Anina Mountains

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Anina Mountains
The Banat Mountains with the Anina Mountains

The Banat Mountains with the Anina Mountains

Anina-Oravița mountain railway

Anina-Oravița mountain railway

Highest peak Leordiș ( 1160  m )
location Romania
Part of the Western Romanian Carpathians Carpathians
Coordinates 45 ° 5 '  N , 21 ° 51'  E Coordinates: 45 ° 5 '  N , 21 ° 51'  E
Type Karst Mountains
rock limestone
surface 770 km²
particularities Clammy , canyons , limestone caves , waterfalls

The Anina Mountains ( Romanian Munții Aninei ) is a low mountain range in the south of the Banat . It is located in the south-west of Romania and is part of the Banat Mountains . The Anina Mountains reach heights of up to 1,160 meters and form the southern section of the Western Romanian Carpathians . As a limestone mountain range , it has a typical karst landscape with numerous gorges , caves , karst lakes and waterfalls .


The Anina Mountains with their highest peak, Leordiș, extend over an area of ​​770 square kilometers, of which 600 square kilometers are limestone. It is the second largest karst area in Romania after the Bihor in the Apuseni Mountains . In the Anina Mountains alone, over 1,200 caves have been documented according to the “Exploratorii” cave exploration association in Reșița. Sinkholes of all sizes and dimensions can be found on the plateaus as well as a good half dozen distinctive gorge cuts . The omnipresent limestone is mandatory for a karst mountain range. Due to the water solubility of this type of rock, one can find splendid sintering in the streams and gorges in the Anina Mountains .


The main rivers in the Anina Mountains are the Bârzava, Caraș and Nera:

  • The Bârzava rises in the Semenic Mountains and crosses the Anina Mountains in the north. Its main tributaries are the Văliug , Crainic , Râul Alb , Secu , Valea Mare and Doman rivers .
  • The Caraş rises in the Anina Mountains at the point that bears the name "Izvoarele Caraşului" ( German  Karasch sources ). Along its course through the limestone mountains it forms the "Cheile-Carașului" ( German  Karasch gorge ). Its main tributaries are the Lișava , Jitin , Gârliștea , Buhui and Lupac rivers .
  • The Nera flows through the southern part of the Anina Mountains and forms the "Cheile Nerei" ( German  Nera Gorge ) on its way through the limestone . The main tributaries of the Nera here are the Valea Rea and Beu rivers .

natural reserve

Beuşnița waterfall
The nera
Bridge of the Anina-Oravița mountain railway
Anina-Oravița mountain railway

The karst landscape is largely under nature protection. Several nature reserves have been designated in the Anina Mountains : Rezervația Beușnița , Rezervația Cheile Nerei , Rezervația Cheile Carașului .


More than 1,200 caves have been documented by the speleologists "Exploratorii" in Reși alleina in the Anina Mountains alone. Some of the stalactite caves have been converted into show caves , others have great scientific value and are not accessible to tourists. The best known include:

  • Peştera Liliecilor ( German  Bat Cave) is a stalactite cave in the Caraş Gorge of the Anina Mountains in the Banat Uplands.
  • Peştera Comarnic ( German  Comarnic cave ) is a stalactite cave with a length of 6 kilometers, the longest cave in the Banat.
  • Peştera de sub Cetate ( German  cave under the fortress )
  • Peştera Popovăț ( German  Popovăț Cave ) has a length of 1,121 meters and is located along the Caraş Gorge in the Anina Mountains.
  • Peștera Tolosu ( German  Tolosu Cave )
  • Grota Buhui ( German  Buhui Grotto )


The rivers of the Anina Mountains form countless gorges and gorges as they run through the limestone mountains. The most well-known are:

  • Cheile Carașului (19 km) ( German  Karasch Gorge )
  • Cheile Nerei (18 km) ( German  Nera Gorge )
  • Cheile Minișului (14 km) ( German  Minisch Gorge )
  • Cheile Gârliştei (9 km) ( German  Gârlişte gorge )
  • Cheile Buhuiului (8 km) ( German  Buhui Gorge )

The Nera Gorge is the largest and most imposing gorge in the Anina Mountains. It limits the Anina Mountains to the Locva Mountains .

Lakes and waterfalls

On their way through the karst landscape, the rivers form numerous karst lakes and waterfalls:

  • Lacul Dracului ( German  Devil's Lake ) is a cave lake that is fed by the Nera underground and was created by the collapse of a grotto.
  • Ochiul Beiului ( German  sea ​​eye ) is an underground lake with an area of ​​284 square meters and a depth of 3.6 meters.
  • Cascadele Beuşnița ( German  Beuşnişa waterfalls ) with a drop height of five meters are unique in Romania.
  • Lacul Buhui ( German  Buhui-See ) is the only limestone reservoir in Romania, which was built in the years 1908-1909.
  • Lacul Mărghitaș ( German  Mărghitaș-See ) was the first reservoir in Romania, which was built in 1940 for tourist purposes.


Mining in the Anina Mountains
Reșița industrial center

In addition to wood processing , cattle breeding and agriculture , the Anina Mountains had economic importance for centuries, mainly in mining in Anina and in the steel industry in Reșița .

Tourism is increasingly developing into a new industry. For this purpose, the infrastructure was improved, modern access roads and accommodation options were created, but also designated tourist routes were created.

Flora and fauna

The vegetation consists mainly of mixed forests . Beech , spruce and fir trees predominate, but oak , hornbeam , maple , elm and ash can also be found. In the Beusnița beech forests one can find rare species: the tree hazel ( Corylus colurna ), the common lilac ( Syringa vulgaris ), the wig bush ( Cotinus coggygria ) or the manna ash ( Fraxinus ornus ).

Numerous animals such as wolf , wild boar , fox , deer , rabbit , squirrel or salamander , but also horned viper and trout live in the mountain streams in the vast forests of the Anina Mountains . Fossil remains of extinct animals such as the cave bear and the cave hyena have been found in some caves .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b , Through the gorges of the Anina Mountains
  2. a b c d e , Muntii Aninei - Carpatii Occidentali