Anton Alexandrovich oak forest

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Anton Aleksandrovich Eichenwald ( Russian Антон Александрович Эйхенвальд ; born May 1 . Jul / 13. May  1875 greg. In Moscow , † 1952 in Leningrad ) was a Russian composer , conductor and ethnographer .


Eichenwald's father, Alexander Fyodorowitsch Eichenwald, was a photographer with a studio in Moscow's Petrowski Passage, who aimed at artistic photography . The mother Ida Ivanovna Eichenwald, born Papendick, was a harpist and professor at the Moscow Conservatory . Eichenwald attended high school and studied at the Moscow Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture .

Eichenwald received his first music lessons from his mother. He then studied harmony with Nikolai Semjonowitsch Klenowski , counterpoint with Sergei Iwanowitsch Taneyev and instrumentation with Nikolai Andrejewitsch Rimski-Korsakow . In 1892 he became a teacher in Klenowski's music classes. In 1893 he became choirmaster at the Kazan Opera . With the orientalist and linguist Nikolai Fyodorowitsch Katanow he took part in ethnographic expeditions. 1894–1895 he was choirmaster at the Saratov Opera . As a conductor and head of an opera troupe he was in Nizhny Novgorod (1901–1903, 1910), Kazan (1907–1909), Tbilisi (1910), Baku (1910, 1911), Saratov and other places. In 1913 his ballet Jolotschka or Winter was performed in Odessa .

From 1917, the year of the February and October revolutions , Eichenwald worked in Krasnoyarsk at the People's Conservatory and Theater . In 1922 he became a research assistant at the State Institute for Folk Music . He then gave guest appearances as an opera and symphony concert conductor in France and Belgium (1924–1926) and in Switzerland (1927–1928). His ballet pantomime Feuervogel premiered in Paris in 1925 .

Eichenwald taught at music academies in Kazan, Tbilisi, Kharkov , Odessa, Perm , Saratov, Ufa , Kuibyshev , Ashgabat and other places. His opera The Steppe was performed in Samara in 1928. He collected examples of Bashkir and Tatar music and recorded more than 60 folk songs with the phonograph . In the early 1930s, the People's Commissariat for Education of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic called him to Ufa. There he was involved in founding the Bashkir State Opera. 1931-1937 he was a research assistant at the Turkmen Research Institute in Ashgabat. In 1934 he created a cantata for the tenth anniversary of the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic . In 1937 he became head of the Kazan Cabinet for Music Folklore . Then he was declared an enemy of the people and lost his office in 1938.

Eichenwald created the heroic opera Mergen (1940, Ufa, based on the libretto by Muchametscha Abdrachmanowitsch Burangulow ) and the dramatic opera Aschkadar (1944, Ufa). His musical comedy Tabatschny Kapitan was written in 1942 . In 1944 Eichenwald became chairman of the Kuibyshev Department of the Union of Soviet Composers of the USSR . In 1944 he wrote the cantata for the 25th anniversary of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1944 he was honored as an Honored Artist and in 1945 as a People's Artist of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1946 he created the opera Sonnenstein based on a story by Gabdulla Tukai . In 1947 his ballet Vssadniki was created . 1948–1949 he was the principal conductor of the Kuibyshev Opera and Ballet Theater. In 2003 he was rehabilitated.

Eichenwald had three siblings. Alexander was a physicist , Margarita was a soprano , and Nadezhda was a harpist and singer .

Individual evidence

  1. Славный юбилей (К 75-летию А. А. Эйхенвальда) . In: Советская музыка . No. 7 , 1950.
  2. a b c d e f g h ЭЙХЕНВАЛЬД Антон Александрович . In: Башкирская энциклопедия . ГАУН "Башкирская энциклопедия", Ufa 2015, ISBN 978-5-88185-306-8 ( башкирская-энциклопедия.рф [accessed November 19, 2018]).
  3. a b Российская Еврейская энциклопедия: ЭЙХЕНВАЛЬД Антон Александрович (accessed November 19, 2018).
  4. Александр Федорович Эйхенвальд (accessed November 17, 2018).
  5. European instrumentalists of the 18th and 19th centuries: Eichenwald, Eichenwald-Papendiek, Papendick-Eichenwald, Ida Iwanowna Ivanovna (accessed on November 14, 2018).
  6. Favia-Artsay, Aida: Margaret Oak Forest: A Remembrance of the Bolshoi's Unforgettable Snegurochka . In: The Opera Quarterly . tape 8 , no. 4 , 1991, pp. 65 ( [PDF; accessed November 17, 2018]).