Angela Schönberger

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Angela Schönberger (born February 17, 1945 in Kaufbeuren ) is a German art historian specializing in design, fashion, applied arts and architecture.

Live and act

Angela Schönberger studied art history, archeology and psychology at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich and at the Free University of Berlin from 1966 to 1978 . As the daughter of the art historian Arno Schönberger (1915–1993), she was confronted with historical issues at an early age. As part of her research on the New Reich Chancellery and architecture in the Third Reich, she had personal conversations with Albert Speer in Heidelberg between 1971 and 1979 . She did her PhD in 1978 under Professor Dr. Tilmann Buddensieg at the Free University of Berlin with Albert Speer's New Reich Chancellery in Berlin. On the connection between National Socialist ideology and architecture (published 1981). From 1979 to 1982 she was a scientific museum assistant in advanced training at the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (picture gallery, arts and crafts museum and copper engraving cabinet). In 1982 she got a teaching position at the Archaeological Institute of the Free University of Berlin on the subject of fascism and the reception of antiquities .

From 1985 to 2001 she was managing director and member of the board of the International Design Center Berlin . As the technical director of the International Design Center Berlin eV, her area of ​​responsibility included the scientific conception and implementation of exhibitions in Berlin, Germany and abroad, of international congresses and symposiums, of advanced training events and seminars, workshops and design projects, including jury activities and committee work in Design institutions and companies at home and abroad. After the fall of the wall and reunification , one focus of her work was structural change and the creation of new products in the new federal states. Integrated design projects with art colleges and universities in East and West Germany were an important focus of the work of the International Design Center.

Lectures and conferences promote direct exchange within the sciences. They became a specialty of Angela Schönberger. As early as 1977, together with Berthold Hinz , Hans-Ernst Mittig and Wolfgang Schächen, she developed the conception and organization of the conference of the Ulmer Verein - Association for Art and Cultural Studies on Fascism, Art and Visual Media . In 1986, for example, on the occasion of the opening of the Berlin 1900–1933 exhibition , Architecture and Design , the IDZ Berlin, together with the Cooper Hewitt Museum New York , invited to a German-American expert symposium in New York with well-known designers such as Dieter Rams and architects such as Hans Kollhoff , Christoph Langhof , Josef P. Kleihues , Oswald Mathias Ungers , as well as design-oriented entrepreneurs, press representatives and university lecturers. A contemporary example of Schönberger's lecture activities is his participation in the symposium Approaching Caesar Pinnau (1906–1988). To name the person and work in a critical analysis in the Altona Museum, Hamburg Historical Museums Foundation in cooperation with the Chamber of Architects .

From 2001 to 2010 she was director of the Kunstgewerbemuseum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz . Two thematic complexes stand for her time as director: Schloss Köpenick and the development of the new collection focus on fashion. In May 2004, after a ten-year renovation and renovation phase, Köpenick Castle reopened as a branch of the Museum of Applied Arts. The baroque palace complex forms the framework for the presentation of works of spatial art from the Renaissance , Baroque and Rococo periods . Schönberger developed the museum presentation for the historical exhibits in collaboration with the exhibition designer and set designer Hans Dieter Schaal . When the Kamer / Ruf fashion collection with around 1,600 pieces of costumes was offered to the museum in 2001, which documents the development of fashion from the 18th century to the 1980s, Schönberger advocated the purchase of this important collection, which in 2003 with the support of the Kulturstiftung der Länder as well as funds from the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation . Two years later, in 2005, the collection of the Berlin fashion designer Uli Richter (661 dresses and a large number of accessories) came into the collection of the Kunstgewerbemuseum. The purchase was presented to the public in 2007 with the exhibition Uli Richter, a Berlin fashion story .

In 2010 Angela Schönberger retired. Since then she has been working as a freelance writer / curator on topics from the history of design and architecture. In 2012 she worked as a scientific advisor and interview partner for the television documentary Hitler's Reich Chancellery , which was produced in the series Mysterious Places for rbb / ARD .

Design history projects and exhibitions (selection)

The exhibitions and projects were designed and organized under Angela Schönberger's responsibility in dialogue with the employees and clients.

