertshausen Graben (Lechfeld) Großaitingen Heretsried Hiltenfingen Horgau Kleinaitingen Klosterlechfeld Königsbrunn Kühlenthal Kutzenhausen Langenneufnach Langerringen Langweid am Lech Meitingen Mickhausen Mittelneufnach Neusäß Nordendorf Oberottmarshausen Scherstetten Schwabmünchen Stadtbergen Thierhaupten Untermeitingen Ustersbach Walkertshofen Wehringen Welden Westendorf (Landkreis Augsburg) Zusmarshausenmap
About this picture
City slogans of the city of Gersthofen as the motto

Gersthofen is a town in the Bavarian - Swabian district of Augsburg and borders directly on the city of Augsburg .

Church square in Gersthofen
Gersthofen town hall

Parish parts

The municipality has 7 officially named municipality parts :


Urban development

Gersthofen on a topographic map, before 1830

Gersthofen, located on the Via Claudia , developed from an Alemannic village of the 6th / 7th centuries. Century to a rural settlement owned by the diocese of Augsburg. The first documentary mention was in 969 under the name Gerfredeshoua (which can be translated with Gerfred's court ), which was transformed over the years in Gershouen and finally today's Gersthofen (around 1424). Until 1803 Gersthofen belonged to the cathedral monastery of Augsburg and in 1803 fell to the Electorate of Bavaria in the course of secularization and was elevated to a market in 1950 and a city in 1969 . In 1904 Gersthofen received the Gersthofen-Gablingen airfield , which was used as a barracks by American troops after the Second World War and has since been in the corridors of the Gablingen community .

Population development

Between 1988 and 2018 the city grew by 5,394 from 17,079 to 22,473 inhabitants (an increase of 31.6%).

Gersthofen should not have more than 27,000 inhabitants by 2030!

Population development of Gersthofen from 1809 to 2016

year population
1809 439
1840 690
1900 1,707
1910 2.138
1919 2,272
1933 3,193
1939 4,581
1946 5,928
year population
1956 8,931
1961 10,783
1971 15,713
1981 17.002
1988 17,032
1991 17,938
1995 19,127
1997 20,166
year population
2003 21,173
2005 21,013
2006 20,248
2007 20,379
2008 20,319
2009 20,564
2010 20,805
2011 20,870
year population
2012 21,625
2013 21,311
2014 21,685
2015 21,908
2016 22,120
2017 22,430
2018 22,473
2019 22,796


The former municipalities of Hirblingen (January 1, 1975), Batzenhofen , Edenbergen and Rettenbergen (all January 1, 1978) joined the city of Gersthofen on a voluntary basis . However, Hirblingen was the only one who took this step in the run-up to the municipal reform in 1975 after the mayor Pfiffner had given up office in the absence of a successor. The other three municipalities only had the choice between connecting to Gablingen or Gersthofen.

A merging of the three municipalities Batzenhofen, Edenbergen and Rettenbergen was considered harmful before the First World War and therefore strictly rejected. In the context of the municipal reform in 1975, however, this would have been the desired solution for many citizens. With Hirblingen's decision, however, the course had already been set for the remaining “western parts of the city”.


Batzenhofen on the Schmutter

The district northwest of Gersthofen on the left bank of the Schmutter on both sides of the Böglegraben, which flows here, was mentioned in a document as early as the 8th century. Batzenhofen was also founded in the 8th century. The mother church St. Martin of the Hirblinger Urmark also belongs to - v. a. because of the place name - possibly in this very early period. The old age of Batzenhofen results from its location in the old settlement area on the Schmutter as well as from the fact that it has the Frankish imperial saint St. Martin as the church patron. Friedrich Barbarossa stopped in Batzenhofen in 1154 on the way from Göggingen to Goslar . The cornerstone of the documentary tradition is the Ulrich certificate from 969. At that time, the newly founded St. Stephan convent in Augsburg received goods in Batzenhofen as a gift as initial equipment. The place rose to one of the three Stephanian offices and became the headquarters of the rural possessions of the monastery, in 1750 Batzenhofen Castle was built by the monastery. Batzenhofen often changed its place name, so the place is referred to in the Ulrichsurkunde 969 as Pazenhoua . Later in the 11th century it was called Pacenhoven , in the 12th century Battzenhouen, Pacinhouen and Pazzenhouen. Around 1195 the place was called Bazzenhouen, 1257 Bazinhovin. From 1440 the place received its name, which is still valid today, Batzenhofen, which means for the courtyards of Bazzo .

