Andrei Petrovich Minakov

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Andrei Petrovich Minakov ( Russian Андрей Петрович Минаков ; born January 31 . Jul / 12. February  1893 greg. In Moscow ; † 26. March 1954 ) was a Russian physicist and university teacher .


Minakov's father was the well-known forensic doctor Pyotr Andrejewitsch Minakow , who left the Moscow University (MGU) with many other professors in protest in 1911 when the new education minister Léon Casso intervened in the MGU's autonomy rights regarding the appointment of professors ( Casso affair ). In 1904 Minakov entered the private Schelaputin high school in Moscow, which he left with a gold medal in 1911, like his older brother Sergei before. He then went to Paris with his brother, who had started studying at the MGU and left the MGU with his father , where her aunt Glafira Estel lived. At the University of Paris he attended lectures on physics , chemistry , zoology and botany and attended the Pierre Curies laboratory while his brother studied mathematics . In January 1912, Minakov returned to Moscow for a necessary middle ear operation . In the fall of 1912, he entered the technical department of the Moscow Trade Institute . He worked in the institute's physical laboratory and, together with A. Tal, wrote his first scientific work on the shape of the interference maxima in X-rays . During the First World War he headed the X-ray cabinet of the 1st Red Cross Hospital in Kiev . His brother Sergei was drafted in the first days of the mobilization and fell on September 11, 1914 in East Prussia between Goldap and Darkehmen .

In 1917 Minakov began studying at the MGU, to which his father had returned after the February 1917 Revolution . Studies continued after the October Revolution under the conditions of the Russian Civil War . Minakov's teachers were Nikolai Jegorowitsch Schukowski , Dmitri Fjodorowitsch Jegorow , Nikolai Nikolajewitsch Lusin , Leonid Kuzmitsch Lachtin and especially Sergei Alexejewitsch Tschaplygin , for whom he wrote his thesis on the oscillations of a pendulum with a moving suspension point. After completing his studies in January 1922, Minakov was a research associate at MGU. In 1923 he taught mechanics with others . In the same year he was invited to teach mechanics at the Moscow Textile Institute with Leonid Samuilowitsch Leibenson , whereupon Minakow headed the chair for theoretical mechanics there . 1926–1927 he took part in the work of the commission for the publication of the work of Nikolai Jegorowitsch Zhukowski at the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (ZAGI) and took over the editing of 6 works by Schukowski on problems of fluid mechanics . In 1930 he received his doctorate as a candidate in technical sciences , and in 1935 he was appointed professor of theoretical mechanics.

In 1939 Minakow became professor for theoretical mechanics at the military academy for engineers of the air force "Prof. NJ Schukowski ” (until 1941). In 1941 he defended his doctoral thesis on the basics of thread mechanics . During the German-Soviet War he carried out studies on military issues. Together with Chalil Akhmedovich Rachmatulin , he examined the impact against a flexible thread with a view to blocking balloons in front of Moscow. He determined the load on tank tracks during the U-turn.

From 1942 until his death Minakow was professor of the chair for theoretical mechanics of the physics and mathematics faculty of the MGU. The MGU was evacuated , but Minakov stayed in Moscow and continued teaching despite adverse circumstances and the lack of heating, as Dmitri Evgenyevich Ochozimski recalled. His teaching talent was praised and his acting skills were reputed. He was well acquainted with Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky . Activities in the Moscow art theater were discussed, as Boris Abramowitsch Rosenfeld also recalled.

Minakov's last few years were made difficult by his heart disease . Nevertheless, he continued his teaching. He died of sudden heart failure.


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Individual evidence

  1. AA Kosmodemjanski : Андрей Петрович Минаков . Из-во ВВИА им. Н. Е. Жуковского, Moscow 1963.
  2. a b c d e f g В. А. Борисов: МИНАКОВ, Андрей Петрович . In: Химические волокна . No. 6 , 2008, p. 60-61 .
  3. a b c d e f MGU: Минаков Андрей Петрович (accessed April 1, 2019).
  4. Товарищество А.И. Абрикосова Сыновей (accessed March 31, 2019).
  5. Каталог РНБ (accessed April 1, 2019).
  6. Воспоминания Д. Е. Охоцимского (accessed March 31, 2019).
  7. Лишевский В. П .: Педагогическое мастерство ученого (accessed April 1, 2019).