Lower Leitershofen Castle
The Lower Leitershofen Castle is located in Leitershofen , a district of Stadtbergen in the Augsburg district . It is a three-storey building with a late baroque mansard hipped roof.
Since the middle of the 14th century, the castle has been in the changing hands of important Augsburg families. These included the patrician , merchant and councilor families Rehlinger , Hofmaier, Peutinger and Langenmantel . Nothing more is known about the earlier palace construction:
- An engraving by Jacob Custos from the first quarter of the 17th century tells us that there was an almost square building of two floors with four attached corner towers with pointed tent roofs and (at least one) central decorative gable. Apparently the 'beautiful little castle' that was built under Wilhelm Sinzinger in 1575 is depicted .
The current building complex dates mainly from the year 1728. In 1766 the castle was renovated, whereby the late baroque mansard roof with its dormers covered by curved gables was added to the building. The castle park is surrounded by a wall. In the middle of the east wall is a small pavilion with a hipped roof .
During the French Revolution , numerous nobles emigrated, including Father Léobor Francois de Tournèly, the founder of the Society of St. Heart of Jesus , from which the Order Dames du Sacrè Coeur later emerged. In 1794 he found temporary accommodation in the vacant castle. A plaque on the western front reminds of this.
In 1854 the castle became the property of Anton Forger, who sold it to the spirits manufacturer Fritz Eber in 1893 and whose descendants are the current owners of the castle.
Not least thanks to its exposed location on the northern edge of the village, the Lower Castle in Leitershofen lets you experience the structure of a rural late baroque castle estate to this day. It is all the more regrettable that the extensive park with its old stock of trees ... is being impaired by modern housing .
Individual evidence
- Christopf Metzger / Ulrich Heiss / Annette Kranz: country estates of Augsburg patricians. Munich / Berlin 2005, pp. 150–151
- Bernd-Peter Schaul: Swabia . Ed .: Michael Petzet , Bavarian State Office for the Preservation of Monuments (= Monuments in Bavaria . Volume VII ). Oldenbourg, Munich 1986, ISBN 3-486-52398-8 .
Web links
- Entry on Unteres Schloss Leitershofen in the private database "Alle Burgen".
- Unteres Schloss Leitershofen at SchlösserRundschau.de
Coordinates: 48 ° 21 '6.3 " N , 10 ° 50' 8.8" E