The actual development began after 1945, infrastructure facilities were created, building areas were designated and a multi-purpose hall was created. On January 1, 1978, Batzenhofen was incorporated. Batzenhofen has around 900 inhabitants today, its municipal area is 344 hectares, of which 99 hectares are forest.

Eden Mountains

Edenbergen was probably created in the 11th century on the ridge between the Gailenbach and the Böglebach as a clearing settlement in the area of ​​the Urmark Hirblingen. From 1382 to 1803, Edenbergen was owned by the St. Stephan women's monastery. The hamlet of Gailenbach, first mentioned in a document in 1283, with the castle and estate of the same name, and the Gailenbacher mill belong to Edenbergen . The district to the west has a little over 300 residents. The A 8 motorway runs over its 441 hectare community area - 217 hectares of which are forest - Edenbergen was incorporated on January 1, 1978.


Hirblingen is documented for the first time in the 11th century. However, archaeological finds show that the place is a so-called original settlement of Alemannic origin. In the Middle Ages, the land rule was exercised by the imperial monastery of St. Ulrich and Afra, as well as by Augsburg monasteries and patrician families. In 1699 Hirblingen came to the Augsburg Hospital Foundation, which remained the landlord until secularization. The district has about 820 inhabitants, its municipality area covers 446 hectares. Hirblingen was incorporated on January 1, 1975.


Rettenbergen is also believed to have originated in the 11th century as a harvesting site in the Hirblinger Urmark. Rutinbergen is mentioned for the first time in the 12th century . The popular excursion destination Peterhof , documented as St. Peter since 1488, is located in the municipality . Although Rettenbergen has had its own village church St. Wolfgang since 1575 , the place, like Edenbergen, has always belonged to the parish of Batzenhofen. The district with 450 inhabitants is located directly on the forest, its area covers 684 hectares. Rettenbergen was incorporated on January 1, 1978.

Adalbert Stifter settlement

From 1939 to July 1954, the population of Gersthofen grew from 4,584 to 8,164 people, which meant an increase in population of 78.1%. The proportion of displaced persons in relation to the total population was 22.6% or 1847 people in 1954. To remedy the catastrophic housing shortage after the war, 280 new residential buildings were built in Gersthofen between 1950 and 1954. The first blocks for the refugees were built south of the Pestalozzi School, and finally the community granted the refugees land under heritable building rights in Langemarckstrasse and along Ludwig-Hermann-Strasse.

In the federal competition “The Best Small Settlement” in 1956 , the Adalbert Stifter settlement received first prize in the group of new settlements in the administrative district of Swabia as well as in Bavaria, a special prize at the federal level.