  • 1983 Product, form, history - 150 years of German design , IDZ Berlin, exhibition for the Institute for Foreign Relations Stuttgart
  • 1986 Otto Rudolf Salvisberg . The other modern age (1882–1940), exhibition of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture Switzerland (1985), IDZ Berlin
  • 1985 Product, form, history - 150 years of German design , exhibition on the exhibition grounds at the radio tower in Berlin, also in China, Brazil, Australia and Canada in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut
  • 1986 Berlin 1900–1933, Architecture and Design , exhibition project with Prof. Dr. Tilmann Buddensieg and Prof. Dr. Fritz Neumeyer for the Cooper Hewitt Museum in New York
  • 1985 Style change - what is it? , Conception Bazon Brock , on style change as a cultural technique in the areas of design, fashion, architecture, advertising and pop culture, IDZ Berlin (forum congress)
  • 1986 Design of the future - how does it look in our minds? , Concept by Lucius Burckhardt on architecture, design, technology and questions of ecology, IDZ Berlin (forum congress)
  • 1987 Simulation and Reality , on Artificial Intelligence , Robot Technology, Computer Film and Animation, Model Simulation as a Process for Architectural Representation, Concept A. Schönberger, IDZ Berlin (Forum Congress)
  • 1988 Shaping energies? Future research for design and architecture ( chaos theory , energy-saving street and square designs, energy-friendly architecture), IDZ Berlin (forum congress)
  • 1990 Raymond Loewy - pioneer of American industrial design , Akademie der Künste Berlin, with further walking stations in the Center Georges Pompidou Paris, City Museum Munich, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Design Museum London
  • between 1987 and 1989 Berlinerwege - product and design from Berlin with hiking stations in Zurich, Stockholm, Barcelona, ​​East Berlin and Warsaw
  • 1991 Plastics - Progress or Doom? , IDZ Berlin (Forum Congress)
  • 1993 New countries New ways - product and design of an economic region in transition , traveling exhibition at the trade fairs in Hanover and Frankfurt am Main, in Potsdam, Erfurt, Schwerin, Dresden, Magdeburg, as well as in Rotterdam, Chicago, San Francisco, New York and Toronto
  • 1993 Olympia Express - an integrated transport concept for Berlin IDZ university project with creative impulses for local public transport
  • 1994 Growth impulses for the new federal states , IDZ Berlin
  • 1996 Corporate Design - Visualized Corporate Culture, IDZ Berlin
  • 1997 Airports - drafts for an airport Berlin Brandenburg International IDZ university project under the technical coordination of the architect Meinhard von Gerkan , first suggestions for the conception of the new airport Berlin Brandenburg (see publication)
  • 1998 Under Construction - New Media, New Markets, New Design , IDZ Berlin
  • 2000 Fascination with the brand - new challenges in brand design & brand maintenance in the digital age , IDZ Berlin
  • 2005 fashion catwalk. The Kamer / Ruf Collection , Berlin Museum of Decorative Arts
  • 2006 In terms of: c.neeon fashion from Berlin - a young Berlin label, Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin

Publications (selection)

  • Albert Speer's new Reich Chancellery. On the connection between National Socialist ideology and architecture. Gebr. Mann, Berlin 1981, ISBN 3-7861-1263-0 (dissertation).


