Batzenhofen Castle
The Castle Batzenhofen is a former summer residence of Kanonissenstifts St. Stephen in Augsburg , whose goods Batzenhofen belonged. The castle is protected as an architectural monument.
The monastery had owned land in Batzenhofen since 969 and acquired the place entirely after the local nobility died out in 1530. Around 1750 the two-storey, hook-shaped building with a hipped roof was erected above the Schmutter and used as a summer residence, the roof and ceiling beams date from 1712. After the secularization of 1803, the building was sold again directly by the Electorate of Bavaria and by the new ones The owners converted it into a brewery , which was operated with a restaurant until 1920. The master brewer Max Schmidt then sold the house to the Innere Mission , which temporarily maintained a children's home here from 1925 to 1928 under the name Sonnenhof. From September 1928 the Augsburg Diakonissenanstalt set up an old people's home with initially 50 places, which was modernized in 1947/48 and enlarged with an extension for a further 40 rooms. Further renovations and modernizations with an elevator and care station followed until the 1980s. Nevertheless, the listed building no longer met the standards, and the old people's home was relocated to a new building in Gersthofen in 2007 .
The former castle was then bought by Sebastian Schaflitzel from Batzenhof, completely renovated with the dismantling of newer extensions and converted into a multi-party residential building. The renovation was completed in 2013.
- Georg Josef Abröll: On the history of the parishes of Batzenhofen and Hirblingen. In: Johannes Krauße (Hrsg.): Chronicle of the city of Gersthofen. Gersthofen 1989, DNB 891256881 , pp 137-1.
Web links
- The Sonnenhof to "Pacenhoua" , MyHeimat (commercial website)
- Entry on Batzenhofen Castle in the private database "Alle Burgen".
Individual evidence
- ↑ List of monuments for Gersthofen (PDF) at the Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation (PDF; 134 kB)
- ↑ Steffi Brand: Mysterious vaults in the castle. Augsburger Allgemeine, December 11, 2016, accessed February 7, 2017 .
Coordinates: 48 ° 25 ′ 43.7 ″ N , 10 ° 49 ′ 2.3 ″ E