Lebus Office

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coat of arms Germany map
The Lebus office does not have a coat of arms
Lebus Office
Map of Germany, position of the Lebus office highlighted

Coordinates: 52 ° 25 '  N , 14 ° 32'  E

Basic data
State : Brandenburg
County : Märkisch-Oderland
Area : 155.36 km 2
Residents: 6079 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 39 inhabitants per km 2
License plate : MOL, FRW, SEE, SRB
Office key : 12 0 64 5406
Office structure: 5 municipalities
Office administration address
Breite Strasse 1
15326 Lebus
Website : www.amt-lebus.de
Office Director : Mike Bartsch
Location of the Lebus office in the Märkisch-Oderland district
Altlandsberg Alt Tucheband Bad Freienwalde Beiersdorf-Freudenberg Bleyen-Genschmar Bliesdorf Buckow Falkenberg Falkenhagen Fichtenhöhe Fredersdorf-Vogelsdorf Garzau-Garzin Golzow Gusow-Platkow Heckelberg-Brunow Höhenland Hoppegarten Küstriner Vorland Lebus Letschin Lietzen Lindendorf Märkische Höhe Müncheberg Neuenhagen bei Berlin Neuhardenberg Neulewin Neutrebbin Oberbarnim Oderaue Petershagen/Eggersdorf Podelzig Prötzel Rehfelde Reichenow-Möglin Reitwein Rüdersdorf bei Berlin Seelow Strausberg Treplin Vierlinden Waldsieversdorf Wriezen Zechin Zeschdorf Brandenburgmap
About this picture
Template: Infobox community association in Germany / maintenance / coat of arms

The Lebus office is an office formed in 1992 in the Märkisch-Oderland district of the state of Brandenburg , in which nine municipalities and the city of Lebus in the former Seelow district had initially merged to form an administrative association. The official seat is the city of Lebus . The office still administers four municipalities and the city of Lebus through municipal associations.

Geographical location

The office is located in the southeast of the Märkisch-Oderland district. It borders in the north on the Golzow office , in the east on the Powiat Słubicki district ( Lebus Voivodeship ) of the Republic of Poland , in the south on the independent city of Frankfurt (Oder) and the Odervorland office and in the west on the Seelow-Land office .

Municipalities and districts

The Lebus office includes the following municipalities:


On April 21, 1992, the Minister of the Interior of Brandenburg approved the formation of the Lebus office with effect from May 22, 1992. The city of Lebus was designated as the seat of the official administration. In 1992 the office included the municipalities

  1. Old Zeschdorf
  2. Döbberin
  3. Mallnow
  4. Petershagen
  5. Podgy
  6. Riding wine
  7. Schönfließ
  8. Treplin
  9. Wulkow
  10. City of Lebus

On December 31, 1997, Alt Zeschdorf, Döbberin and Petershagen merged to form the new municipality of Zeschdorf. Schönfließ was incorporated into Lebus on December 31, 1998. On November 30, 2001 with effect from December 31, 2001, the Minister of the Interior approved the incorporation of the municipalities of Mallnow and Wulkow near Boossen into the city of Lebus.

Population development

year Residents
1992 5 206
1993 5 208
1994 5 399
1995 5,658
1996 5 871
1997 6 207
1998 6 421
1999 6 581
year Residents
2000 6 710
2001 6 791
2002 6 851
2003 6 857
2004 6 806
2005 6 769
2006 6 710
2007 6 656
2008 6 543
2009 6 477
year Residents
2010 6 398
2011 6 251
2012 6 204
2013 6 106
2014 6 097
2015 6 083
2016 6 080
2017 6 085
2018 6 123
2019 6 079

Territory of the respective year, number of inhabitants: as of December 31, from 2011 based on the 2011 census

Official directors

  • 1992–1993: Hans-Peter Walter
  • 1994–1995: Hans-Jörg Strahlendorf
  • 1996–1998: Hans-Joachim Fricke
  • 1998–2003: Margot Franke (officiating)
  • 2004–2020: Heiko Friedemann
  • since 2020: Mike Bartsch

Friedemann was on 20 September 2011 by the Office Committee elected for eight years in office. His second term of office began on January 1, 2012 and lasted until January 2020.
The Office Committee elected Mike Bartsch on October 30, 2019 for the eight-year term of office beginning January 2020.

Web links

Commons : Amt Lebus  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Population in the State of Brandenburg according to municipalities, offices and municipalities not subject to official registration on December 31, 2019 (XLSX file; 223 KB) (updated official population figures) ( help on this ).
  2. Main statute of the Lebus Office of March 5, 2009 PDF
  3. ^ Service portal of the state administration of the state of Brandenburg - Lebus office
  4. Formation of the Lebus office. Announcement by the Minister of the Interior of April 21, 1992. Official Gazette for Brandenburg - Joint Ministerial Gazette for the State of Brandenburg, Volume 3, Number 33, May 22, 1992, p. 501.
  5. ↑ Amalgamation of the municipalities of Alt Zeschdorf, Döbberin and Petershagen (Lebus office) to form the new Zeschdorf municipality. Announcement of the Minister of the Interior of November 28, 1997. Official Gazette for Brandenburg - Joint Ministerial Gazette for the State of Brandenburg, Volume 8, Number 51, December 22, 1997, p. 1006.
  6. Incorporation of the community Schönfließ into the city of Lebus. Announcement of the Minister of the Interior of November 3, 1998. Official Gazette for Brandenburg - Joint Ministerial Gazette for the State of Brandenburg, Volume 9, Number 48, November 27, 1998, p. 984.
  7. ^ Incorporation of the Mallnow community into the city of Lebus. Communication from the Ministry of the Interior of November 30, 2001. Official Journal for Brandenburg - Joint Ministerial Gazette for the State of Brandenburg, Volume 12, Number 51, December 19, 2001, p. 879 PDF .
  8. Incorporation of the Wulkow community near Boossen into the city of Lebus. Communication from the Ministry of the Interior of November 30, 2001. Official Journal for Brandenburg - Joint Ministerial Gazette for the State of Brandenburg, Volume 12, Number 51, December 19, 2001, p. 879 PDF .
  9. ^ Historical municipality register of the state of Brandenburg 1875 to 2005. Landkreis Märkisch-Oderland . Pp. 16-17.
  10. Population in the state of Brandenburg from 1991 to 2017 according to independent cities, districts and municipalities , Table 7
  11. ^ Office for Statistics Berlin-Brandenburg (Ed.): Statistical report AI 7, A II 3, A III 3. Population development and population status in the state of Brandenburg (respective editions of the month of December)
  12. Timetable of the Lubusz administrative directors on www.thate.info
  13. Office celebrates its birthday with a large morning pint. In: Märkische Oderzeitung , September 6, 2012
  14. ^ Friedemann re-elected as official director . In: Märkische Oderzeitung , September 21, 2011
  15. New election: Mike Bartsch is the new Lebuser official director in: Märkische Oderzeitung , October 31, 2019.