  • The decoration of violence, art and media in fascism , ed. with Bert Hinz, Hans Mittig, Wolfgang Schächen, Gießen 1979, ISBN 3-87038-058-6 .
  • Simulation and Reality: Design , Architecture , Film , Natural Sciences , Ecology , Economics , Psychology , ed. with Internationales Design Zentrum Berlin, Cologne 1988, ISBN 3-7701-2304-2 .
  • Raymond Loewy, pioneer of American industrial design , Munich 1990, ISBN 3-7913-1048-8 . Raymond Loewy, Pioneer of American Industrial Design , New York, London 1990, ISBN 3-7913-1066-6 . Raymond Loewy, un pionnier du design américain , Paris 1990, ISBN 2-85850-552-7 .
  • New countries - new ways. Product and design of an economic region in transition , Berlin 1993, ISBN 3-433-02421-9 .
  • IDZ university project Olympia Express, an integrated transport concept for Berlin, Berlin 1993, ISBN 3-433-02438-3 .
  • The East German Take-Off. Economy and Design in Transition , Berlin 1994, ISBN 3-433-02475-8 .
  • Design in Portrait New Federal States and Berlin , ed. with International Design Center Berlin, Berlin 1994
  • Design Initiative Sanssouci , German Design Conference '94, growth impulses for the new federal states, Berlin 1994
  • Design Initiative Sanssouci , German Design Conference '96, Corporate Design, Visualized Corporate Culture, Berlin 1996
  • Trailblazer - Innovations from Berlin and Brandenburg , Berlin 1997, ISBN 3-433-01552-X .
  • Airports - IDZ university project - drafts for an airport Berlin Brandenburg International , Berlin 1997, ISBN 3-433-01635-6 .
  • Fascination Brands , New Challenges in Brand Design & Brand Maintenance in the Digital Age, ed. with Rudolf Stilcken, Neuwied and Kriftel 2001, ISBN 3-472-04899-9 .
  • Decorative Arts Museum in Köpenick Castle. Works of spatial art from the Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo , ed. with Lothar Lambacher, Munich 2004, ISBN 3-7913-3137-X .

Scientific contributions (selection)

  • The New Reich Chancellery in Berlin by Albert Speer , in: Decoration of violence. Art and Media in Fascism, ed. von Hinz, Mittig, Schächen, Schönberger, Gießen 1979, pp. 163–172, ISBN 3-87038-058-6 ; in: Political Architecture in Europe from the Middle Ages to Today - Representation and Community, ed. by Martin Warnke, Cologne 1984, pp. 247-266, ISBN 3-7701-1532-5 .
  • Catalog texts on Max Beckmann, Hans Bellmer, Pierre Bonnard, Constantin Brancusi, Lovis Corinth, Gustave Courbet, Fernand Léger, in: Exhibition catalog: Images of People in the Art of the West, Berlin 1980, pp. 170, 171, 192, 348, 350 , 351, ISBN 3-7861-1270-3 .
  • The New Reich Chancellery - Architecture, Technology and Media in National Socialism , in: The Useful Arts, ed. by Tilmann Buddensieg and Henning Rogge, Berlin 1981, pp. 327–331 ISBN 3-88679-001-0 .
  • Otto Rudolf Salvisberg in the cultural climate of Berlin , in: Otto Rudolf Salvisberg (1892–1949) - Die Andere Moderne, Zurich 1985, pp. 124–127, ISBN 3-85676-025-3 .
  • Texts from Biedermeier to functionalism, in: Product, Form, History - 150 Years of German Design, ed. by Heinz Fuchs, Francois Burkhardt, exhibition of the Institute for Foreign Relations Stuttgart, Berlin 1985, pp. 108–334, ISBN 3-496-01052-5 (In different languages: Chinese edition 1985, English edition 1986, Portuguese edition 1988, Spanish edition 1988).
  • The state buildings of the Millennial Empire as preprogrammed ruins? On Albert Speer's ruin value theory , in: IDEA works. Theories. Documents Yearbook of the Hamburger Kunsthalle VI 1987, ed. by Werner Hoffman and Martin Warnke, Hamburg 1987, pp. 97-107, ISBN 3-7913-0844-0 .
  • It is a pleasure to live, the spirits move ... , in: Berlin 1900–1933 Architecture and Design, Architektur und Design, ed. by Tilmann Buddensieg, with contributions by Tilmann Buddensieg, Fritz Neumeyer, Angela Schönberger, Michael Esser, New York, Berlin, pp. 85–123, LC Number 87–6766, ISBN 0-910503-55-9 .
  • A propos de l'exposition Les Avant-Gardes du Mobilier: Berlin , in: Berlin - Les Avant-Gardes du Mobilier, exhibition catalog ed. by Center G. Pompidou, Paris 1988, pp. 12-16.
  • Reverence to Persius. The Seideler art'otel in Potsdam , in: Architektur in Berlin, yearbook 1996, ed. von Architektenkammer Berlin, pp. 116–119, ISBN 3-88506-262-3 .
  • A commercial building on the Roseneck and over the roofs of Berlin , in: Architektur in Berlin, Yearbook 1992, ed. von Architektenkammer Berlin, Hamburg 1992, pp. 166–169 and pp. 174–175, ISBN 3-88506-205-4 .
  • An audiovisual sales workshop. The conversion of the Wiesenhavern store at Kurfürstendamm 37 , in: Architektur in Berlin, yearbook 1993/94, ed. from the Berlin Chamber of Architects, Hamburg 1994, pp. 120–123, ISBN 3-88506-230-5 .
  • Under the linden trees. New furniture for Berlin's parlor , in: Architektur in Berlin, Jahrbuch 2000, ed. von Architektenkammer Berlin, Hamburg 2000, pp. 152–153, ISBN 3-88506-292-5 .
  • Germany's design centers and their economic and cultural significance , in: Szenewechsel German Design goes Rocky Mountain High, ed. from the Design Center Munich, Hans Wetcke (International Design Conference in Aspen IDCA 1996), Frankfurt a. M. 1997, pp. 128-131, ISBN 3-931317-37-4 .
  • Happiness, Passion and Responsibility - The Museum of Decorative Arts and its Collectors , in: The Gift of Art - The State Museums and Their Collectors, Berlin and Wolfratshausen 2005, pp. 48–55, ISBN 3-938832-04-5 .
  • “Presentation of works of spatial art from the Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo in the reopened Köpenick Castle”, in: Yearbook Prussian Cultural Heritage , Volume XL 2003, ed. by Klaus-Dieter Lehmann, Gebr. Mann, Berlin 2004, pp. 263-275, ISBN 3-7861-2500-7 .
  • The fashion collection Kamer / Ruf , in: Jahrbuch Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Volume XLII, ed. by Klaus-Dieter Lehmann, Berlin 2006, pp. 343-354, ISBN 978-3-7861-2581-5 .
  • The state buildings of the “millennial empire” as a ruin projection? On Albert Speer's "Ruin Value Theory" , in: Thinking in Pictures. 31 positions on art, museums and science, ed. by Günther Schauerte and Moritz Wullen, Berlin and Ostfildern 2008, pp. 168–175, ISBN 978-3-7757-2324-4 .
  • Caesar Pinnau in the Speer planning staff in: Caesar Pinnau. On the work of a controversial architect, ed. by Hans-Jörg Czech, Vanessa Hirsch, Ullrich Schwarz, Hamburg 2016, pp. 88–101, ISBN 978-3-86218-089-9 .