Mayor and first mayor since 1815

Name (party affiliation) Term of office
Josef Lichtenstern 1815-1818
Josef Scheifele 1819-1820
Blasius Fleiner 1821-1824
Josef Mair 1825-1827
Lorenz Hillebrand 1828-1830
Johann Hintermayr 1831-1832
Michael Gogg 1833-1836
Johannes Hindermayr 1837-1841
Simon Mayr ( 1st time ) 1842-1847
Blasius Eser 1848-1853
Simon Mayr ( 2nd time ) 1854-1859
Martin Lichtenstern 1860-1862
Michael Deuringer ( 1st time ) 1863-1875
Johann Christian Mayr 1876-1880
Michael Deuringer ( 2nd time ) 1881-1887
Michael Hintermayr 1888-1902
Vincent Langhans 1903-1919
Johann Dichtl 1919-1923
Josef Kirner 1923-1933
Karl Lindenmeyer April 26, 1933 to November 30, 1933
Paul Renz December 1, 1933 to November 30, 1934
Jakob Hintermayr December 1, 1934 to October 3, 1935
Hans Geisser (NSDAP) October 3, 1935 to January 31, 1940
Korbinian Böhmer (NSDAP) February 1, 1940 to September 16, 1940
Georg Wendler (NSDAP; 1st time ) September 16, 1940 to April 27, 1945
Heinrich Schäffner April 28, 1945 to May 21, 1945
Hans Sturm Sr. (SPD) May 21, 1945 to January 31, 1946
Josef Scheifele (CSU) January 31, 1946 to March 31, 1947
Josef Helmschrott (CSU) April 1, 1947 to April 30, 1952
Georg Wendler ( 2nd time ) May 1, 1952 to July 1, 1967
Karl J. White ( CSU ) July 1, 1967 to April 30, 1984
Siegfried Deffner (CSU) April 30, 1984 to April 30, 2008
Jürgen Schantin (WE, until 2013 CSU) May 1, 2008 to May 1, 2014
Michael Wörle (independent) since May 1, 2014

City council

Allocation of seats in the 30-member city council

Parties 2020 2014
proportion of Seats ± proportion ± seats proportion of Seats
CSU 29.5% 9 −1.4% ± 0 30.88% 9
Free voters 21.7% 6th + 2.4% ± 0 19.26% 6th
SPD 12.0% 4th −2.9% ± 0 14.93% 4th
Pro Gersthofen 5.5% 2 −0.4% ± 0 5.94% 2
Alliance 90 / The Greens 9.7% 3 + 4.7% +1 5.05% 2
WE 13.6% 4th −10.8% −3 24.44% 7th
Movement future 7.9% 2 + 7.9% +2 - -

coat of arms

Gersthofen coat of arms
Blazon : “Split between red and silver, covered with a comb wheel in mixed up colors; underneath a continuous blue wave bar. "
City logo for the 50 year old city of Gersthofen 2019

Since the former village of Gersthofen belonged to the cathedral monastery of Augsburg for a long time , the coat of arms colors red and silver are expressed. The location of the municipality on the Lech was symbolized by the inclusion of the blue cross river. Due to the strong industrialization of Gersthofen, his coat of arms was given the comb wheel as another easily readable symbol. The design comes from the heraldist Otto Hupp and was awarded to the community on March 10, 1937.

Twin town

FranceFrance France : Gersthofen has been related to Nogent-sur-Oise since 1969 on the occasion of its millennium . The small town is 50 kilometers north of Paris .



St. Jakobus Church in Gersthofen
Bahnhofstrasse with the balloon museum in Gersthofen
Church of St. Blasius in Hirblingen
Wegkapelle am Mähder near Edenbergen


Most of the Gersthofers are Catholics. The old parish church of St. Jakobus major is a stop on the Bavarian-Swabian Jakobusweg via Augsburg to Lindau. The parish church is a neo-Romanesque hall church that was created by Georg von Stengel from 1854 to 1855 and radically changed by Michael Kurz from 1924 to 1925 . The parish church of Maria, Queen of Peace , an example of post-conciliar architecture based on a design by Hermann Öttl, was consecrated in 1968. Both parishes were merged in 2006 to form the Gersthofen parish community. The parish churches of St. Martin and St. Blasius in Hirblingen and the subsidiary church of St. Wolfgang in Rettenbergen are located in the western districts . Gersthofen also has the large St. Emmeram chapel and several small chapels in the districts: St. Sebastian in Batzenhofen, the Mariahilf field chapel , the local chapel and the wayside chapel on the Mähder in Edenbergen and a wayside chapel in Hirblingen.

The Evangelical Lutheran Confessional Church is the center of a diaspora community that includes the villages of Langweid, Gablingen and Gersthofen. The Protestants represent the second largest religious community in Gersthofen.

