Alexander Dordett

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Alexander Dordett (born September 21, 1916 in Tampere , † August 8, 1984 in Korneuburg ) was a Roman Catholic clergyman and Austrian canon lawyer .


The son of a Baltic German family grew up in Tallinn . He came to Austria in 1934 and studied philosophy and theology in Innsbruck. In 1942 he was ordained a priest. After the end of the Second World War he came to the Archdiocese of Vienna, where he wrote his dissertation The Time of the Second Coming of Jesus in 1947, with special attention to the Parousi speech to Dr. theol. received his doctorate. At the same time he studied organ playing and organ building at the Vienna Music Academy . From 1948 to 1951 he received his doctorate with the dissertation The Church's criminal and coercive violence at Bellarmin and Suarez in canon law in Leuven and worked from 1953 as a vice-official and from 1956 as an official in the Archdiocese of Vienna . 1954 followed his habilitation with Franz Arnold in Vienna. From 1964 to 1981 Dordett was full professor of canon law at the University of Vienna , and also served a term (1971–1972) as Rector Magnificus. He was the archbishop's commissioner for the Institutum Theologicum in Heiligenkreuz and professor for canon law. Since 1956 Dordett was a member of the K.Ö.HV Mercuria Wien in the ÖCV . Due to his wish to return to his homeland in Estonia after his retirement, he asked to be deleted from the general directory of the ÖCV. The reason was the repression by the Soviet authorities, which he feared. The return did not take place, however, because he died in 1984 due to illness.

Publications (selection)

  • The order between church and state. A historical-systematic floor plan . Tyrolia-Verl., Innsbruck et al. 1958, OCLC 781558198 .
  • Church marriage courts in crisis (= WDV report ). Wiener Dom-Verlag, Vienna 1971, OCLC 718158791 .
  • Church between hierarchy and democracy . Wiener Dom-Verlag, Vienna 1974, OCLC 610937049 .
  • Marriage and mental illness. A representation based on the case law of the Sacra Romana Rota . Herder, Vienna et al. 1977, ISBN 3-210-24534-7 .
  • Impotence as an obstacle to marriage. According to the case law of the Sacra Romana Rota . Herder, Vienna et al. 1980, ISBN 3-210-24580-0 .


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