Awards and memberships

  • 2007 Awarded the Golden Nose , honorary award for creative, exemplary work in the fashion department. (The Golden Nose is the Berlin fashion journalists' prize, which was awarded annually (1976-2016) to the personality who had shown the best nose in fashion that year . A personality was chosen who was either through creative work in the fashion city stood out or had emerged through services to the fashion city of Berlin.)
  • Angela Schönberger is a member of the advisory board of the Bröhan-Museum , a member of the board of the Mart Stam Society, a support association of the Berlin-Weißensee School of Art , a member of the commission for the award of the Elsa Neumann scholarships of the State of Berlin according to the Young Talent Promotion Act (NaFöG) and a member of the Lucky jury Strike Designer Awards , Hamburg.
  • Personal memberships: Deutscher Werkbund Berlin eV; Julius Lessing Society, Association of Friends of the Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin eV; IDZ Berlin eV; Art Association KunstHaus Potsdam eV

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Workshop of the Ulm Association of Fascism - Art and Visual Media
  2. Collection Kamer / Ruf
  3. Television documentary Hitler's Reich Chancellery , series Mysterious Places, rbb / ARD
  4. "The Golden Nose" for Angela Schönberger
  5. Mart Stam Gesellschaft, Förderverein der Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee ( Memento of the original from November 5, 2018 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  6. ^ Elsa Neumann scholarship from the State of Berlin
  7. ^ Association of Friends of the Kunstgewerbemuseum - Julius Lessing Society e. V.
  8. Internationales Design Zentrum Berlin e. V.
  9. ^ Art Association KunstHaus Potsdam eV