There is also a congregation of the New Apostolic Church in Gersthofen.


The mosque community of Gersthofen of the Turkish-Islamic Union practices their doctrine of the faith in the Eyup Sultan Mosque .

Public buildings

Two of the centrally located public buildings are the Gersthofen town hall and the City Center shopping center right next to it.


Architectural monuments


There are over 100 clubs in Gersthofen, including (excerpt):

  • Lechana Gersthofen eV
  • Kol-la eV

Economy and Infrastructure

Economic development

The changes in Gersthofen’s economic structure are most evident in the changes in the individual economic sectors. In addition to 79 farms of various sizes, there were 110 commercial operations in 1930. In 1968, on the other hand, there were only 50 agricultural businesses, but 337 commercial operations. The difference rose to 90 agricultural to 724 commercial holdings by 1985 and 1987 respectively. The development of Gersthofen received a special boost from the construction of the Lech Canal with a hydropower plant and the Hoechst plant, which is supplied with electricity, around 1900, today's industrial park Gersthofen .


The number of farms fell from 98 to 50 between 1949 and 1968, almost halving it. In the first five years, farms with a size of less than 2 hectares and between 2 and 5 hectares were affected, which decreased by 15 + 9 = 24, while the next higher class increased by one farm. In the years from 1954 to 1959 this decline also extended to the next larger holdings, namely in the size of 5 to 20 ha: they decreased by 8 + 7 = 15, but the class of holdings from 20 to 50 ha three to, from which one can rightly infer a striving for higher profitability in the larger company and, as a prerequisite for this, an increase in the operating area. The utilized agricultural area (UAA) was in 1956: 1094 ha, 1960: 1027.84 ha, 1965: 1021.65 ha and 1968: 970.11 ha. The loss between 1956 and 1968 is therefore 124 ha or 11.3% The number of farms, however, decreased by 23 or 31.5% from 1954 to 1968, which proves the above-mentioned tendency to broaden the farm base in the course of the development of German and European agricultural policy. Due to the incorporation, the agricultural area has increased. In 1985 it amounted to 1750 hectares. 90 agricultural holdings worked on this area.


One of the oldest craft businesses in the village was the Werkmannsche Säcklerei . The founder was Friedrich Werkmann, who was born in Pappenheim in 1838 and died in Gersthofen in 1910. In the spring of 1867 he settled in the house at Donauwörther Straße 12 - until then there was no master sack maker in Gersthofen - married in the autumn of the same year and built the current property at Augsburger Straße 26 in 1870 manufactured. Operations ceased on November 24, 1980. The carpenter Andreas Pfaffenzeller, who was born in Gibhofen in 1830 , acquired the then Schreinersölde House No. 15 in Gersthofen after his wandering on March 4, 1858 and started his own business there. As early as 1861 he was able to build a house with an associated workshop on the property at Donauwörther Straße 12. Handicraft businesses such as B. the former wagon shop on Hauptstraße, today's Donauwörther Straße or the blacksmith shop at Spanner on Bauernstraße. Larger companies such as the former gravel and gravel works followed.


The savings and loan association Gersthofen was founded on March 19, 1882 . The mayor and farmer Michael Deuringer had invited to the founding meeting. It was the first branch of the Raiffeisengesellschaft in the district of Augsburg and the second in the administrative district of Swabia . 16 men declared their membership and chose the mill owner Thomas Kirner to be the association's first part-time computer. The industrialization of Germany, its connection to the world market and the associated concentration of economic power in industry and trade had brought domestic agriculture as well as medium-sized handicraft businesses and traders into economic difficulties due to the lack of suitable credit facilities. Private usury was widespread and business closings were inevitable. Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen sought to remedy this credit problem through mutual help on the basis of the savings and loan associations. The beginning of the business activity was characterized by lending and the common purchase of goods for the farmers. The old bank building, built in 1930, was replaced by a new building in 1937; Reconstruction and expansion followed in 1957 and 1979/80. The last major renovation, which gave the bank building its current form, took place in 1979/80. The Kreissparkasse is also of great importance in the banking system of the Augsburg district . It was brought into being in 1855 by the Zusmarshausen district . After Fischach 1930, Göggingen 1931 and Welden 1932, a branch followed in Gersthofen in 1934 .

Industry, trade and services

Several companies are located in Gersthofen that are also of national importance:

The "Augsburg" branch of the IKEA furniture store is also located in Gersthofen .


At the school site Gersthofen there are three primary schools (Mozart, Goethe and Pestalozzischule), a special school (Francis School), one middle school (Anna-Pröll Middle School), the Paul-Klee-Gymnasium , as well as the International School Augsburg with its seat in Gersthofen, where the International Baccalaureate degree can be obtained. There is also a music school in Gersthofen .

Transport connections

Road traffic

The A 8 crosses Gersthofen in an east-west direction . The four-lane B 2 or the B 17 , which connects Gersthofen with several junctions, runs in a south-north direction .

bus connections

The bus operation of the Stadtwerke Gersthofen was transferred to the new private Gersthofer Verkehrsgesellschaft (GVG) on October 1, 2006 , after the city council even considered closing the operation at the beginning of 2006 due to high deficits. The city of Gersthofen has an 80% stake in the new transport company, the remaining shares are held by Schwaben Mobil Nahverkehr Service GmbH, based in Bobingen (Augsburg district). Since December 10, 2006, the green painted low-floor buses no longer run to Augsburg Central Station. At the Oberhausen Nord P + R stop, you have to change to tram line 4. With the Combino tram car used there with around 250 seats (including 100 seats), there is a connection to Augsburg Central Station every 5 minutes during rush hour, despite changing trains. There are also regional buses that pass through to Augsburg-Zentrum and serve several stops in Gersthofen. Line 512 runs from Gersthofen via Hirblingen, Täfertingen , Neusäß and Augsburg West to Steppach .

Rail connections

Gersthofen has a train station on the Augsburg – Nördlingen railway line . From Gersthofen train station there are usually hourly connections to Augsburg, Munich and Donauwörth. Additional trains run during rush hour, but they are poorly timed (15/45 min. Or similar).

The dilapidated station building from 1845 from the time the line was built was demolished in 2016. On the west side of the tracks there has been a park-and-ride car park for almost one hundred vehicles since 2013 .


Augsburg Airport is around six kilometers to the east .


Born in Gersthofen

Died in Gersthofen

Honorary citizen

The city of Gersthofen has granted the following people honorary citizenship:

  • 1904: Georg Ebner (born November 20, 1840 in Joshofen ; † June 25, 1927 in Altenmünster , buried in Gersthofen)
from 1882 to 1904 teacher and until 30 June 1908 community clerk in Gersthofen.
  • 1919: Vinzenz Langhans (born April 4, 1861 in Gersthofen; † November 29, 1936 in Gersthofen)
from 1897 to 1900 treasurer of the community health insurance, from 1900 to 1903 alderman, from April 15, 1903 to June 30, 1919 mayor.
from February 1, 1905 to December 31, 1921 teacher, most recently senior teacher and organist in Gersthofen.
Member of the management board of Farbwerke Hoechst AG and director of the Gersthofen plant (1945 to 1968).
  • 1965: Franz Pfiffner (born September 14, 1890 in Hirblingen; † November 9, 1976 in Augsburg )
First mayor of the former community of Hirblingen from 1933 to December 31, 1974, honorary citizen of the former community of Hirblingen since December 3, 1965.
  • 1972: Michael Kuchenbaur (born February 19, 1897 in Rettenbergen; †?)
First mayor of the former municipality of Rettenbergen from 1933 to 1955, honorary citizen of the former municipality of Rettenbergen since February 19, 1972.
  • 1975: Georg Wendler (* December 21, 1895 in Horb ad Steinach ; † December 6, 1980 in Gersthofen)
First mayor of the Gersthofen community from 1940 to 1945 and of the Gersthofen market from May 1, 1952 to April 30, 1967.
  • 1979: Markus Deffner (* 1907; † August 1, 1981 in Gersthofen)
Voluntary work in food industry and professional organizations, member of the market community and city council, as well as member of the Augsburg district council, 3rd mayor of the city of Gersthofen
  • 1989: Georges Lenne (born October 24, 1909 in Denain , † September 22, 2005)
Mayor (1959–1983) and honorary mayor of the twin town of Nogent-sur-Oise
  • 1990: Benno Pfiffner
Member of the market community or city council, 2nd mayor of the city of Gersthofen
  • 1990: Karl Josef Weiß (* 1922; †?)
1st Mayor of the City of Gersthofen (1967–1984)
  • 2014: Josef Schuler (born January 8, 1931 in Batzenhofen )
Local politician (Batzenhofen local council 1966–1978, Gersthofen town council 1978–2014), 25 years chairman of the Batzenhofen music club, honorary director of the Batzenhofen volunteer fire brigade, founding member of the CSC Batzenhofen-Hirblingen

People related to Gersthofen

Paul Klee, photograph by Alexander Eliasberg , 1911


useful information

  • In 1999 Gersthofen briefly achieved a great stir throughout Germany. The city paid every inhabitant 100 DM, as it had generated a surplus of 5 million DM in the previous year and returned 2 million of this to the citizens. The district office had checked the unusual action legally and described it as "just acceptable".
  • During the Alpine floods in 2005 , the provisional foundations of the new construction of the Lech bridge A 8 near Gersthofen were washed away. The unfinished bridge threatened to collapse and tear down the existing old bridge.
  • From 2009 to 2014 the International Salsa Festival Augsburg took place in Gersthofen every June.
  • To the east of Gersthofen, on the other side of the Lech, lie the Augsburg garbage dump and the Europaweiher
  • Since 1967 takes place annually on December 31. the International New Year's Run takes place


  • Johannes Krauße (Ed.): Chronicle of the city of Gersthofen: 969–1989. Gersthofen 1989, DNB 891256881
  • Hans Eberlein (author): Gersthofen: Werden u. Grow e. Community. Gersthofen 1954, DNB 451032357

Web links

Commons : Gersthofen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
Wiktionary: Gersthofen  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. "Data 2" sheet, Statistical Report A1200C 202041 Population of the municipalities, districts and administrative districts 1st quarter 2020 (population based on the 2011 census) ( help ).
  2. ^ Municipality of Gersthofen in the local database of the Bayerische Landesbibliothek Online . Bavarian State Library, accessed on August 20, 2019.
  3. Gersthofen should not have more than 27,000 inhabitants by 2030. Retrieved July 4, 2020 .
  4. Christoph Frey: Does Gersthofen get an upper limit? Retrieved July 4, 2020 .
  5. a b c d e f Federal Statistical Office (ed.): Historical municipality register for the Federal Republic of Germany. Name, border and key number changes in municipalities, counties and administrative districts from May 27, 1970 to December 31, 1982 . W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart / Mainz 1983, ISBN 3-17-003263-1 , p. 767 .
  6. Walter Pötzl: Church history and popular piety in "Der Landkreis Augsburg, Volume 5/1994", Ed .: Prof. Walter Pötzl, Augsburg 1994
  7. ^ Greetings from the First Mayor. City of Gersthofen, accessed on July 21, 2020 .
  8. Gerald Lindner: Runoff: The new town hall chief weeps tears of joy. Augsburger Allgemeine, March 31, 2014, accessed April 13, 2014 .
  9. ^ List of city councils . Website of the city of Gersthofen, accessed on July 25, 2018
  10. ^ Entry on the coat of arms of Gersthofen  in the database of the House of Bavarian History
  11. ^ List of associations in the city of Gersthofen . Website of the city of Gersthofen, accessed on June 15, 2016.
  12. ^ Station planning for the city of Gersthofen . Website of the city of Gersthofen, accessed on June 10, 2016.